Cavallini Farms is right, do not stand alone in your opinions.
May I ask...what, about letting a horse's hoof grow to lengths that resemble a piece of stovepipe, elevating the frog to so far above the ground surface that there is no way it can (properly) contact that same ground surface to act as a 'pump' for good blood circulation, as it is evolved to do, is considered a 'good idea', and demonstrably not harmful to, the horse? I'd truly like to hear, from those who have this done to their horses or ponies.
Years ago, my then(and well-regarded locally)shoer told me of being asked by an area Morgan owner/ all appearances a fine, upstanding younger couple(the wife's dad was a big McDonalds franchise owner in this area, and the family had 'been into' Morgans for years) weld some 'blobs' of metal onto the HOOF side of shoes, so that the horse would feel PAIN on the sole/white line area at EVERY step...this to 'enhance'its action. He refused to do this. One would NEVER suspect this upstanding member of the community(it was the wife)of countenancing such an inhumane act, and yet...that is EXACTLY what she was doing. This, and multiple other instances of finding out about the e--l things horses have been subjected to, by people who give EVERY appearance of being lovely folks, has made me more than a little skeptical about choruses of denial in whatever aspect of the horse industry is under discussion...Just sayin'.
Certainly, there ARE those who don't participate in these kinds of, shall I tip-toe and call'less-than-kind', activities(and in response to an earlier poster's question...a case in point...I am one, and know (sadly, only a few)others, who would NEVER, EVER, trim a horse's feet to bloodiness/no heel, in order to attempt to 'measure in'. at ANY time, ANY where....period!!!!!, because YES, I do consider THAT a cruel practice.)
When did our society's level of 'political correctness'(or as I often consider it, squeamishness about/reluctance to suggesting that ANYONE should be held responsible for ANYTHING)begin to dictate that one 'is not allowed' to express one's sense of distress, and yes, perhaps, outrage, over what one's own eyes and conscience tell one is unkind at best; and inhumane, even cruel, at worst??
Off the soapbox for now,
May I ask...what, about letting a horse's hoof grow to lengths that resemble a piece of stovepipe, elevating the frog to so far above the ground surface that there is no way it can (properly) contact that same ground surface to act as a 'pump' for good blood circulation, as it is evolved to do, is considered a 'good idea', and demonstrably not harmful to, the horse? I'd truly like to hear, from those who have this done to their horses or ponies.
Years ago, my then(and well-regarded locally)shoer told me of being asked by an area Morgan owner/ all appearances a fine, upstanding younger couple(the wife's dad was a big McDonalds franchise owner in this area, and the family had 'been into' Morgans for years) weld some 'blobs' of metal onto the HOOF side of shoes, so that the horse would feel PAIN on the sole/white line area at EVERY step...this to 'enhance'its action. He refused to do this. One would NEVER suspect this upstanding member of the community(it was the wife)of countenancing such an inhumane act, and yet...that is EXACTLY what she was doing. This, and multiple other instances of finding out about the e--l things horses have been subjected to, by people who give EVERY appearance of being lovely folks, has made me more than a little skeptical about choruses of denial in whatever aspect of the horse industry is under discussion...Just sayin'.
Certainly, there ARE those who don't participate in these kinds of, shall I tip-toe and call'less-than-kind', activities(and in response to an earlier poster's question...a case in point...I am one, and know (sadly, only a few)others, who would NEVER, EVER, trim a horse's feet to bloodiness/no heel, in order to attempt to 'measure in'. at ANY time, ANY where....period!!!!!, because YES, I do consider THAT a cruel practice.)
When did our society's level of 'political correctness'(or as I often consider it, squeamishness about/reluctance to suggesting that ANYONE should be held responsible for ANYTHING)begin to dictate that one 'is not allowed' to express one's sense of distress, and yes, perhaps, outrage, over what one's own eyes and conscience tell one is unkind at best; and inhumane, even cruel, at worst??
Off the soapbox for now,