If you could talk to anyone, living or dead.......

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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If you could have a conversation with anyone at all, who would it be? Living or dead?

I would first above all, have to speak to my parents and big brother, all deceased. I'd want them to know that I've got 2 boys! I'd want my mother to know that everything she ever said to me about raising kids has come true and that she has always been right. I'd want to tell her that I was sorry that I ran off to Woodstock and lied to her about it and I'm sorry I made her worry. I"d want my dad to know that he was the best dad in the world, and that I never quit horses and I am still doing it, and then to tell my big brother that I still use a lot of his practical jokes that he used to pull on me.

I would love to have a good converstation with Jesus Christ.

I'd like to have Him over to sit at the picnic table with my family and enjoy a spring or summer bar b que on the mountain and just listen to Him speak about everything. I'd have so many questions to ask Him.

Then I think I would like to speak to Hillary Clinton. Not sure why, but I think I could really enjoy a conversation with her.

Last but defnately not least, I'd love a chat with Ellen Degeneres just so she could make me laugh outloud.

Who would you love to speak to?
[SIZE=18pt]I would like to speak to my Nana and my Aunt Debby, both passed away. I want to tell then both that I have 2 beautiful children. A girl and a boy, that I'm married and have a house in the same town I grew up in. My Aunt Debby passed when I was 19 weeks pregnant, on the 19th of May, which is only 1 month away from my birthday(June 19th). My duaghter has her middle name and I show her pictures of my Aunt every day, plus we are in touch with my uncle (her husband). My Nana was my great-grandmother so she would get a kick out of me telling her that she was a great-great-grandma now. She was 4'11" and full of fire. I get alot of my presonallity from her. [/SIZE]

My mom and dad. Just to tell them how much I miss them and thank them for everything they taught me. I'd like to let them know how wonderful our daughter turned out even though she went through a couple really bad years.
I'd like to sit and talk to my Uncle Jack and show him all my little horses. He was my favorite uncle and loved to share and enjoy anything I loved and enjoyed. He died before I got them but I know he would have liked being around them.
My 9 yr old daughter, I would ask her why did not stop at the corner, she always did before?

Istead she got hit and killed by a pickup.
Mine will seem kind of flippant after the answers already given, but I'd love to talk to Diana Gabaldon, who wrote/writes the Outlander series of books. She's a literary genius.
My Granny and Pap.. Pap died before my kids were born but he would have loved them. He would have also have loved the miniatures that I have now. My granny died when my oldest daughter was 5 and my youngest daughter was just a baby. She taught me alot and got me into alot of trouble
:. I miss them both everyday.
I would love to speak to my dad, he passed on 13 years ago.

And, my grandfather, he died the year before I got my first horse; he was quite a horseman in his day and I would love to speak with him about horses.
I would love to speak to my father-in-law. He is the one that got us started in miniature horses and there have been many times we would have liked to ask his advice again or just know if he is happy with our choices.
A very dear friend of mine just lost her mom a couple of weeks ago, after years of illness (Alzheimers mostly, but cancer and a few other things thrown in, too. :no: ). She said to me one day, and I agree with her totally, that when she gets to Heaven, she's going to ask God why it had to be this way. Why did her mother have to suffer so much for so long? She also wants to know why families can't all go at the same time to avoid all this heartache. My heart just breaks for my friend.

I'd also like to talk to my mom and just make sure that she's watching everything we do down here. I know she's okay where she is, but we're not so okay without her.
I would love to talk to my Nana and Papaw (and my Uncle Joe - I loved him more than anyone
) They all passed before I had children and I know my little 4'10" Nana would have loved my little men. My mom always laughs when she hears Prissy "Hee Honk" and says "you know mother would have loved her" I do believe if I get another Jenny I will have to name her Faye:) I guess I would really like to ask my dad a lot of questions... I know when I may day comes they will be there waiting on me
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Oh Jenn, I agree..Diana Gabagldon is wonderful..I wrote to her once and told her how much I loved her books...The research she has done for her books is unbelievable..I just purchased her latest "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" and I don't think thats flippant. I for one would not want to talk to my parents, brother or husband that have passed away just because I think it would just make me sad all over again. But now Jesus would be another story..I definately would like to talk with him face to face. How amazing. Interesting thread, Marty.
I'd talk with Jesus.

