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Oct 10, 2007
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ok, I have a question. My barn has a dirt floor and has a tendency to flood. The horses are never in water, they are raised up on wood, however, my hallway is and it stinks :arg! . Is there something that I can spread on the hallway floor to help with the odor that is not toxic to my horses? The hallway is not always under water but with the recent rains it is extremely damp and does not smell the greatest. I am eventually having dirt brought in but in the meantime I would like to illiminate some of the odor from the dampness.
There are lots of different products that neutralize odors in stalls, like "Stall Fresh". You could try one of those and see if they work.
The other product is called "PDZ".
Our old barn use to flood. Didn't know it was the low side of the pasture until it was done. Needless to say, we built the ground up around the barn to keep the water out. Worked like a charm. Then in the summer, we would knock the burms down and it looked good. I would personally build a burm around the opening of your barn so that water can't get in. Then when the rain season is over, knock it down.
We like to use Barn Lime. I tried PDZ and others and they are really hard to scoop up once they get wet.
I use the stuff to soak up oil on garage floors it's diatomacious (sp) earth. Same ingredient as the horse stall fresheners but ALOT cheaper 3.00 compared to 6.00.
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we like Equine Fresh
they smell so good we get it @ TSC
Rosemill farm I'm SO glad you bought the Kahoka mare. Now I get to see her everyday on your avatar and I don't have to feed or clean up after her.
I use the Carpet stuff that says for Pet Odor. I think it is the Armor Hammer in the orange box. It really helps, after you have cleaned out the stalls. I usually get it at the Dollar Store.
I would say the sweet PDZ too. My sisters barn flooded a month back. My dear nephews left the water run all night. :DOH! They bought bags and bags of that pelleted saw dust. It spread and expanded. It worked wonders to dry it up. Smelled good too.

Looky here:

You need a load of CHAT. Its a combination of crushed limestone, sand, and gravel. You put it over top of yalls dirt. It sucks up moisture big time. The whole herd could come in the isleway and pee and it wouldn't stink. It works very well and looks good and costs about $125.00 or so a load. You can walk on it barefoot too. You get it wherever you can get your dirt from.

Looky here:

You need a load of CHAT. Its a combination of crushed limestone, sand, and gravel. You put it over top of yalls dirt. It sucks up moisture big time. The whole herd could come in the isleway and pee and it wouldn't stink. It works very well and looks good and costs about $125.00 or so a load. You can walk on it barefoot too. You get it wherever you can get your dirt from.


Marty- what is it made of?????
Sorry that's the wrong picture, you can't see it well but I can't find the other ones at the moment.

It is made of crushed limestone, sand, gravels and then mixed and run through a crusher/mixer again. So the texture is quite fine. I finally got it because sometimes when it pours rain and my barn doors are open the driving winds will get my isleway all wet and then that causes stink and takes forever to dry out. So chat was the answer. We got a load dumped at the door and Dan used the box blade on the little tractor and drug it in and leveled it up. It was about 3 inches deep then it smashed down into the gravel after a few days of everyone on it, like I wanted it to and then it just kinda sets up real well. Now if it rains inside, the water just kinda gets soaked up into it and everything remains perfectly dry. The chat dries like in a few minutes. I have no idea how this works but I have been using chat for about 12 years for paths and things to keep me from walking in mud. It works and looks good. Maybe you can get just a little tiny bit and just try a small area for a while to see how you like it.

Tam over at Amazing Grace also has it in her isleway. I was at her barn last week and she says to me, "this is chat, isn't it neat" and I was like ........"yea I've got it too!"

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