Mare ready to foal?

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Think you must have sent your rain all the way over to me Cassie - it's been bucketing down this afternoon!

Have a good day!
haha I wish I could SEND it your way we must be sharing it LOL its still pouring down here we have had the most rain for July in 20 years LOL and my silly Suzie is standing in the middle of it, I so just want to through a rain rug over her...
but I know I can't

lets hope she has this foal so I have an excuse to leave her inside for a few days LOL

oh question for everyone given my circumstances... winter foal, raining, wet, cold, miserable how long should I wait until I put Suzie and baby out into the paddock? I have heard some people say they don't let their mum and foal out until a week later, others the next day... what do you think? leave them in till its a nice day n let them out for a few hours? I'm just preparing my self for when the exciting event finally takes place.!!
Hey cassie.

I think you'll find that Suzie will go stir crazy if you leave her in for a whole week after foaling, and it does the baby good to get out and run and play

I'd give her a day or so, and then wait until its not pouring rain, and turn them out for at least an hour or two AM & PM. The baby will come equipt for winter (it will be a hairy bub! lol) and so i wouldnt be too concerned providing the foal is happy and healthy.

All mine get turned out the next day, unless there is a reason (sick foal, not nursing etc) not to, so i would do the same with your little one providing all is well.

You can also get foal rugs (or even dog rugs) for the baby if its just raining lightly - put in on in the stable and make sure Suzie is happy with her little one having a rug on before turning them out. Then bring them inside early enough that if they are wet and muddy from the rain or the wet ground, that they have time to dry before its dark & colder.

Thanks Renee
I'm sure she would go crazy, I didn't want to keep her in, but I wanted peoples advice on what they thought first.

I have a rug for the foal
its a weatherbeeta dog rug that has wool inside, Karen thinks it should fit fine so hopefully it does, I have rubbed it over Suzie so it has her smell, n I will try and rub it over the foal when its born so it has its smell.
Diane the excitement has been there for 2 months LOL
but yes its really building now!! especially when I notice changes like last night and the night before she did so many poos and wees so I'm thinking she is cleaning herself out.

that foal is going to be to most tamed thing ever!! LOL I would live out there once its born if I could, my calves that I have handraised (though handraising is different to having mum there) are all still really tame and manageable even though they are turned out with the other cows, they all come up for scratches I just love being involved with my animals!!

my stock horse Smartie neighs at me everytime he sees me, Suzie has started too aswell and the other day I heard a little nicker from Penny when I brought her feed over (the CUTEST thing EVER!!) I love all my animals!! and plan to be really involved with this little one when it comes

I think I will gauge by the weather and go from there, it really is a pity its so miserable here right now but maybe it will clear up for when the foal is born!! I can't wait to see it running around bucking and loving life!!

as you can see I'm just a little excited about this foal!!
I love calving season SO much!!
we should have some angus calves coming this season as we have a new really nice black angus bull!! EXCITEMENT! LOL

yes I am so glad that you are all getting excited with me! my parents and my friends are so sick of me going on and on about Suzie, so having you lovely friends on here getting excited with me is awesome so thank you all!!
YAY!! calves are the sweetest! I love it when they run around together with their little tails up in the air! bucking and carrying on with each other!

I knew you would understand Diane!

Suzie is back again, I'm going to try and change the camera angle at lunch
so we can see more of the paddock hopefully :D
yeah she is all good today
just getting wet and cold, the rain has died down but the wind has picked up!
the weather doesn't know what it wants to do... someone on marestare just got offended by me talking about the weather not that I care but what the?
that should be the least offensive subject ever! strange oh well.
you guys are the best!! thanks
no worries at all Diane it is after all night time there GET SOME SLEEP LOL

hope you have a good time babysitting tomorrow, Suzie is fine I'll be going to check on her in the next hour so its all good

thanks for watching her so much for me
LOL no worries at all Diane,

p.s Suzie has mushy poops suzie has mushy poops suzie has mushy poops!!!!!


and she is as cranky as a bear this arvo.
even tried to attack Smartie through the fence, Smartie just looked at me as if to say "who is this evil bear and what did she do with my friend?" lol poor Smartie her hormones must be going CRAZY! LOL
Morning Cassie
Gosh it looked like it was pouring down earlier. It is hard for us to watch Suzie out in the cold rain but it is just us bc she would go in if she wasn't happy. As for when to put mum and baby out I would wait and see what the weather is like before you worry about that.

