Peanut Blessed me with a

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It is pink and Peanut is an appaloosa!
Hey Diane have you worked out what is sitting on the wall between the 2 girls? It looks like a cat but it hasn't moved in 2 days
Did you ask for a pet to replace your tv bc I think she has given you a stuffed one
I was wondering when you guys would notice that Ive been fixing up Dianes place...just a little knick knack here and there. Renee you win the prize for noticing it first

you gotta see whats going in tonight...if hubby feels like putting it up. Heck I spend enough time out there I want all my favorite things right out there with me. No Diane, its not a T.V.
MIss Peanut is stood by her "let me out" door quietly so I am off to bed. I will have her up from about 1.00am and i sure hope she foals bc tomorrow is the last day of school before the summer hols and I don't know how much I will be able to help with the monkeys around. Ggrrrrrr and then Diane will be gone from Sunday so she better hurry up. Try giving her some spicy food and a long walk. Lol

Nite nite
Is that pack a suitcase for you or for her? " have this foal or you are out" Lol
Sleep well Renee.

Just checked on Peanut and whoops, she has 3 babies in her stable. LOL!! I think the dogs are enjoying the fan!

Im not sure if it was the trailer ride or the fact that Annas husband drove 5 miles at 10 miles an hour...either way, It worked!!

yes, the dogs do enjoy the fans...when their not eatting the darn pony poop!! very embarrasing... on camera too! My new knick knack was found on the side of the road...its a resin Scotty dog I think.He's scrouching down so he sort of looks like a cat. I was driving and thought it was a hurt dog on the side. Did a U Turn, grabbed a jacket that I had on the back seat and went over to save the dog....guess I thought I would wrap him up in a blanket. Its a good thing I saved him, who knows how long he would have survived and he had not eatten in days!! He's a little stiff but should heal quickly. Surprise Diane, you have a new dog, I'll watch him untill you get back!!
Heidi, wow!!! you have had an eventful day! you poor thing!! the quickest way without an injection would be a blow over the head... maybe hubby can do it for you? I would hate to drown a racoon...
but I don't know if they are pests over there or not...? we don't have them here hehe

let me know if you need anymore help... I agree with Renee about putting the others back near the tree, but if the mum isn't there and there are more dogs around you may have problems so maybe you could keep a little eye on them...?

how is miss peanut today? was hoping for a daytime foaling but oh well, Suzie didn't give me my foal last night so it has to be before 12pm tonight otherwise I am done for!!!! ahhhhh!!!! LOL
Hubby to do list for Wed. P.M. ...after he's worked all day and watched the camera last night and had to run home to dispose of "ROCKY"

1. Please put up my new barn decoration

2. Please adjust color on Camera/computer screen...please check w/Diane at Castle Rock and she will sign off on it

3. The tire on my Poop wagon needs more than air...can we get that fixed?

4.Can you hold Peanut while I look at ALL of Peanuts privates, my friend Cassie will be awake soon and will want to know all the details ( luv ya Cas!! )

5. oh, whats for dinner?

haha Heidi your so cute!! and on top of that you have had a VERY stressful day and he needs to give you a massage... yes? hehe

and the check up is a must!!!!
You can bet I plan on forwarding that to a few people.

years( many many ) ago when I was a wild, selfish, druggie that didnt give a darn.. I never realized how much of what I did affected others in my family or my real friends. So your Joke/words of wisdom really hits home...and very true. Thanks Diane for sharing it.
I like that Diane!!!!!!

Just stopped by to catch up - have been checking all the cameras - can't believe none of these babies are arriving!!!!! Come on already!!!

Just have to add - what's with the blue bucket?????
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Good Evening Ladies, I trust we all have had a nice day? It just finished raining here not to long ago so maybe I can make it the whole night w/o any power interruptions. hows it going with you Diane? Computer working like a charm again? Hows Miss Suzie...I will not call her a sloth, I just dont have it in me...Tubba Wubba maybe but not a sloth. how come no one has mentioned your blue bucket...I see you have one. Maybe next year I should go with a yellow one! Skiff got home to late to surprise him with his honey do list so I guess my decorating will have to wait. Im about ready to head to the other house and check on Rocky #1 and Rocky #2. Skiff brought home some pediolyte but they didnt take much earlier. We have someone picking them up in the A.M. but I dont know if they will even last that long. Sad little guys. Well I have to go see how Kims Mommies are doing and I'll check back shortly.

Diane, you mentioned your packing and doing it last minute. Im the exact same way. I know it will be hard for you to understand b/c of how fashionable I am when you see me on camera..but I hate clothes, hate spending money on them even more and can go places for 2 weeks and have only the smallest of suit cases. Well when we used to go visit my family I would take only a laundry basket of clean clothes...A plastic laundry basket is what I would tote into peoples homes...Im such a city kid red neck!Poor Skiff...Im such an embarassment!!

When I got home I just dumped the whole laundry basket in the washing machine. Very handy!!
Hi Cassie, full bag, the whole nine yards. She had a couple patties this A.M. when I went in but they are back to normal now. You mean you didnt see me scrubbing the sides of her bathroom corner down this morning. ALL OVER THE WALLS OF DIANES FRESHLY STAINED WOOD!!

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