Mouse in the grain

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Oct 15, 2006
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I just bought a bag of Omelene 300 and for got to put it into the Rubbermaid tub when I got home. Needless to say the mice wasted no time finding it and put a small hole in the bag and had a snack. My question is, is the rest of the bag still okay to feed to my horses or do I have to throw the whole thing out?
I would throw the whole thing out. When in doubt I always throw out. To me a bag of feed is much cheaper then a vet call and the stress of a sick horse

Thanks for the reply on throwing out the grain, Kay!

I was afraid someone would was probably going to say that!

I bet I'll remember to put the grain away properly next time!
I know someone who lost three horses from mice getting into the feed.... was not fun. One was a top show horse.

I use the metal trash cans with a lid if the grain must be stored where mice can get in there..... Then if they try to chew in, they can have no teeth, LOL
I know someone who lost three horses from mice getting into the feed.... was not fun. One was a top show horse.
I use the metal trash cans with a lid if the grain must be stored where mice can get in there..... Then if they try to chew in, they can have no teeth, LOL
I just had to buy a metal trash can this past week, its getting cold out and the mice are coming inside, i used a plastic trash can where it would be easy for them to squeeze under the lid where the handles are and get in, i opened up the lid and 4 or 5 mice came jumping out at me !!! Had to dump the whole thing and picked up a metal trash can as when that lid is on, NO WAY they can get in....well im sure they will find a way eventually.
Unless the little begger died in there I would say go ahead and feed it. Mice run all over EVERYONES barn and I'm sure all over the hay the horses eat. Get a couple of cats thats what I do.
The farm here that lost the horses did feed the feed, and their horses died. Mice carry diseases and the urine and poop from the mice is all over the grain while they are sitting in it. Hantavirus is carried in the waste and saliva from mice.

I would be nervous about feeding anything that the mice had been into and possibly sitting in.
OH yuck! Don't you just hate mice!?!

I found a dead rat in my Omelene a while ago, actually a rather horrifying experience...... I wondered what smelled so awful in the garage, but didn't know what it was. I grabbed the big feed scoop and went to dish out the grain..... and when the scoop came out of the bag, there was that dead rat in it, sitting 2 inches from my hand! GROSS!

I chucked out the entire bag of it... after, of course, screaming like an idiot over the fact that I had just about touched it.
Ok great topic for this time of the year.

We have been trying to get rid of either rats or mice or ????? not sure.

Can you tell what would be making these holes. have rat trap, mouse trap electronic Rodent Repeller

and now have a dog catcher bringing over a live trap... do not know, and they also chewed a big whole in our plastic bails... nothing is working, so not sure what it is? Help....

last year had birds in our barn and now this... Yes, still have a neutered cat Nemo...

No birds but what ?????????????


first picture is just outside our barn door, than the other tunnels are in our feed room.

Cannot believe to day, left a big pile of dirt just to say, do not cover in my holes...


Moved this to the photo gallery.

Need to find out what I have in my barn? thanks
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Hey, the mice can't get into those plastic tub's the ones you buy at Wal Mart with the lids can they? That's what I use for grain, pellets, and beets. I've never had a problem before, but this is only my 2nd winter in Mo so I don't have clue. When we first moved here there were mice in the barn and my husband put poison out and we never saw the mice again. If it was "me" I'd throw the grain out. Ugh, that thing running through your grain leaving pooh and urine, yuck..... TJ
If you have horses and feed then you have mice. Just because you got a hole in the bag is no reason to not feed the grain. If you will remember back to marestare and Erika's barn and the mouse running on the rail of the stall. Should she go out daily and sanitise that rail? I will bet you could put a camera on a horse feed tub and while the horse is eating mice will come. We have barn cats so we have minimal mice. But we still have them.
Actually the mice can chew through the heavy plastic garbage cans such as you buy at Wally World. I have had them chew up through the bottoms.

You are better off to get metal garbage cans with lids. Those are pretty safe.
Ok great topic for this time of the year.We have been trying to get rid of either rats or mice or ????? not sure.

Can you tell what would be making these holes. have rat trap, mouse trap electronic Rodent Repeller

and now have a dog catcher bringing over a live trap... do not know, and they also chewed a big whole in our plastic bails... nothing is working, so not sure what it is? Help....

last year had birds in our barn and now this... Yes, still have a neutered cat Nemo...

No birds but what ?????????????


first picture is just outside our barn door, than the other tunnels are in our feed room.

Cannot believe to day, left a big pile of dirt just to say, do not cover in my holes...


Moved this to the photo gallery.

Need to find out what I have in my barn? thanks

Mice make tunnels like that, in the dirt ,in the insulation, in the feed, hay bales etc. They are just the PITTS!!! I have barn cats, and unfortunatly I am down to only two females and a boy. Boys are lousy mousers, but the two girls do a pretty good job, just there are way more mice then there are cats. I find that every time I spay a female, she dissapears or gets killed. I lke to keep one that can have kittens, so I can have a supply of cats on hand. But this year she had a litter of 5 boys. I had to find homes for all of them.