I really dont know if i'd like to talk to any of my family that died ...i just feel like i got to say everything i needed to before they died. Why stir up old feeling, thats my view ..it would hurt to much to talk with them.

..but if i had to pick a family member to talk to thats dead, i'd talk with my grandmother on dads side.

But i'd also like to talk to Chris Reeves. He was such a great man.

Grandma from my moms side......miss her....wish she could meet my hubby and kids...plus she would get a kick out of my itty bitty horses.

There are a number of people I think would be great for a conversation.........living.....Michael Savage (Savage Nation talk radio ) ........ Drew Hastings (comedian).........Anne Rice, Rita Mae Brown, and Janet Evonavich (I would love to meet the real people behind the books)............

Would love to converse with...William Blake, Galileo, DaVinci, and Edgar Allen Poe
No doubt, my grandmother. She was my "true" mother, and the measure of a woman, in my opinion.

She was raised in an oppressively religious family, the oldest girl of 11 children (two deceased at birth, so actually 13), so she raised her younger siblings, married at 27, and had two boys of her own.

She had to be the breadwinner in her new family, as her husband became disabled early in life, and she found work as a cook at ranches and large kitchens. She never drove a car, but walked and rode buses.

She also never got to finish the 8th grade, having to stay home to help out, but she was self-educated and every bit as smart as anyone who finished college.

She raised her two boys well, giving them the freedom and gift of an agnostic but loving life, teaching them respect and care, obedience and responsibility. Her youngest boy was killed at 17, just before he was to leave for Vietnam in the Navy. It was indirectly the fault of my mother, who was just 20 at the time, but she forgave all, and I don't know that I could have been that big a person (keep in mind my grandmother did not believe in religion, but she did understand the concept of spirituality). Her husband died shortly thereafter, as did her mother.

When my parents divorced, she took my brother and I in, as well as my Dad, since he had nowhere to live, working out of town a lot, and she became my mother, happily (my mother was a terrible mother).

My grandma died in 1995. She used to come stay with me and my family once a year for about a month or so around her birthday (in Sept/Oct). I always miss her at that time of year the most. I never really got to say goodbye to her, though I guess I did. Anyway, what I'm saying is that I wish I could tell her about my two youngest boys whom she never met, and let her see what an amazing man my Kenny is growing into. She last knew him as a five year old child. I just miss her terribly.

Anyway, we've been having a tough year, and I could use a lot of her comforting conversation and peaceful outlook. She had an amazing spirit and personality, and a love for everyone, everything.

There just is no other answer for me, to this question.

Liz M.
My father who I lost 10 years ago and miss him everyday. I would tell him his grandsons grew up into responsible hardworking young men, we moved to where I could have my horses in my backyard, David (my husband) built me a barn, that he would be proud of (my father was a Carpenter and perfectionist)and my Uncle who died when my first son was born, he was responsible for getting my parents to start my riding lessons some 30+ years ago and my love of horses.......Nice thread even if it did make me cry......
My GreatGrandFather. We were really close until he died at the age of 96 a couple of weeks before chrismas.

I would chat to my old friend I used to call GangGang. He was like my GrandFather I never had. I would ask him why he spent so much money on smokes and beer just to kill himself.

An I would talk to be old friend Jay. I would ask her why she took her own life when she had so many friends and family that loved her and cared for her, and why she only thought about herself when she killed herself and not the pain that affected everyone around her.

And I would chat to My Grandma who is still alive but doesnt want anything to do with her grandchildren. I'd ask her why? What hurts her so much she doesnt want to talk to us or her own son (my dad).

And I'd chat to everyone on LB!! :bgrin

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