I keep saying this (
LOL); I am not new to horses, but I am very, very new to Miniature Horses. I have been looking at Miniature Horses for sale/to buy for well over a year now and I encountered that thing about the seller pays if the sale is over $1,000 and the buyer pays if the sale is under $1,000. I can honestly say that I had never, ever seen that before in my life before I started searching for a Miniature Horse for sale/to buy! Before a bunch of people chime in to correct me, I am sure that there are people involved in/with other breeds that do this, but, my experience, the majority do not do this. I always order/pay for Coggins and health certificate when selling a "big" horse. I expect the horse to have a current Coggins, at least, when buying a "big" horse. If a seller told me I had to pay for it and I really, really, really wanted the horse, I would pay for it (and think, "What the heck!?"
), but, if I wasn't absolutely, positively, head over heels in love I'd pass over the sheer hassle of it. Bleck. As a buyer I want to give you my money for your horse and I want you to figure it out (even if it adds to my final price). It just sort of made me think that maybe those people were cheap and then, at first, I wondered if maybe they didn't do other routine things, like regular deworming and regular hoof trimming. No flames please, just my honest thoughts being a newbie to your world.
I really feel sorry for those of you that have to pay $200 for that stuff. Yuck! I always just schedule a farm call and the trip fee is $35 and I always have them draw blood from the entire herd (6 at the moment) while they are at the farm and I think the Coggins was $15 (per horse) the last time I had it done (in the Spring). So, if I only had one horse or one horse that I wanted to sell it would only cost me $50 for the Coggins and I think my vet charges $5 for a copy of the health certificate. I have never asked for a health certificate on a horse that I didn't have them draw blood from for a Coggins. A health certificate may cost more by itself, without a Coggins, I don't know.
Can you even get a health certificate without having them draw blood for a Coggins??? You realize you don't know something everyday!