I hope I don't regret this....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2004
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St.Marys, Ontario
Have you done that? Sold a horse and TOTALLY regretted it???

I've done it once....and never really forgiven myself for letting him go. Though I know he is happy and healthy and doing MUCH more than he would have here, he was a special little guy.

Well I had a guy buy my 2 babies from this year. Never quibbled on price, so I made him a deal that he could take my yearling (that I told was NOT for sale) as company for the first one, since the second one wouldn't be ready to go for a few months. The few months are up and Daven is weaned and ready to go to his new home. I called them up, left a message and got a phone call yesterday. They wanted to know if I would sell the yearling to them too. I said she wasn't for sale....they said they'd take the colt AND they'd like to buy the yearling...I'm always in a crunch money wise at this time of year....Christmas, all my memberships to renew....plus all the registry work that needs to be done (both dogs & horses this year).....so I thought about it for a bit while we were talking about dogs (I tried to sell him a puppy instead of the yearling
)...told him a price and he didn't hesitate....

I'm dropping Daven off there today (as long as the weather stays decent), so I'll be able to see Stella again...and I go by their place frequently.....I just hope 2 or 3 years down the road that I don't regret selling her....it was bugging me all last night....

It is so hard to have to let your babies go. That is the hardest thing for my hubby cause he says he cries inside when we sell one of them. He is the one that will sit in the barn even in cold weather and LOVE all over the babies (they fight to sit in his lap) The good thing is everyone that we have sold to stays in contact and sends us pics.
I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time over this.

I personally have never really regretted selling a horse, but I take a LOT of time and thought before offering any of my horses for sale, so I am prepared emotionally to let them go. When someone wants a horse that I don't have on my sales list, I generally know immediately if it's a flat-out "no" or if I could consider it.

It sounds to me like you know that this is a good home, and you got a decent price, so it may be something that you can live with. If you can't, then quick change your mind before money changes hands or anything is signed!
You are right Magic....I KNOW it is a good home, and yes I did get a decent price for her (though now I think I should have asked more :DOH! maybe he wouldn't have wanted to pay that much
). AND I do still have the mare & stallion, so I can try again. There is just something special about that cross....BUT I have had 5 from that same cross....and there were just the 2 that have something special about them. This filly wasn't nearly as hard to part with as her brother was when I sold him, BUT she was a very close second. I am also going to tell these people that if for ANY reason they have to sell them, I want first dibs on her....I think they will do that for me. It was too stormy to try to trailer Daven over today, so hopefully tomorrow will clear up some....

I am also going to tell these people that if for ANY reason they have to sell them, I want first dibs on her...I think they will do that for me. ~kathryn

Excellent idea!
At least they are close by too, so you can check on her if you feel the need to. Though sometimes that makes you miss them more... but at least you know for sure how they are doing.
I had someone tell me tonight....that letting go of something special to you opens things up for a big surprise. I thought that was a nice thought....so I'll keep thinking that way.....

Yes, but it was mostly because the horses were stolen from their owner about four months after I sold them.

I still regret that just because the mare was so sweet, she didn't deserve to be stripped of her identity and who knows what happened to her, her weanling colt as well as the foal she was pregnant with at the time.


Other than that, making mistakes in sales is hard to second-guess sometimes. It happened again when the new owner neglected the colt I sold them. Luckily I got him back so I didn't have too much time to regret it. I did feel badly like I'd failed him, though.

At least they are close where you can be in touch with them. That does help. Maybe they'd be willing to sell her back to you if something happens down the road. I've heard similar stories....

I hope you will not regret it. I've only sold seven horses to date, but will sell more in the time to come. I've never sold a horse w/o knowing I was truly ready to do so (lost of thought into it before offered and lots of talk with the purchaser before it was a done deal).
Yes, but it was mostly because the horses were stolen from their owner about four months after I sold them.

I still regret that just because the mare was so sweet, she didn't deserve to be stripped of her identity and who knows what happened to her, her weanling colt as well as the foal she was pregnant with at the time.


Other than that, making mistakes in sales is hard to second-guess sometimes. It happened again when the new owner neglected the colt I sold them. Luckily I got him back so I didn't have too much time to regret it. I did feel badly like I'd failed him, though.

At least they are close where you can be in touch with them. That does help. Maybe they'd be willing to sell her back to you if something happens down the road. I've heard similar stories....


Liz that still makes me cry. I remember Sassy and Star so well! I still have their photos. Stars photo was from his first show, and can't help but think of him every time I see an appy. Just today I saw a mare that looked so like Sassy that I thought was her and looked twice just because of the photo.

The baby... to never know what it looked like or even if it was a girl or boy is a great heartach. I just know it had Sassy sweet nature. Sorry to go on. I was surprised when I saw this post as I was just thinking about them this morning.
That's a HARD call...... I have one horse I REGRET selling. She was a 1/2 Fresian & 1/2 Thoroughbred filly I bought from a friend of mine and got her at 2 months of age. THis filly was WOW! SHe could do things with her body that I've NEVER seen a horse do when she'd play and be silly! So athletic. She'd of made the nicest dressage horse! ANd she was going to be big. But a year later was going threw my divorce and really needed to cut down to just one horse and had my big quarter gelding I raised as a baby and he was coming 3 and ready to be started for dressage...... It was SUCH a hard decision. The lady was nice but I knew it was not the perfect home... but sold her for ALLOT of money ($8500)..... and she was just coming 2 and not even registered! But I needed the money......

If I could of done that over I would of kept her and sold my quarter gelding! She was SUCH a neat horse!

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