My barn is heated and I now have mice nesting in the ceiling in the insulation. I have found them in my feed, vitamins, cat and dog food. Besides the house. I have poison in the house, which helps, but I can not put poison out in the barn. I do not want the cats or dogs to die from eating a poisoned mouse.

I am at my witts end trying to figure out how to get rid of these beggers. I need more cats, but it is hard to keep them around and alive with coyotes, dogs, farmers and cars around. I seem to loose a cat or two almost every year.

I have found that they can chew threw plastic containers. So now my farmer has given me heavy metal containers with tops. Hah, the mice can not get in them. But I feed so many different kinds of feed, that I would have metal containers all over the place.

During the winter months, the cats live inside the heated barn. Thus another problem with their waste and hair.

I sure wish there was a poison I could use that would kill a lot of mice and not hurt the animals.
Ok great topic for this time of the year.We have been trying to get rid of either rats or mice or ????? not sure.

Can you tell what would be making these holes. have rat trap, mouse trap electronic Rodent Repeller

and now have a dog catcher bringing over a live trap... do not know, and they also chewed a big whole in our plastic bails... nothing is working, so not sure what it is? Help....

last year had birds in our barn and now this... Yes, still have a neutered cat Nemo...

No birds but what ?????????????


first picture is just outside our barn door, than the other tunnels are in our feed room.

Cannot believe to day, left a big pile of dirt just to say, do not cover in my holes...


Moved this to the photo gallery.

Need to find out what I have in my barn? thanks

Mice make tunnels like that, in the dirt ,in the insulation, in the feed, hay bales etc. They are just the PITTS!!! I have barn cats, and unfortunatly I am down to only two females and a boy. Boys are lousy mousers, but the two girls do a pretty good job, just there are way more mice then there are cats. I find that every time I spay a female, she dissapears or gets killed. I lke to keep one that can have kittens, so I can have a supply of cats on hand. But this year she had a litter of 5 boys. I had to find homes for all of them.

My barn is heated and I now have mice nesting in the ceiling in the insulation. I have found them in my feed, vitamins, cat and dog food. Besides the house. I have poison in the house, which helps, but I can not put poison out in the barn. I do not want the cats or dogs to die from eating a poisoned mouse.

I am at my witts end trying to figure out how to get rid of these beggers. I need more cats, but it is hard to keep them around and alive with coyotes, dogs, farmers and cars around. I seem to loose a cat or two almost every year.

I have found that they can chew threw plastic containers. So now my farmer has given me heavy metal containers with tops. Hah, the mice can not get in them. But I feed so many different kinds of feed, that I would have metal containers all over the place.

During the winter months, the cats live inside the heated barn. Thus another problem with their waste and hair.

I sure wish there was a poison I could use that would kill a lot of mice and not hurt the animals.
We have two freezers in the feed room for placing the feed.

If the bags were not in freezers the rodents would be into it.

People have to pay to dispose of the big old freezers so it's easy to get one and people are glad to be rid of them.
Reble are you certain you have mice...only asking because thats what l thought l had and then found out after we set out traps they were moles. We have about a dozen cats in the barn at all times and no mice there if they value there life. But l also had some tunnels and little piles of dirt by the holes so my husband got a mole trap and thats what we caught.
Chipmunks will also dig those tunnels!! We had those up in Michigan all over our barn and we thought they were mice until we saw the chipmunks running all over!!!
They are cute but we got over run with them pretty quick!! We added more barn cats and took care of the problem!!
Our barn cats ran out of mice and are now catching the quail. Even our boys. We have a big fat 9 1/2 pound nutered male cat that brings quail into the house. He loves the hunt. Yes our barn cats also come in the house. All seven of them. we don't have any mice in the house either. They used to camp out in our stove.
I do not have barn cats. I find that there are more problems with them, than without them. I dont like the mess in the hay, I dont like them spraying on everything, including my hot tub, I do not want them killing all the birds and quail that I feed, and I dont like them fighting and squalling all night long.

I have my own way of ridding my barn of mice, garter snakes. They do a dandy job.

The holes in the pictures look like ground squirrels at work.
We have 7 barn cats most spayed and all boys neutered and I have no problems with mice in the barn I don't even think I've seen a mouse in the barn and we live in the open with grass fields all around. I love my cats, they're just a big family all love each other, in the cold months they stop hunting the fields and rest up in the barn I've never had a single issue. Yes once in a blue moon they'll bring back a bird but it's much better than having rodent problems IMO mine have even killed decent sized rats!! I'm very proud of my little hunters
If a cat is fixed you would definitely enjoy them more!


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