Mare ready to foal?

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Bad girl Cassie, go to bed or you are grounded for a week
I'm back! Sorry we had to wake you Cassie, but we just couldn't understand or see what she was up to!

Here's your Daddy pics Renee. One very tubby, favourite, special, much loved, cheeky monkey who knows he will never ever be leaving my side! Seriously though, I know he's nowhere near the ideal miniature horse by today's standards, but given the right girls he actually doesn't do a bad job! He's 30" to the withers and a great size reducer. So what colour would you call him?






Now I have to zoom off again to do the boys - back in around half an hour!
Anna he is adorable, just the way I like them. Mine are all the old type and I must admit I am smitten. As for his colour I am not sure, I am not good with colours at all.
Anna he is gorgeous and not in bad shape for a guy out on grass all the time. With that dorsal that is very distinct then I would call him a Red Dun. The white hairs ticked through his coat could be just a sort of sabino roaning. The sire of the Yearling I put up was solid chestnut but had a spray of white hairs on his face and through his body. Prince got a sort of small splodge of white over his left eye and a spatter of hair through him too so its seems to be a sort of minimal roaning probably caused by one of the many sabino genes that they have no tests for.

All quiet with Suzie so nothing dramatic to report
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Suzie is down sternal resting at 6.30 and I am off to bed shortly. Have a good day at work Cassie.
You are too kind my friends! Actually he has the same personal routine every year - spend the winters in his stable stuffing his face, requiring me to put him out for approx 4 hours grass (he calls it exercise!), equally requiring me to be there to fetch him in again at the first hint of rain. Around March he 'wakes up' - well he starts to - and by April he begins to trot the fences. By May i have to put him out twice a day for shorter periods as he no longer eats any grass, just trots the fences non stop and as he is usually in a 4 acre field he has plenty of fence 'space' LOL! He never fusses, just keeps up a steady trot! Come June he looks gorgeous, totally fit, rounded, no tummy, solid muscles but not thin. As soon as the first week in July is passed, he gives up and goes back to stuffing himself full of as much grass as he can - gotta get some blubber before the winter comes LOL!! He's a creature of habit!

After our little 'worry' last night over Suzie sort of disappearing from camera and bundling herself in her door corner, leaving Renee and I wondering whether she was standing/lying/foaling???/or even cast, she seems to have returned to normal. Now it is morning time and the light is flooding in, she is doing her usual 'I'm restless, it must be breakfast time soon', bless her!

Still keeping her under view though coz you never know............
morning all
about to go feed them, then head to work... would love to spend the day at home but oh well it can't be helped... at least I get tomorrow off YAY!! I will come back and give you an update on Suzie but I won't be able to post much else LOL otherwise I will be late!!!

I have my mobile on me all day today, so if you see anything on the outdoor cam please give me a call!! or mum n dad are home and the home number is listed on my camera will let you know how she is looking though.

Thanks for watching!!!

oh n she is bacj in her new corner! I might have to change the camera angle so we can see her when she is down there!! hmmm annoyance
ok Suzie is fed,

update, not much change to note. more relaxed in the tailend and behind... a brighter pink to yesterday inside, though its not red, quite a few poos some are mushier then others, not much change with the udder.

if you see anything please let us know, I will be on my mobile 0419232062 my home number where my parents will be is 45799387

sorry with the international codes in front.

Thanks heaps for keeping an eye on Suzie for me!!
I'll be back home from work hopefully about 7pm I'm hoping not any laters, praying there will be no emergencies!!

see ya all later thanks
I will keep an eye for another hr but then must head to my bed.

I have to laugh though when I see you in feeding Suzie as you are like me and out to feed up in the Jammies every morning. I must look so trendy (and sexy) with my big work coat and monkey jammies and mucker boots, oh and bed hair
Do they not even give you a chance to get home for lunch Cassie?? Shame on them LOL!!

Have a good day at work, we will keep watching, although, it wont be long before my bedtime too.

Diane will probably pop in , knowing her, when she gets home, but she will be tired after her active day I expect!

Renee is usually here before I am in the morning, but I'm sure you have other watchers as well, so Suzie is in good hands.

See you this evening.
hi all!!
we are quiet today so I quickly snuck on and checked my munchkin!!
she seems pretty content, don't stay up any of you or as Renee tells me you'll be grounded!!

no no lunch break!! well not the chance to get home anyway!

Karina, yeah I really don't care how I look in the morning LOL I had the monkey pjs on the other night LOL

sleeptight Anna and Karina!! Suzie is fine

Love you all!!
talk to you tonight!!
Hi Diane, glad you got back safe and sound. Hope you are not too tired after your fun day!

Cassie the cam is down and has been for quite a while - or is it my laptop again playing up? Hope all is well with Suzie?
I'm back! Sorry we had to wake you Cassie, but we just couldn't understand or see what she was up to!

Here's your Daddy pics Renee. One very tubby, favourite, special, much loved, cheeky monkey who knows he will never ever be leaving my side! Seriously though, I know he's nowhere near the ideal miniature horse by today's standards, but given the right girls he actually doesn't do a bad job! He's 30" to the withers and a great size reducer. So what colour would you call him?






Now I have to zoom off again to do the boys - back in around half an hour!

he is red dun with flaxen , red duns without flaxen are much redder and have dark manes
Ah ha! Thank you Sue

Where is Cassie, she should be home by now? The cam is still down (still dont know if it is my laptop or whether there is a fault with Cassie's end?)

Just hope all is well with Suzie.
Thanks Renee - hope all is well and she can get the cam sorted (maybe someone has run off with the batteries again? LOL!!)
Ah - cam working again!

Poor Suzie looks as though she is ready for a rest, but it seems that after she has finished her food and her hay, she is going to be expected to climb a ladder to clean the upper walls/roof of her comfortable stable! LOL!!
Ooooo now she has visitors! Are they there to make sure she does the cleaning properly, or are they just calling in to say hello!

Is she ok Cassie?

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