I'm a little offended

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If the request had come from a friend it might be a bit different. But it appears that this woman is merely a casual acquaintance. That would make a difference to me.
You are right, I too, would not appreciate the request

Not sure about in your location but there are sure a ton of "nickel" colts around here and if someone asked me for the use of my stallion I would suggest they pick up a colt of their own for their purposes, whatever they are.

I know I would not want the worry of a borrowed horse here, and I am sure as a responsible breeder they would not either.

I don't "lend" my horses.
I don't think any one would appreciate someone borrowing your champion show stallion as a teaser.

I would not mind at all in fact if it was a neighbor I would have just said if you really need to know I will bring him over every other day to tease the mares that way you are handling the horse and again teasing can be a very safe procedure if done correctly and is in no way harmful to the stallion. Iw ould think he gets more frustrated in his stallion pen adjacent to my mares when one is in and drives him crazy all day long
Life is too short to get so upset with a neighbor. You can bring the stallion over there, handle him yourself (after all, he will be on the other side of the fence) and see if her mare is interersted. If not, come back the next day.

You may end up with a friend in the future, and perhaps someone who may come in handy with helping you with your horses in a time of need.
Well said, Riverdance... as I mentioned earlier the OP could handle the stallion and do the teasing themselves. I guess that I still do not see an issue here - you can be helpful and be the better person. If a neighbour wanted our excellent Champion show stallion to come down and tease a mare, I'd do it. And I know that the stallion would love flirting with some new girls... Big. Time.
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I wouldn't be offended by such a request, but at the same time I would not agree to let my stallion be used. The neighbor would get a polite 'no, I'm sorry, he's not available for that purpose' & that would be the end of it.
I think my stallion is starting to feel like he is a teaser here! Although he has two mares in with him, two mares in the next pasture came into season (he announced it loudly and they talked about it alot!) and then went away to get bred to someone else! One is a rebreeding to a nice mini-stud, the other mare went to be bred to a donkey. She was bred to the donkey last year, but this year will not have a thing to do with him. I don't know if it is because she has a foal beside her, or she wants my stud, not some long-eared thang! Do many of you have problems with mares showing heat, when they have a foal beside? I am not going to make it a habit to breed a mare two years in a row, but we are trying for a team, and may not get to use this Jack again...

I agree with Riverdance about that you never know when you need a neighbors help! If there was a way for you to handle the little stud with little time or effort, maybe that lady would start to appreciate how wonderful minis are--and her neighbor(you) too!
This is routine... I'd do it any day (ask or offer). Teasing is a routine part of breeding management. This isn't a teaser stud as found on a thoroughbred farm, who's job it is to MOUNT the mares. A mini stud is used to see if the mare is in heat or not, not receptive to being covered. Its normal, routine, and quite common and correct to do this. I wouldn't hesitate to offer any of my boys for this service.
This isn't a teaser stud as found on a thoroughbred farm, who's job it is to MOUNT the mares.

That was not the case on the large TB farm I worked on. The pony stud we used as a teaser NEVER went in with the mares... he teased through the fence or over the short end of the teasing wall... and loved his job. He really loved his job!
I don't believe in using mini stallions as teaser horses. I think it is cruel.
Not meaning to overpost here... but why do you feel that it is cruel?

We tease with the mini stallions all the time to check the mini mares here. Some mares like a quiet approach as opposed to a louder Here I Am kind of guy - and may respond differently to different teasing styles. I have never met a stallion of any size - and I have worked with a variety of them from 17.2 HH Warmbloods down to minis - that does not enjoy flirting with the girls at any time of year - even if the girls are not interested in the least...
I guess if you really want to know why some of us think that it is cruel, you could ask your husbands.
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I guess if you really want to know why some of us think that it is cruel, you could ask your husbands.

I do not think one can compare a human to a horse. I doubt very much that a horse gets swollen and sore when they can not perform. They get hard and soft repeatedly even during flirting, and will walk away unless the mare is JUST RIGHT. A human male will try NEVER to walk away, regardless of what the female might be saying. He will cojole and beg and get down right nasty if he does not get his way, not so the horse.

Now human men sure do like to flirt, so if we compare them that way, well then yes, the stallions like to flirt, so must enjoy being able to tease.
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I guess if you really want to know why some of us think that it is cruel, you could ask your husbands.
Wow, talk about apples and turnips. There is no comparisom here. Too many people try to equate animals with humans.

Do you want your husband excited and ready to mount every flirting female that walks by? Too much said.
In the case of husband vs. horse (apples to turnips), they both get their hopes up for....you know. So there is a similarity for you.

Overall, I'm seeing many are okay with it, and many wouldn't put their stallions through it. Obviously, It's a personal take on the matter. For those who don't mind it, that's totally fine. Truely, it can be done safely, and in crafty ways so the horses are fine with it. I have to credit your good horsemanship skills on positve outcomes.

Having horses for over 30 years, I've seen good and bad on the matter, but still, I rather not allow a stanger use him that way. He's my horse, and he depends on me to make safe choices in his life.
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In the case of husband vs. horse (apples to turnips), they both get their hopes up for....you know. So there is a similarity for you.

Overall, I'm seeing many are okay with it, and many wouldn't put their stallions through it. Obviously, It's a personal take on the matter.

For those who don't mind it, that's totally fine too. Truely, it can be done safely, and in crafty ways so the horses are fine with it. I have to credit your good horsemanship skills on positve outcomes.

Eventhough I've owned horses for a while, and feel like I've done it all in the horse world...I'm still learning new things. I've made good decisions and mistakes along the way, but I know it's always going to be an adventure, and I'll do the best from what I know....and from personal experience.

Having horses for over 30 years, I've seen good and bad on the matter, but still, I rather not allow a stanger use him that way. He's my horse, and he depends on me to make safe choices in his life. I do my best for my horses, and rather not lend them out.
I am 68 years old (soon) and living back home now, for the last 20 years. From my earliest memories we used horses to gather our cattle and I have always had some connection to horses, but never an expert.

Like Jill said, "it isn't a cup of sugar" and like others say "it's fine and shouldn't bother us" but like you say......... and I also say, "I would rather not lend them out"and like you, I would be somewhat perturbed at being asked because you like to be a good neighbour and it's hard to say "NO" nicely.

I also would not go to a neighbour with horses and ask to borrow their horse for any purpose. Unfortunately some stud colts are not bringing much money, and if this person has a "job" for one then, "get your own teaser horse" and don't impose upon a neighbour.

I'll lend a neighbour any help I can but there are certain boundaries and some things are not for loan (hubby and horses would be two for sures
. . . . I rather not allow a stanger use him that way. He's my horse, and he depends on me to make safe choices in his life. I do my best for my horses, and rather not lend them out.
That is entirely your choice and no one should condem you for your choice regarding your animals. I think it was preceived that you were asking for advise.

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