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Hi we're over in the west but have sold a number of minis down your way in the past few years. We started with one as a xmas gift for the family 25 years ago while l was a stay at home mom now we have over 30 mares and 10 stallions but am a stay at home empty nester these days. We got booted out of our 12 acre place in a subdivision so moved to a quarter section just to keep the horses. Gotta love those horses. :lol:
Hi Rebel! Welcome to the Forum...a good place to be. and I have to thank you for starting this because I am finding out interesting things about people that I didn't know before.

Frank and I are right in the middle of the US....Oklahoma City, OK. We've been 'in horses' all our adult lives and started our mini farm in '91. we breed and show and HAVE FUN!

I'm sitting here right now watching Spring who is getting close to foaling.....I think....she'll make a liar out of me what do you bet.
: I figure she'll wait till Frank gets on the plane to FL for the AMHA meeting...THEN she'll foal! :bgrin

there's a link to our web site in my signature. Please stop in for a visit. I'm going to go visit yours before I go back out and finish cleaning stalls.

Here's a pic of Frank and Colors last year.



p.s. WOW! What a BEAUTIFUL picture of beautiful little horses!
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Welcome from western Montana! I am a stay at home mom and have 9 minis at the moment. We have had minis since 2000. I just love all my horses and really enjoy all the time spent with them.

Here are a few of my favorite horses...

Sutherlin's Little Shazam, my belly splash overo stallion, aka "Sam"


Here is Buck On Dans Whiskey Girl, she is my newest horse and I just LOVE her!


And lastly here is my show colt. I plan on gelding him and showing him in everything we can! His name is CNC's Tucks N Tails...


There are more pictures on my website
I'm here, in beautiful Wisconsin, our farm sits on top of a 500 ft bluff that over looks the Mississippi River. I used to raise big horses and rode alot, now I have the little horses and like to drive. I just ordered a gold and green harness, you know, Packer colors! I was up to 48 mares last fall, I don't even know how that happened, talk about an addiction! Now I'm down to 25 mares and feel good about it. I love my minis donkeys too. It's nice to meet new people on the forum, great thread!

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I'm located in North Dakota.. stay at home working farm Mom with 5 dauthers and 3 granddauthers. Yup hubby kinda over run!!

I have had miniature only 4 years. Used to ride distance, but after hurting my back I can no longer ride much.

Now I have 13 miniatures waiting for 8 foals this spring. I'm very exticed about that.LOL

We milk 60 cows and have 250 beef cattle and 3 sheep, 2 riding horses and 1 bison..

Oh 2 dogs, 2 house cats, 1 pet mouse, 1 love brid and to many barn cats to count.

Check out my web-site for photos of my horses!

I love minies! Us short cubby critters need to stick together :lol:

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welcome to the forum..I am new to mini but not horses..Got My first Mini Aug. last year and now have three. Canterbury Excalibur , Bay pinto 2yr stallion, Kobeck's Lil Coffee Cake blue roan appy and my Dwarf Music Man black pinto .
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:saludando: Greetings from Western Pennsylvania.. I have a small farm here with 2 minis(as of right now) lol. I've been into mini's for about 2 years, helping as a grommer and at shows. this will be my first year showing under my own farm name and with my own mini's..I can' wait for show season!!!

I've been on the forum for about 2 months and you'll like it here, lots of information and learn more everyday..The picture of your herd is great.
Hi Mary, You already know me
: :bgrin I'm up here in northern WIsconsin, where they are predicting a snowstorm for us again! :bgrin I started in minis in 97, and I really dont know how it happened
: since I told myself only 2, well, now I am up to 31. I dont work out---what did I just say???!!! of course I work--my barn/horses keep me VERY busy, pay is horrible but the reward is great! I have been on the forum for a long time, its the greatest place to meet friendly people who all share there love of minis....and here is a pic of one of my pastures. Corinne
Hiya from Ireland!! I have always had horses but only been in minis for 8yrs. my website is and your welcome anytime for a browse and a free glass of Guinness!!
: (a web one of course)
Hi, Welcome everyone from South Central Montana...the Big Sky Country! Lots of blue skies, praries and nearby mountains.....not crowded {yet} and very peaceful living. My hubby and I are retired and enjoy our minis. We belong to the Big Sky Harness Club and hubby really enjoys training for harness. We only have 6 minis but this way each gets their individual attention. We love the Bukeroo and Rowdy lines with good conformation, intelligence and trainability. My favorite mini is pictued below. Only shows his beautiful neck and head because it has been too cold to do a full clip. Mary

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hi im kay. ive had minis and shetlands for 5 years and just re located to ohio. I also breed border collies. Im president and co founder of CMHR (we have a forum that mary lou made for us here on lil begs) when you have time please take a look at our rescue site my site is

love the pic of your minis!!

