Mare ready to foal?

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Yes get a bran mash ready for when she has foaled (not ready with water but ready to make)
and then adding sugar beet to moistened her feed is a good idea. If she will be in with the foal for a day or 2 after foaling you could divide her total daily feed amount into 4 feeds to help her digest better. I always get nervy feeding after foaling bc one of mine is prone to colic.

Have fun this evening

P.S Alby's back is fine and hardly has a mark, I don't think Eagle really wanted to hurt him rather just say, "get out of my space".

My foot is bruised but much better. Thanks for asking everyone
Yes Cassie, as Renee says any mashy food will be fine - sugar beet is good, but if she's not used to it she may decide not to eat her food. Some of mine love it and some refuse to eat it coz it makes their 'normal' food taste 'funny' LOL! Also, again as Renee says, divide her feeds up into 4 a day, small feeds are the best on a weakened system, but keep some nice leafy hay in front of her at all times.

The foal will stick right beside her when you lead her about - the funniest/most difficult bit is getting the foal to leave the stable for the first time! For some reason they never seem to be able to take the step from one surface (straw) to another (yard/field/etc.) LOL!! Silly billies! Be ready for the foal to refuse to leave the stable and for Suzie to circle in front of the door calling her baby, or she will want to keep walking back in to encourage him/HER to follow out the door. You might, in the end, have to follow Suzie back into the stable, get the foal near the door and give it a gentle shove across the 'threshold', let Suz follow it out and pause in front of it while it gets its head together, then as it totters forward towards its Momma, slowly move Suzie forward, foal will suddenly catch up and you are good to go. Just remember that foals dont go by sight at this age, only by smell, so dont let Suzie get too far in front on that first walk out! Also when you go to let her loose in her new field, make sure the foal is on the far side of Suz before you let her go, so the foal moves off with her and doesn't stay next to you in confusion - you also 'smell' of Momma!!

Oh dear, I do seem to keep writing loads of stuff like a lecture. I dont mean to, I just get carried away and I do so want your first few days with Suzie and her baby to go smoothly for you, so you can enjoy this precious time and not get in a panic. Just go by your gut instinct, see things from Suzie's and the foal's eyes and you will be fine.

Will be watching her most of today, even if I'm not subjecting you to my long epistles. LOL!!
Anna just wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOUR INPUT!!!! you have so much knowledge to give and I am DRINKING It in!!

you girls are the best and are so helpful! I'm learning new things with every post, please don't ever feel as though you are lecturing me!! I love to learn and the more I learn before it actually happens the better!!

also if there is something that you are unsure whether to ask or say, please do so I love every question n comment every little thing helps so much!!

do you girls think maybe I should start putting a little bit of speedi bit (sugar flakes) in her feed occasionally so she gets used to it?? I think I will print off a lot of these posts this weekend if thats alright girls, and put them in a folder out by the stable, so I can refer to them
is that alright?

you have given me such great tips that I don't want to lose them!!

tonight went really well!! lots of kids for the first week back which was great lots of games and yummy food
they love it!!

well I'm beggered off to clean my teeth and head to bed, as I have to work all day tomorrow!!
I'm exhausted already LOL

Thanks for watching Suzie tonight for me!! :D I will have barn alarm and my mobile on and will be up occasionally during the night

Diane I hope you have a great day babysitting!!

Renee I'm glad Alby is doing better and your foot is healing!!

Anna hope your new little foal is doing really well!! :D

night ladies n thankyou!!
Had me worried there for a while Cassie - couldn't get the cam to come up, but suspect it was my laptop playing silly beggers!

Yes good idea to try Suzie with the speedi beet - is it the same stuff that we have here? You have to soak it before feeding it? Dont try to feed it dry anyway coz you want it to be wet to help her after foaling. Put a handful or so in a container and well cover it with water, leave it for at least several hours, even over night to make sure it is really soaked through - you can use hot water if you wish, speeds things up a bit! In the winter I always add hot water to it before draining it to warm it up a bit. Tip the excess water out before feeding it to start with, but you can leave it 'sloppy' after she foals to mix in with your mashy feed. A lot of folks will say speedi beet doesn't need much soaking, but I prefer to play it safe and leave it soaking for a decent amount of time - Usually set up each 24 hours worth in the evening, so it soaks overnight! Once she is used to it aim for around a handful of dry for each feed (soaked of course!)

Cassie grazing quietly - off to check Peanut, who looks extremely restless and uncomfortable???
Ok thanks anna I'll start her on it tomorrow... Smartie gets it at night so it's easy done
I make his up with hot water anyway
please someone tell me if peanut does anything!! Would hate to miss her foaling!!! Night
Sorry I have been playing with the boys but I have the pc right here near me (as always)
I am watching her. Sweet dreams Cassie and Anna please post pics of Daddy
Just dashed in to check again on Suzie - can someone tell me what she is doing? Almost out of the picture by her door.
I think I am going to ring Cassie bc she has been there over 30 minutes now
I think she might just be eating her hay in that corner, but she does keep sort of swinging her body back and forth. Going to watch for a while - refuse to panic! LOL!!
Think that might be sensible Renee, didn't realise it had been that long. Hope she hasn't got cast or something.
Thank goodness she's moved at last. Wonder if she was lying close to the door. She's gone down straight away in the middle of her stable now. Better keep watching for a little while I think?
Well I think Cassie should keep an eye on her for a while - she does seem very interested in her tummy. I couldn't tell whether she was standing or lying by the door, but if not lying then it was quite unusual for her to stand so still for such a long time. Plus we dont need her foaling off camera right by the door! LOL!!
Ooooo squidgy pile!! Think that feed bowl wants moving out the stable Cassie.
If she was stood by the door it is strange that she hasn't laid down yet
Hi guys
Renee dnt feel bad I missed my alarm

Going off anyway so it was good you woke me
anna if she starts foaling tonight the feedbin will go out of there it's a rubber one that is flexible n such but still not good for newborn foal! Well she was down sternal then flat roll then back up wee bit of pacing then eating lol silly girl

Thanks Renee n Anna n Diane
Now she's munching something - hay? Does she have hay in there Cassie - a lot of mares like to have a munch when in the early stages of labour, I think it keeps their minds off any pain, and she wont eat too much.

I've got to go in a few minutes, be gone an hour and a half, sorry!
She has hay yes.
usually she eats it all but I think dad snuck in a little extra last nite while I wasn't watching lol is it safe for me to sleep again for a bit? Anna? Or should I stay up?? Lol
god lord Cassie go to sleep you have work tomorrow, I am here and there are some people on marestare too. Sorry again for waking you
No worries
she was just out flat again... Not for long Poor little girl. Dnt Appolagize renee thanku!!! Let me know of anything else thanks sweety ;) nite

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