Mare ready to foal?

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These foal threads move quick! I vanish outside to do jobs and what a lot of catching up! Admitedly I was outside for half the day, lol.

Cassie I think you've seen my other thread so you now know I am from Mudland (I bogged the tractor today so the name will stick) and I've been breeding for the grand amazing total of 1 year
this year is my second.

My girl from last year, Twinkles, dragged the whole thing out for me as well. Being a newbie every change felt like she was about to pop out a foal at any moment. Two months later with no regular sleep I was relieved when she gave birth to Derby! At least this year I have somthing to compare the changes to.

You have so much good advice here, I wish I'd known about this place a year or two ago!
OMG more and more reading - I might need glasses soon.

Talk about an eventful 24 hrs with Suzie and to finish it off she had a cattle episode.

If that doesnt scare the baby out of her nothing will.

I am still thinking about the visitor I saw but it seemed like it was someone in the stable and no ears. I mean when I saw the length of ears on your boy Smartie when he had his head in a little later you couldnt miss them and also how he pulled his head out. What I saw was different.

Here is hoping for an uneventful night with Suzie. Have the cows gone??
Morning all/evening to those in Aussieland!

Bit late here today - dodgy night last night sleep wise, so of course overslept this morning (do wish my sleep pattern would get itself sorted out! LOL!!), rushed out to do the boys, and then just as I'm wading my way through yet another plethora of pages, Cathy phoned for a chat - silly girl, coz she will be back here later this morning, but she does love to chat!!

Well I hope we dont have another night like the last one Cassie - too much stress and worry for my liking! But I'm sure it was a one off, and I still think it might have been a horse head that was seen at the bottom of the cam, not an intruder in the stable.

Poor Suzie and the cows - no wonder she got upset, with them invading her field. I suspect that her sweaty look when you got her in was a 'left over' from all her chasing around. I know you said that she doesn't want you brushing her now, but if you have a normal human hairbrush lying around somewhere (the hardish plastic type one) then to run this gently and slowly over/through her thick coat might be welcomed - mine love this treatment when they have got a bit hot/itchy and it means that you dont have to brush hard like you would have to using a normal horse brush. Might be worth giving it a try when you get back from shopping?

I love the pic of your big lad - what a gorgeous colour! Also the pics of the snow - especially the carrot one! LOL!! We had around a foot and a half of snow here last winter, but the drifts on the top of our mountain were over car height and impassible until a local farmer with one of those huge tractors and a snow plough went through. Then it was like driving through a single track snow 'tunnel', the floor of which rapidly turned to ice! Meeting someone coming the other way for that mile and a half was 'interesting' LOL!!

Off to check on Peanut and do catch up! See you later.
Thanks Bree
that's exactly what I have been feeling finally someone who has had the same experience as me lol

We've all been there
Mine was just last year so fairly fresh in my mind! And I still consider myself quite the newbie! I'm sure my mares will give me the run around this year, at least you'll have a foal by then!

I never seem to tune in when Suzie is doing the cute sleeping thing, mostly when I check she is doing the statue routine.
LOL poor you Bree she is know as the snuggle bunny cos she sleeps most of the night long LOL

I just got back, checked on her and locked her in for the night...
she is still quite warm n a little sweaty, I brushed her down like you suggested Anna she seemed to enjoy it...

I don't know if you can see it from here, but it looks like she is fleshed out near her flanks a bit is this the foal in position do you think??

I'm back now, exhausted but had a good time.
ok girls my last question and guys LOL Hi matt!!

before I go to bed...

I have added the pic below, which I think shows really well, her flanks fleshed out, prob using the wrong term again sorry ... does this happen when they are close to foaling??


night all, going to catch some zzzzzz's hoping for a nice peaceful night unless of course Suzie has her foal
Looks like she's having a good munch now.

She's a bit of a cutie, you'll need to put up some new photos!
Lol I do indeed
thankyou Bree
well I'm going to sleep now suzie is playing statue but dear one that's not your bedroom the middle of the stall is your bedroom!! That's the kitchen lol can you please go to bed?!

Haha can you tell im tired lol night everyone!!
wow AGAIN.. you ladies sure do write a lot!

Love seeing all the photos

Both Suzie and Peanut will be up on the screen again today. Hopefully no unwanted guests. Lots of eyes keeping a look out.

Miss Suzie is eating away.
Good Night Cassie...its hard to tell for me if she is thinning in her flanks from that picture ..I think because she is wearing her winter woolies. But i DO think she has when i see her in her stall at a little different angle.

Cassie is it still easy to climb over the fence when she is locked in the stall...or is the lock outside on a gate. I would hate to be in a hurry and fumbling for the key if you need to get to her quickly...Im sure you have it all figured out. And doubly glad she will stay safe w/your added security. I forgot to mention...your biggie is you get a chance to ride much?
My girl seems very quiet except she has taken a liking to that corner all the sudden dam it suzie I can't get the cam over there!!! I have ways of getting in there quick Heidi
thanks. Thanks for commenting on my photo lol I still dnt really know what to look for lol

Well everything is quiet so I'm up to get a drink my throat is killing me n get back to sleep you ladies seem to be having a gr8 time especially on peanuts thread!! Talk bout a book!!!
Well Suzie is nice and quiet and no visitors of any kind that I have seen although I have been running around a bit more today.
Yay, I reached the end of last night's chapters.

Hope you are sleeping well Cass and are not coming down with

a germ, as yu said your throat is sore.

Got Suz up and will be watching for alien invaders or errant cows.

Get your Zzzzzzzzzzz's
Thanks everyone lol yes almost 3am I want to watch but dnt want to watch as well if you know what I mean lol

Thanks nancy I'm sure I'll be fine

Haha Diane I'm sure you will :D once suzie has her foal I think I will have to print off this whole forum n put it in a book " my first foal" LOL!!! Hehe I like it!!!

Baby must be moving a bit tonight poor suz lol
No-one need worry - I opened up the gun cabinet and am now sitting with the 12 bore pointed directly at the screen. Any intruder will get a huge suprise from me if they try to get to our Suzie tonight!

Come on, come on, whoever you are, just give me the pleasure of pulling the trigger!
3am all is quiet phew!!! It must be so hard for her to get up now Poor pregnant tummy!!! Well I'm back to sleep now she is watching the door but doesn't seem concerned... She looks like a big round ball from this angle lol poor little girl

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