Well-Known Member
My 17 yr old mare Fancy has had 2 severe colic impactions in the last month.Wed was really bad-vet was here at 9 PM and had to come back at 1 AM.Mare was tubed with epsom salts and Metamucil first time. given drugs for pain as well as banamine.Very little gut sounds and distended abdomen.At 1 AM mostly water tubing and more drugs.Throwing herself on the ground in pain.Th ursday she was better and finally pooped.Hand grazing for 10 minutes every 2 hrs all day. No water intake on her drugs or banamine and she was fine.Friday out on wet grass for 3 hrs. doing fine but only 1 quart water intake since Wed night. Poop is smaller.Things I have tried with no results Gatorade,applesause with fresh grass and small amount of water, brown sugar dissolved in water. I have also given her small amounts of electrolyte paste and salt water squirted in her mouth.Have had most success with slurpy mix of brown sugar in water with very small amounts of alfalfa leaves and some hay in it.She was eating some of that when I left the barn.I can't keep dealing with these colic episodes due to having shoulder surgery in 1 week and someone else will be caring for her.HELP will be greatly appreciated.