Anytime that Snopes is held up as a paragon of fact I become concerned.
Carriage - Snopes is one of the better balances and fact-checkers out there on a wide variety of topics - and if you don't like what they say based on what they have researched, the links are ALWAYS provided so you can check things out for yourself. I become concerned when people dismiss such sources simply becuase they do not like what that source says - ergo, it must be "wrong" even if their facts are backed up. It is that type of lofty dismissal that concerns me, to be honest. God forbid ANYONE points out the fallacies and fraud that 99% of all viral emails are composed of - no matter what they are about. We can't have that type of nonsense going on, can we!
They must all be true!!!! Only.... not. Is it better to embrace those emails - or seek the facts?
ALL the decent factchecker sites provide links to back up what they say (and not just to supporting blogs/opinion pieces) - even which does lean left. Even so, they go after Obama and the Democrats. Snopes and Politifact do not lean ANY direction. As was noted above, Politifact skewers or praises everyone and everything - regardess of political affiliation.
Now look at what he has, and has not done, since elected.
Yep - actually LOOK at it. Politifacts has everything listed meticulously and examined closely. Promises kept. Promises ignored. Things in the works. Lies. Gaffes. Pants on fire lies. Everything. And not just for Obama.
It is all there in black and white for those who can step out from under their party "banner" and care to check out the actual facts - both good and bad -
for everyone. Good old non-partisan FACTS... which seem to be something to be sneered at or to have "concerns" about.
I'll add a link in case some wish to see what has happened to all those Obama promises...
Most people don't realize there is a section on politifacts dedicated solely on following Obama and what he has or has not done. Politifacts is NOT a biased liberal source-nor is it a biased conservative source. I could care less how many sources you get your information from. For every one unbiased source I could find, I could probably find a good 10 that aren't.
Exactly right. And sources should not include agenda-laden, extremely partisan talking heads, websites, columns, blogs or other opinion pieces - no matter what "side" they are on. Unless you make the attempt to use some of those from both "sides" and then sort through the rhetoric to try and find the odd tidbit of fact hidden within... but those kinds of "sources" depend on you
not caring about what the actual facts may be... and simply buying into the rhetoric.