land leased to hunters behind us :(

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I have been looking and looking and cant find hunting restrictions for ohio. the land directly behind my house has been leased to a place that re rents land to hunters
They posted a sign on a tree that goes into my property telling us it has now been leased and to stay off. well we never go on that property anyway but I am really concerned having a group of hunters hunt right behind MY property. And Im sad as this is where the deer go every night to sleep. they cut thru our property along the creek and go to the back to sleep. This will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

the land is only 15 acres and its lined around the permimeter with houses like mine. Im just shocked they could rent out such a small acerage when its lined with homes. Their website says they rent each parcel for 8-12 hunters. Now can you imagine 12 hunters on 15 acres?? growls.

we have so enjoyed the deer since we moved here and I hate the thought of having hunters all over the place shooting them so close to my place
You can go to the county tax accessor or court house and find out who the owner is and try to get him to crush his leasing for the future. Maybe all you neighbors can chip in and lease together just to keep the hunters out. But chances are, the owner is leasing it to his friends for a dollar, as they do up here all the time. I really hate it. We've had bullets flying here in the past.

Check with the wildlife and game warden.

If worse comes to worse, maybe the hunters will get caught without a license. They do have to record every single deer they shoot too with assigned stations. Up here, it's one of the mountain stores where they have to take pictures and measurements.

Here, they are considered doing a service by thinning out the deer because we are so over populated with them, so they don't starve. They call it birth control.

Also, put up some orange and yellow caution tape around your perimeter with signs of your own letting the hunters know you have pets on your property.
Also, put up some orange and yellow caution tape around your perimeter with signs of your own letting the hunters know you have pets on your property.

Excellent idea. I'd also suggest posting no hunting/trespassing signs where your property adjoins the hunted land and keeping your animals close to your house at dusk and dawn. I had blaze orange turn out sheets with bells on them at one place I lived because my neighbors horse got shot during deer hunting season.

We hunt, and are very considerate and responsible about it, but many are not. We hunt our own land not any one else's so we know just exactly where everything is and what is and is not a safe direction to shoot, etc. The people who hunt the property behind us are a completely different ball of wax. Hopefully these hunters will be the responsible type and not the trigger happy yay-hoos that fire at anything that moves.... but you have to assume the worst to protect your self and your family.
the land is only 15 acres and its lined around the permimeter with houses like mine. Im just shocked they could rent out such a small acerage when its lined with homes. Their website says they rent each parcel for 8-12 hunters. Now can you imagine 12 hunters on 15 acres
As long as they don't fire a gun within whatever your state's distance is from a home, they are legal. 12 hunters on 15 acres is a lot though, I can see your concern. Perhaps the DNR feels there are too many deer in that area that is why they are allowing such high numbers on a small parcel (since it will be a business). I know if the owner was just using it for personal use and had 25 friends hunting on it, I don't think the DNR could say a word since it's not a profit for the owner. But since it is a business, I'm sure the DNR is regulating it, as far as the number of hunters he can have out there. Maybe that's something you could check into and make sure of.

I am a hunter and so is my husband, the majority of hunters do follow the laws, but of course there are always a few bad seeds that give everyone a bad rap. If this is a business (he's paying taxes on the income, etc..) it will be even more important that he makes sure all the laws are followed or he will lose his business license. So you shouldn't see any thing illegal going on, hopefully!

I am an advocate of hunting when the laws are followed, but on opening day I always used to put orange blankets on my minis and my goats or leave them in the barn. It always sounds like a war zone here at my house on opening day. I don't gun hunt though, just bow hunt.

Keep a close eye on them and find out exactly what the laws and regulations are for a business like this so you can notice if they aren't being followed.
here is the company my neighbor leased to


I did find this on the site misty posted but this probably wont help much

Prior to the hunt, hunters should contact landowners adjacent the property on which they will be hunting and obtain permission to enter that property in advance. There is always the possibility that a hunter may want to cross or enter nearby property in pursuit of game or dogs. Hunter should be aware of and respect the wishes of the adjacent landowners. Conflicts can be avoided by planning ahead.

I thought there would be some kind of law about how many acres can be hunted per hunter.

thats a great idea about the flags. I just hate this. we had so much trouble last fall with hunters on our property and im sure this will make it worse
Prior to the hunt, hunters should contact landowners adjacent the property on which they will be hunting and obtain permission to enter that property in advance. There is always the possibility that a hunter may want to cross or enter nearby property in pursuit of game or dogs. Hunter should be aware of and respect the wishes of the adjacent landowners
Do not give permission. As much as I am an advacate of hunting, I do not want strangers running around on my property with or without a gun! Simply I just wouldn't want it, but think about the legal aspects of it too...what if someone (a hunter in this case) got hurt on your property...fell, tripped over a stump and shot himself, blah, blah, could be held legally responsible.
Are there no restrictions on how far away they can shoot from homes? Here in WV, they can't shoot within a 500 yard circumference of any house. That's a pretty wide area. You should put up no trespassing signs so that they know they can't cross your property to get to the 15 acres or to recover game.
We have woods behind us used for hunting.

