I'm a little offended

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I guess if you really want to know why some of us think that it is cruel, you could ask your husbands.
I do not see the comparison here. My stallion is in a pen next to my mares and geldings. They can get nose to nose and he has socialization. Of course with that comes the mares driving him crazy and him teasing them - he is not breeding anything this year- he is perfectly fine and well adjusted. Sure he gets himself into a bit of a frenzy and then realizes he can not get thru the fence and moves on
I to, dont see why some would be offened. I would certainly let them use my stud, however, I would handle him. If the person came by, and siad "Your mini is tiny and pothetic and shoudlnt spook my mare If I tease him to her can I use it?" then certainly I would be offened and say NO, but some one asked a simple faovr, and you could alwasy check out the facilities and the temperment of the mare(s) in question. But its your decision.

IMO the bottom line is its your decision and what you feel comfortable with. Just because you own a stallion doesn't mean you have to borrow him as a teaser for the neighbors mares. I agree its nice to be neighborly and wouldn't be "offended" if asked but I personally would say no to bringing my stallion over to my neighbors property.
l really wouldn't see a problem with that after all there could always be another time when the shoes on the other foot and you need to ask her for something that only benefits you regarding horses and she's the handiest person around....l don't live close to anyone but l do know when asked something that doesn't cause harm or injury in regards to the minis which in my mind l hardly thing teasing does l would not see it as a problem..if l didn't have the time to go to her because time is my problem l never have enough of l would ask her to ride the mare over to me when l was around..
in my mind l'd be doing someone a favor and you never know when you need something from her in the future be it whatever and at this time of year all the stallions are teased anyway by choice on my part or not...so far knock on wood none of the 10 have dropped dead yet from lack of nooky thats always walking around them...
this time of year all the stallions are teased anyway by choice on my part or not...so far knock on wood none of the 10 have dropped dead yet from lack of nooky thats always walking around them...

LOL ok that made me giggle
While I can kind of, sort of, see how it could possibly offend someone to be asked to use their champion stallion as nothing more than a teaser pony, I can say that I don't think that it is cruel in any way...no more so, then say, having your stallions in a pasture anywhere near your mares, or even taking your stallions to a show where mares may be nearby?
so far knock on wood none of the 10 have dropped dead yet from lack of nooky thats always walking around them...

Oh goodness, thanks for the laugh! Same with our three boys, we have two outside in runs with mares/fillies in nearby pastures, and Doc is stalled in a barn full of mares, all three alive and happy
Have to say it's quite nice having Doc in the barn, he'll stick his head through the gate and talk to the girls, and just that is enough to make the one(s) in heat squat and pee, makes heat detecting a heck of a lot easier, and he's still the sweet, quiet stallion he's been since he's got here..
No way I would ever let someone do that with my boy. I would tell her go get your own if you want a teaser.
No way I would ever let someone do that with my boy. I would tell her go get your own if you want a teaser.

Her arabian mare is simply beautiful, and I can tell she cherishs it...because it's always groomed good enough for show. I'd never ask to borrow her mare for any reason and surely believe she would be taken back by it. So, I was just surprised she would think of asking to use my prized boy as a tease. I'm over it, but it's interesting to see the opinions, and response. I appreciate reading everyones input on the matter. I'm always kind to everyone, and sometimes too nice...I'm sure she and I will always get along. I'll just politely tell her "no"...if or when it comes up again.

Thanks everyone!
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