New Barn

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2003
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Not sure if anyone remembers but back in the summer I posted pics of our new barn well we are almost done. Just thought I would post pics of the stalls.

My wonderful husband has been working so hard at these stalls, and has put a lot of hours into them. They do look better in person but here they are, we do need two more stall doors to be done, they are very time consuming to do.


and part of the barn I will post a better pic later.


its the large building on the left.

Thanks for letting me share,


Riversides Miniature Horses
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you & your husband obviously take alot of pride in your work - it shows

they look awesome!!
Oh those are just beautiful he has done a WONDERFUL job
aktion033.gif much do you charge for a stall? I would live in one of them..............

Oh and can I have that horse in your avatar!

Those stalls are awesome!! I love the doors!

HMMMM! Now, we need another picture with the horses in them! HA!
[SIZE=14pt]Wow!!Ok I would like to order 3 stalls to go just kidding!!AWSOME I am sooo jelouse!![/SIZE]
Ok, I love the stalls, can your husband come and build some for me?????? LOL in lieu of that can you give me the particulars, i.e. size, where you got the bar panels from, general cost. If you would rather email me directly, feel free. Thanks, we are getting ready to move to our first farm where the "kids" can be living with us. YEAH
but we have to put stalls in the barn and I am must stuck. I am not sure what works and what doesn't. Yours look great. I would love the plans if nothing else.

WOW, put me on the list to have some shipped!

They are very very nice and what a great guy!
What a beautiful barn!!! That looks like the walls have been sheet rocked.

Are your floors cement? Very light bright and airy. Thanks for pics of how nice a barn can look inside!!!
Beautiful barn.Your husband has done a wonderful job. What type of material are your walls and ceiling made of ?
OH my word it's just beautiful! It looks so clean and sterile like I can eat off the floor and lick the walls!!!!!! It's much cleaner looking than my house ever was! Now you've got me wanting to paint mine but Jerry said he'll kill me if I start that. I do also love your windows. It's all so perfect and I wish you lots and lots of fun in that barn for years to come. Ain't husband's grand?
Thanks to everyone for your kind words. I love my barn very much and yes my husband for makeing this happen for me. This barn is my dream barn, and I have the horse in my avatar to be in there soon.

The stall walls are 2 x 6 boards stained. The doors are made of 2 x 6 boards as well with the bars. Everything black was painted and the walls are painted with semi-gloss white. The walls are chip board. The stalls are an odd size 8 x 10 which for my guys is plenty of room. I do have a larger stall for foals if I every have any again, 10x10 or around that.

Just wondering how many here use stall matts? I have cement floor and I do have a lot of matts from the old barn. But I am worried about the moisture underneath the matts?? Does that create a lot of smell??


Thanks everyone

Nicole Merkley

Riverside Miniature Horses
We use barn matts and have never had a smell problem from them. You will really like them.

your stalls are fab--what a great hubby!


We recently built a new barn, and also have cement floors.

I wasnt nuts about a cement floor at first, but hubby talked me into it, and I wouldnt want it any other way now!

He put a drain in it, so we can hose it right down!

We have thick padded mats in each stall, and never have had a moisture problem between the mat and the floor.

We do use PDZ when we clean everyday, really keeps the stalls nice and dry, and my barn doesnt smell like a horse barn!
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