With IN laws, nothing I can do, so a few things I do.

Do not let horses out between dusk and dawn.

During hunting season, keep them in the lot most protected by a building/barn.

On exterior part of property, two places, put up sign that says,,,Security Camera In Use.

Orange tape really for electric fences, lined across the top of the fence lining the hunted area.

If I see any of the men,,,,,,I do let them know, all so far have been really nice when I was talking to them.
In addition to what everyone else has said, I would start making for finding blaze orange 'vests' for everyone, even the dogs. And I would have everyone wear them any time they were out during the entire hunting season. One year I didn't have anything big enough for the clydesdale so I got some paint and painted big 0's with a line through them on each of his sides, as well as a smiley face on his butt (but that was just for fun!). Too bad I got the wrong paint and it didn't come off until he shed out in the spring! Oh well!

As far as people go, everyone who goes out on a trail ride MUST wear at least an orange vest (you can get them cheap just about anywhere) and preferably more items (like hats or helmet covers) and something orange again on the horse too. You can't be too safe. It's funny, because even after hunting season was over we kept wearing our vests as a matter of habit now we always wear them. It just makes it easier to see people and helps with safety for the little bit we might be on a road.

Good luck and keep us updated.

That is so sad and scary to hear.

I would be scared of people shooting that close to the horses. I hate guns, completely terrified of guns so i dont blame you! Here we have a creek, then a small feild and then a huge woods. We have deer jumping across the creek and threw our propperty, people stop in their cars on the road and just pop one.

If my memory is correct, you have a tree line off to the side of your propperty and then behind the horse pasture are the woods or something like that. I'd be reeeaallly scared with hunters being that close, a mini or pony could easily be mistaken for a small dear when the hunters are far away and cannot see 100%.

Dont know much about the Ohio Hunting Laws. Kay, maybe you should ALSO put up a sign that says no tresspassing or shooting of any dear that stand on your propperty? Possibility. We have bright orange plastic (cannot think of the what its called right now) that you can buy in a roll and its about 6'' thick. We run that around the top of our fence here for multiple reasons. You can pick it up really cheap.
I don't know about your area, Kay, but here there is a rule about not shooting within a certain range of residential housing......

Signs and orange tape isn't a bad idea, but if you aren't around when a hunter shoots a deer on your property, I betcha a buck (sorry for the pun) they WILL tresspass to grab their kill!

Around here in Arkansas, if you don't want hunters on your property, you paint posts, splotches on trees, etc. this pinkish purplish color.. everyone knows what it stands for, but there are also no hunting/ no trespassing signs that can be posted around as well. We are going to fence our property off, then put up a ton of those signs, and paint many mega numbers of trees. I like the orange ideas that are mentioned here, and we may just do that and will certainly keep our pets close by during the season. We are fixing to make alot of people mad because there are several deer stands on our property and we are going to ut a stop to it. And people better not even think about using their dogs to run on our property to flush the deer out either. We like to shoot deer ourselves, but only with a camera.

we have a lot of friends that hunt so im not against hunting. just dont want it in my back yard. and last fall our experience with hunters here was not good. Not once did they ask to come on our property! One of them came so far over on ours that i let the dogs out because i was so mad. Now I didnt let the dogs get close but with three large dogs barking he noticed. (so did the deer he was tracking) I stood in front shaking my head NO at the hunter and he promptly got off my property.

Like leanna said this property of OURS goes over the creek and into a very wooded area that would be almost impossible to fence. but we are going to put no hunting/tresspassing signs up for sure.

the one i always worry about is tiny because she looks from a distance like a white tailed deer. (*silver bay with white mane and tail)

I would think ohio would have to have a no shooting within so many miles/yards of a house but i sure cant find it.

wish the company that posted the sign would have come and talked to us. Rusty says he is going to put a barrier up at the entrance of the neighbors property to discourage them from coming on this side. the deer always go along the creek and that is where i found the last hunter ughh
I would think ohio would have to have a no shooting within so many miles/yards of a house but i sure cant find it.

wish the company that posted the sign would have come and talked to us. Rusty says he is going to put a barrier up at the entrance of the neighbors property to discourage them from coming on this side. the deer always go along the creek and that is where i found the last hunter ughh

Call your game warden and find out the laws.......

Have some special signs made and scattered across your property line -- especially near the creek!

Two seasons ago we had a pair of hunters unchain our drive-thu gate to our upper hay pasture and drive onto the property. I was alone with our then 7 year old daughter. We watched them from the house as they got out of the truck with their rifles and walked around for about 15 minutes or so.......I was scared and madder than heck! Felt caught between a rock and a hard place because I couldn't leave Brianna alone and I sure didn't want to have her with me either during a confrontation. I made a couple phone calls for help, but the hunters left within minutes of anyone arriving. (I'm not against legally hunting for meat, just want to make that clear.) But stupid illegal hunters, and sport hunters make me spit!

