Peanut Blessed me with a

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If she has the toilet in the top left and the bedroom in the bottom right will she give birth under the cam or over by the back door. hmmmmm

Place your bets girls
Good Afternoon Ladies, Ive been out cleaning the other barn. I needed to strip a couple stalls before it got too hot....mission accomplished! I made it right down to the wire with hay...down to my last bale but Im getting a delivery on Thursday so all is good.

little bit of an overcast outside so Peanut is out in pasture...if you want to call it that...its more like a sand pit with about 3 dozen sort of blades of grass and these funky things that are green that even cows wouldnt eat!! So basically they are out w/a pile of hay. I see these beautiful fields of people who live in N.florida and Im so envious...I wish that we had those nice fields!! My sister called this morning to tell me her Golden Retriever had 5 puppies early this A.M....I tried to talk her into putting them on Mare Stare...although I dont think I have any more room left on my screen. Whats everyone doing today/ Anything fun? Are you already packed Diane? I guess their weather is about the same so no need for heavy clothes. Im off to clean those piles of poop that are glaring at me on the later
Just checked on our lovely Peanut and saw you popping in with a clean bucket of water for her. She's looking good, but with the cam looking down on her from high up, it is difficult to see her 'shape' - has she dropped any more? How is the area either side of her tail bone, has that gone 'squishy' yet? We need an update. LOL!

Congrats on your big clear out, it's greatly satisfying to get a job done isn't it!

Hey, will get back to your post in a minute....are you by the computer...

need to hold up a baby racoon that my dogs found a couple minutes ago...called Wildlife Refuge and they are unable to transport to their facility...I cant leave and husbands not home :arg! Any idea what they would eat at this age? Let me know if your watching and I'll run out and hold him up

Anna do you know any thing about baby last post...sorry I'll reply to your post shortly just need some advice on this little critter
The cam was flicked to the wrong one but never mind I wouldn't want to frighten Peanut
She just peed in her bed where she sleeps bless her she still looks frightened, perhaps you could move them to the house if they are too vocal.

Sorry just a thought
Renee I need to go remove him...he's really making a racket right now...just not sure how to humanly euthanize the other ..will read your post in a bit..thanks and sorry

Peanuts a wreck
Heidi is in a bit of a pickle at the moment sorting out her new babies.

Heidi I had a look on line and the best thing for the healthy one would be to close up your dogs for the night and take the raccoon back to where you found it. It is highly possible that the mother will come and get him. As for how to humanly kill the sick one I am not sure, I would imagine a whack on the head but I sure couldn't do it. Sorry I am not much help
Well babies are in the guest there are 2.. there was one that had managed to crawl about 30ft from where the other 2 were found.He appears not hurt and is in the bathtub. The one that I need to euthanize is in a bucket out back. Poor thing wish he would just pass but I guess I need to drown...THIS STINKS. Im going to leave Peanut alone for a bit...Ithink shes calming down now. She didnt get up set untill I picked 1 up and it started screeching! Lordy have mercy
Renee thanks for looking up info..just havent had a sec so really, thank you. I dont really want to leave the 2, I think healthy babies where I found them b/c its too close to the barn. Im going to make a comfy little box and place it up higher. Then just hope they dont start making a racket.Hate to do it but if I have too I will put them out side our gate so horses cant hear them and just hope mom finds them. Going to let Peanut out for a bit and hope she relaxes even more!

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