My hen layed her first egg!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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I am proud to announce the arival

of my first ever home grown chicken egg!!!!!

We have 2 grown free range

Polish chickens a roo and a hen.

Today I saw my roo standing guard outside the chick house,

and no hen anywhere. They are always together

so I was a bit worried and somewhat excited she looked

ready to start egg laying but we had yet to find an egg.

I looked all over the yard just to be sure she wasnt hiding or hurt,

then I snuck past the Roo, and peeked in the chicken house.


Hiding behind the nest box was my hen standing over a perfect egg!!!!

Here is Papa Roo waiting proudly outside the house.


And here is the beautifull egg!!


My girls and I are so excited! But as our first egg I cant eat it!

ps sorry the pics are sooooo big!!!!! I promiss I did try to resize! :DOH!
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woo hoo Stella! i remember when we had chickens... finding the eggs was always so fun. i miss those dirty birds... and the yummy eggs. we used to get a "to go" box every time we went out to eat, right at the beginning of the meal, and put all the scraps and garnish and whatever in there. when those chickens saw me coming with a white styro box, they got SO EXCITED! maybe someday we can build a safe chicken coop and have some more
Well your rooster was nicer then mine!
. He chased me when I found my first egg!


Your hen and rooster look really neat!

Will the egg grow into a chick (I don't know how it works?)!

And, of course, I love your purple hen house
our Roo is not too mean. He will try to do the scary rooster dance at my husband and sometimes my 9 year old. But I try to hold him alot and he doesnt do it to me.

Yes Jill, we have purple everything!!!! My husband does remodleing and brings paint home. Our goat house, and chicken house are purple with burgandy trim. I let my girls paint and it came out cute.

The chickens are pretty I think, so thanks!!!!

the egg, we got excited and I wanted to hatch it, but I just found out that you should wait and not hatch the first eggs, sometimes the hen needs time to work everything out and I guess the first eggs could have problems growing.

But it only takes 21 days to grow a baby chick! We may try this spring.

I think we will blow out this egg and save it.
How exciting!!! I feel your excitement...and of course I love your purple chicken house too! You might can let her try and hatch out her own batch of eggs this's so cute to watch momma hen with her brood. Congratulations!!!!
Stella, I had a very bad day today

You have no idea how bad it got.

This post has made me smile and think of how the simple little things in life can still bring meaning into ours. Thank you.
How fun!

We raised bantams when I was growing up and those roosters could get sooo "cocky" I remember one used to run up and try to intimidate me when when I rode the moped or my horse.....he would stand there and cock his head and strut his stuff and not let us by...

When I was on foot and wearing shorts he would chase me into the alfalfa field and patrol it, when I came out he would chase me and I would scream and laugh but he was quick and would sometimes get me with those spurs.... He wasn't afraid of anything :DOH!
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Bantams are so cute!!! I only just recently saw them in person I could not beleive how tiny they are! What a funny roo story!
congrats! I miss my chickens...sometimes. I had 6 rhode island red hens, 3 americauna hens, and one polish hen...I had so many eggs, I couldn't give them away fast enough...the reds would sometimes lay 2 a day. We don't eat eggs much. So many I ended up just throwing away. My polish wouldn't lay often, but she was younger and the egg was about 1/3 the size of the other's. It was white too...she was a golden laced polish that I hatched from an incubator.

Anyhoo...congrats on your first egg...if and when you do start eating will notice a big difference in taste...there is nothing like free range eggs, they are so rich and yummy!
When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I had a red jumper that I sometimes wore. One of my Bantam Cochin roosters always tried to attack me - but only when I wore that jumper. I guess all that red made him go nuts! He didn't dare come from the front of me, but would try to sneak around and hit me from behind. If I saw him at it and faced him, he'd immediately find something else to do (who ME?)

I have had the white crested black Polish, gorgeous birds. You may need to get an incubator if you want to hatch any eggs, as I believe the Polish is a non-setting variety (all of mine have been, anyway.)

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