Hello and welcome to the forum! I'm susanne (duhh...silly me). Keith and I live in Scappoose, Oregon, with three minis, four dogs and three cats. We're part of the Hwy 30 contingent...there are quite a few minis and mini owners in this neck of the woods.

We adopted our first mini, Mingus (named after jazz bassist, Charles Mingus) from a rescue group, and soon Thelonius (named for Thelonius Monk) and Pastorius (Jaco Pastorius) soon followed. I'm always telling stories about these guys, so you'll soon know more about them than you ever wanted to know!

Here are our boys:



Pastorius (aka Flash)



What a wonderful response, and this is a great forum, just seeing the faces and minis, can

tell me, the love in your hearts.

Keep up the Excellent Job, it takes all of us to make this Forum work

The kind and caring people, I have read on this forum.

As alot have said we open the Forum in the morning and close with the Forum at night.

Bless you all.
: :aktion033: :saludando:
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welcome! :saludando: :lol:

heres me,my mare Tribecca and her 2003 colt Golden.

Hello there from Sunny Southern California! I joined the mini world almost 10 years ago and from what I can tell, Susan O. was the first person I contacted regarding minis!

I currently have 6 minis, with baby-on-the-way (Poppy in avatar)

Below is the love of my life - my 8 year old gelding Cody, who I would not have been able to deliver without the knowledge that I learned from this forum (8 years ago!)

Cody and his sister Gracie:


Here's me and Cody (under hosscrazy)

Liz R.
Hi, Welcome everyone from South Central Montana...the Big Sky Country! Lots of blue skies, praries and nearby mountains.....not crowded {yet} and very peaceful living. My hubby and I are retired and enjoy our minis. We belong to the Big Sky Harness Club and hubby really enjoys training for harness. We only have 6 minis but this way each gets their individual attention. We love the Bukeroo and Rowdy lines with good conformation, intelligence and trainability. My favorite mini is pictued below. Only shows his beautiful neck and head because it has been too cold to do a full clip. Mary

Wow, Mary, Apache is looking really good. Can't wait to see him clipped this spring.


I've tried twice now to make a seperate post, but the darn computer keeps putting my two posts together, so...

Welcome from frozen NE Montana. I live on a ranch with my husband and we raise beef cattle, have several saddle horses for working cows and pleasure; and now for about a year minis. I bought Dakota, about this time last year, he is my first mini, picture in my avatar. I've since added 3 mini fillies; I'm picking up the third filly tomorrow. :bgrin

Feel free to check out my website. I plan to move it soon, it's currently on my ISPs website and I'm not happy with what I get from them. Oh, and the home page link doesn't work, once you are on the site, but the links to all the other pages work just fine. :bgrin
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: Welcome to the forum! You will love it here and it is a great place to learn! All of your guys are beautiful!

Here are my two

Suzy, fuzzy and pregnant


and Locita, just fuzzy!

Welcome Rebel :saludando: .....and I love your pictures!

We live in Southwestern Ohio & have been involved with Miniatures since 1989. Just have a small farm where we breed, raise & show a few each year. Specializing in Overo/Toveros now & like to keep them as small as we can without losing conformation. Our adults range from 28" to 32" and are double registered AMHA/AMHR. We also enjoy sharing our Minis with others at events, parades & nursing homes & schools.

Here I am showing one of our babies a couple years ago.


And here are a couple of pictures of some of our minis in the pasture.


Big Hi from BC Canada Middle age farm wife here 9 horses 1 dog. Seem to have poor luck posting pictures but trust me we are all cute. lo :bgrin l Welcome
Hi Mary. Welcome to the Forum!

I've been a member here for about seven years already! Wow! And hardly a day goes by that I don't check and see what's going on here.

Like Amelia, I hope you'll join the MHCO, too. It's a great group of people and you'll have tons of fun and learn a lot, too. If you visit the website,, you'll get a good idea of what we're all about.

Looking forward to seeing you at the shows this year!

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