The feet or wrists in hot water thing works because it opens the arteries- which is what chemically, Sumatriptan does.
Debs you need to take a hammer with you to the Doctor.
When he says again he does not like prescribing drugs, hit him hard over the head with the hammer and tell him he cannot have any painkillers!!!!
I LIKE drugs, drugs are GOOD!!!
If you have a headache, taking drugs routinely is a bad thing, we all know that we are not idiots and we are not children.
What we really need, all of us, is a doctor that has Migraines herself.
I tell you, I actually stopped the Neurologist and told her at great length how very insulting I found it that she referred to Migraines as "headaches" I told her that, had she ever experienced one, she would know what I meant, and realise that there was a whole lot more to a Migraine than a headache.
Unfortunately I am not sure how much of what I was saying she understood as she appeared to be from Roumania, and her English was, in spite if all the letters after her name, very limited.
She still prescribed the Gabapentin, though!!!