Trust me, are not alone!


Your local game warden will be able to answer all your questions about the shooting distance. I believe it is 500 feet but cannot find it in our laws book. I did see that some of their leases with much more property only allowed 5-6 people to the lease so I would be surprised if they would allow 8-12 people on this small property. I don't know if you are in Licking or Perry County but both those counties have extremely high number of deer and lots of crop damage. I am sure if you the landowner contact the leasing company and make it clear that they are not to enter your property they will cover that with their leasee's as they are insured. Any hunter on your land must produce a written permission if so asked for. Most hunters are very good about this but there are some that just have no regard for the law. We have found that most of our neighbors are more than willing to let us track a wounded deer on their property. We always make sure they know we are there and ask for permission. I hope you find the information that you are looking for

Licking County Game Warden is Bill Bullard 614-644-3929 ext 1207

Perry County Game Warden is Eric Lane 740-589-9993

there MUST be some sort of distance for shooting from houses if you can find it. fifteen acres is NOTHING! if there are houses surrounding the acerage i bet that "footage" would be eaten up very fast and make it too small to really legally hunt. I think here it's a minimum of 250' from any house ...though i could be wrong....

I just can't get over that they are leasing out fifteen acres for hunting with houses surrounding it's such a little parcle of land to hunt and keep residence safe! i'm not against hunting infact i used to do it quite avidly but i DO despise hunters that do not respect land owners and such.

One thing i DON'T get around here with hunting is they can run dogs to chase bear, coons ect.. well i wanna know why it's legal for those dogs and people to run across other peoples property without permission. It's not like those dogs and wildlife know where the property lines you know they are regularly trespassing!!
I appreciate your concern, Kay. I am VERY glad that around here, there really ISN'T any hunting. When we moved out here, dove hunters still showed up during season, and it was scarey--now, it is too populous over here for hunting-thank goodness(there's something to be said for living in this high desert--there just isn't the habitat to have many of the animals that draw hunters.)

Although I respect those who practice it responsibly and ethically, I don't care for hunting, unless it is necessary for sustenance OR to control animal populations(and even then, it should be done with ethics and responsibly!) Ironically, I grew up on a state game bird farm, run by the state of NM, where game birds(ringneck and golden pheasants, blue and Gambel's quail, and chukar partridges-my dad was one of two men who traveled to Turkey around 1950 to gather breeding stock of chukars to bring back to the US; they'd never been raised in this country before that. It was a project of the US Dept. of the Interior)were raised for release, mostly in the northern part of the state, for hunting! Perhaps my feelings about hunting are 'reactionary'???

In NM, there are laws about how far one must be from a residence to fire a gun; *think* it's around 200-250 ft., but not sure. I AM sure that even that is NOT FAR ENOUGH, IMO!! That many yards,* maybe*....?

Several years ago,in Nov., I heard gunfire one evening while feeding. Stuck my head out the barn door to listen; heard it again, from a house due north of me in the adjoining subdivision. I called the police....Heck, I didn't know but what the guy(a licensed VET, believe it or not, who took ABOMINABLE 'care' of the collection of livestock animals he and his wife had accumulated, in complete violation of the covenents AND county ordinances)hadn't shot his WIFE!! When the police came, I directed them to where the shots had originated...watched them go to his door and talk to him. They came back to let me know that he was shooting (his) chickens(to eat) with a shotgun in his back yard--RIGHT NEXT to his own house, and not far from a couple of other houses! Stupid jerk....! Funny,in a way, though, as my friend pointed out--wonder how they expected to chew those shotgun pellets?? This surely was no country boy....the police did make him QUITE aware of the laws about shooting close to residences!

You've gotten plenty of good suggestions- I just think it's a shame that you have to even DEAL with this! 15 acres is NOTHING, when it comes to gunfire--I have 10, and I wouldn't want to be standing ANYWHERE on it if someone was anywhere ELSE on it, shooting a long barreled gun!! TOO dangerous...! I would surely be proactive about trying to get info from your local game warden, and perhaps, with the owner of the acreage--and maybe with the others whose homes ring the 15 acres?

Best of luck!

We live in Missouri and my next door neighbor is a detective. He told us you can't shoot within 1000 ft of a house.
How about huge swathes of orange construction fencing?

Set up targets suggesting that you shoot toward that property.

With the collusion of your neighbors, spray your property line alongside that lot with cougar or wolf deer, no hunting.

Set up big stereo speakers facing toward that lot, and while hunters are there, play obnoxious music and screams of wild cats...andything loud and scary.

Put up signs (on your property line, of course) saying: poisonous snake sanctuary

Put up signs on your property line saying: toxic waste cleanup site -- do not drink water, do not eat plants or wildlife.

Put up signs saying: children at play in woods.

Find a mannequin, dress it in hunter's gear and hang head-first from a tree, foot caught in a trap, dripping red paint to simulate blood...

I'm just getting warmed up!

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