I can't wait to see Suzie to see if she has changed
she is off at the far side "talking"to her friend.
Morning Renee!! how are you? how is your foot and Alby's back??

I had a look at your website before!! I love your ponies they are so cute!!!

if was pouring, not as much as last night but on and off heavy today.

yeah I don't plan on putting them out (once the foal is born LOL) unless I'm home and it isn't freezing cold! and wet!

she was cranky at her friends earlier LOL naughty girl Ithink her hormones might have been going through the roof LOL

poor baby girl,

its already really dark here due to the clouds.

45 min and I'll be home and you can see Suzie close and personal!! YAY!!
Morning Cassie and Renee.

How is your foot today Renee and little Alby's back? I hope you are both feeling a bit better.
What are your plans for today - are you out somewhere with the boys?

We have had rain for most of July too Cassie and it looks like we shall have a lot more! It rained on St Swithin's Day (July 15th) and the saying goes that if it rains on that day, it will rain for the next 40 days!!!!

As far a letting Suzie and the foal out Cassie, you will just have to play it by ear. Just remember that it is important for a mare to get out for exercise asap after foaling and even more important for the foal - presuming all went well. We usually aim to get them both out even for half an hour within 8 to 10 hours after foaling. Of course you dont want baby to get cold or too wet (light drissly rain is ok) and even a lead out in hand for a bite of grass somewhere will be good for the mare. The next day we get them out a couple of times for around an hour and a half each time either in hand or turned out. Remember that Suzie, having 'cleared out' her system just before she foals, will need

preferably grass or at least some mushy food for her first few feeds to get something moist into her tummy to start her system working easily again - dry food can cause a blockage in her slightly weakened digestion.

Also keep your nice deep straw bed going so baby has something to snuggle down into if he/SHE comes in a bit damp.

A small word of warning! Diane is quite right when she says dont overwhelm the new baby with fuss (although you will long to), but when you feel it is the right time, just go and sit in the stable for a little while and let baby come and investigate you. We usually leave this for at least a couple of days coz we strongly feel that baby belongs to its Momma and they are the ones that need to bond. We just go in and pick up any droppings regularly and come out again. Also you may have to face the fact that Suzie may not want you in there with her foal. Some mares are like this and you must be very careful to watch Suz for signs that she is not happy about your presence in her stable/near her baby. We have one mare who will actually threaten you for the first two days after she has foaled, and we respect her for it, just doing her stable while she is out the way being grazed in hand or turned out. A couple of days later and this mare is fine, but she will try to put herself between her baby and us if we are in the stable for a few more days. We dont try to 'talk' to her baby until this mare is totally relaxed with us. Over the years she has calmed down and now trusts us to leave her children alone, so we can go in and out of her stable at any time, but I always keep any visitors well away from her! Just remember that baby is Suzies and not yours, and take the time that Suzie needs for her to feel happy about letting you share her bundle of joy!

That said, I'm sure Suzie will be fine and you are going to have a really fun time sharing the new addition with her.

Off to check on Peanut now! Back later.
Cam back up and Suzie is in - perhaps it was Cassie doing the change over?
yeah it stuffed up on me, as I was changing to the second camera should be up again...
it is for me... My lovely Daddy fed Suzie for me tonight...

ok Suzie's tummy is VERY low tonight you can't see her tummy at all from the ground... she is very relaxed in her tailend , her hoohaa and back of the legs... she is a bright pink inside but I will recheck this later... does their tailend seem to drop lower? she just looks different behind tonight and I'm wondering if that might be it...??

she is happily eating at the moment.

youth group has started back up for the term so I am going to have to go in 45 min n won't be back till 9:30pm- 10pm, but I am only 5 minutes away and I will be keeping my phone on me at all times, if you see anything please let me know and I will be home in a flash!!
they won't mind they know how much I want this foal!

I have to work all day at the vets tomorrow as well, at least mum n dad will be home as there is no soccer for Jonny, but it takes me 20 min to get back from there... :wackoand I will be there from 8am till at least 7pm, Dad usually feeds them when I work at the vets so you prob won't see Suzie in her stable till I get back, as Dad doesn't know how to change the cam and I don't expect him to, I might get Jonny to do it for me though if he is home.
hi Anna!!

thanks for the advice
I am all new to this so any help is much appreciated
will Suzie's baby stay close by her side when I let them out? just because I plan to put them in another paddock and I have to walk through the one she is now, which has fencing that the foal could get through... just checking

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