Peanut Blessed me with a

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ok Phew, was getting worried!!!
hope you get it working soon
Up again burning the midnite oil........

Yawn, yawn, sigh. Someone better send me a jon bon jovi video if you expect me to stay up again. Preferably the one in his leather pants where he takes off his shirt, please.
Well well lookie who come down from her crafting castle and decided to say hello....what happened? did your scissors fall a "party" or is your Jaws movie stuck in the machine!!Oh no, I bet your knitting booties for your future grandbaby, Granny!You probablly havent even read my post about Nicky yet have you.
City Folks

An Easterner had always dreamed of owning his own horse ranch, and finally made enough money to buy himself the spread of his dreams out west. "So what did you name the ranch?" asked his best friend when he came to visit. "We had a heck of a time," admitted the new cowboy, "Couldn't agree on anything. We finally settled on the Double R Lazy L Triple Horseshoe Bar-7 Lucky Diamond ABC XYZ Ranch. "Wow!" his friend exclaimed, impressed. "So where are all the horses?" "None of 'em survived the branding."

Oh, come on its a joke...Its only a joke and Im tired of watching non foaling horses!!

One morning, the farmer went out at sunrise to feed the horses. He fed all of his horses but one. As he was walking to his mare's stall to feed her, he discovered she wasn't there. So he told his wife and they looked for her all day and finally at sunset, the farmer opened the door to the barn and found his mare with her head in a half empty bag of sweet feed. The farmer yelled to his wife, "FOUND'ER!"

O.K. I'll stop now and return to watching my screen!!
HAHA Renee!! are you getting sleepy??
the joke is good
we are very quiet on the posting front tonight aren't we... I wonder if Diane is still having trouble with her computer, haven't seen her on here much at all today!

I have just started a new topic, cos I want to find out what people think of expressing mare's milk... I have had reports saying both ways are good or bad, not sure either way now... so hopefully I will get some good responses from people
OH NO you poor thing Diane!! of course now that you have come back on she is standing still. " oh no Aunty Diane is watching me again I better stay still.... " hehe
I fell asleep in my flower pot.

zzzzzzzzzz back to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thats what Ive been saying for 3 hours...wheres the restlessness? Who knows...about giv'in up on this girl.

Sorry about your computer...I understand your frustrations..I go through it every time we loose power...its been alot lately.

Sunday morning, cripes Peanut better get her butt in gear!
Life can be so cruel! I think that she brought you up very well and that she must be very proud.
here here Renee!! you must be such a wonderful daughter Diane
it would be so exciting for her to take a trip to see her great grand daughter!!
Oh Diane, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. My mother lived with us for the last four yers of her life and during that time went from being slightly forgetful to the full blown nasties of this horrid disease. She passed away just before her 94th birthday, having lived a wonderful and happy life, but the last two years were difficult, frustrating and sad for us in the main, although we also had spells of fun and loving moments. Make the most of this time with your Mum - 'together moments' are very precious and make the memories for the future.

Peanut is snoozing quietly at the moment - hope she does something before Sunday!

oh, that would be so hard, ok, did anyone else see Peanut lay down then roll again? or is it going to be me making up stories again
cos now she is back in her corner... but she DID just lay down, roll then go do a wee, or a poo couldn't see LOL

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