right.... come on..... lets get down to business here!!!!
how much can i expect to pay for a top class horse....??
what i am talking about here is something that looks a little out of the ordinary,
i have been looking at all your american web sites, and some of these coloured horses are just fabulous looking, i especially like he ones with the araby looking faces... there doesnt seem to be the likes of that here!!!........ i have a lovely 50% american colt, who i think is smashing... ok, he's still a baby, and looks like one, but in a while i'm hoping he'll be spectacular.........but i'd love to buy another mare, and want something special...........so far my most expensive buy has been 1000 euros.......how much am i going to spend to get something fabulous???
i know what some of you are going to say!!!!! it shouldnt matter about the money, its if they are what i want...........( and i dont expect you to tell me how much you payed) yeh, i know all that, and i have two lovely mares...... who i adore, but i'd like something that other people look at and say wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how much can i expect to pay for a top class horse....??
what i am talking about here is something that looks a little out of the ordinary,
i have been looking at all your american web sites, and some of these coloured horses are just fabulous looking, i especially like he ones with the araby looking faces... there doesnt seem to be the likes of that here!!!........ i have a lovely 50% american colt, who i think is smashing... ok, he's still a baby, and looks like one, but in a while i'm hoping he'll be spectacular.........but i'd love to buy another mare, and want something special...........so far my most expensive buy has been 1000 euros.......how much am i going to spend to get something fabulous???
i know what some of you are going to say!!!!! it shouldnt matter about the money, its if they are what i want...........( and i dont expect you to tell me how much you payed) yeh, i know all that, and i have two lovely mares...... who i adore, but i'd like something that other people look at and say wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!