Peanut Blessed me with a

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Peanut is very active tonight! She is rubbing her backside on the stall wall and doing alot of kicking at her belly. Maybe a baby tonight??
Breezy I sure hope so but she does this whoa me, dramatic drama queen act every time I put her tail up. she did this same thing last week...she had us all on the edge of our seats waiting..thinking for sure this was the night....then nothing. her ph has been 6.4 for days now so I dont think I can go by that but she is dripping milk now.
Diane I wish you'd land in Ft.Myers.....I'd be right there to hijack you to my place then on to yours!! wouldnt even have to go thru security. Pretty Please
Hope you have a safe trip home Diane, it will be SO GOOD to have you back with us - plus I hope you find all is well at home on your arrival!

All looks quiet with Peanut so far Heidi. So we are hoping for a foal very soon, within hours possibly, are we? And I thought Heidi had told her to wait until tonight (Saturday) LOL!! Whatever Peanut decides to do, I hope she has a safe, smooth foaling and gives you the promised beautiful filly.

Incidently Heidi, daughter DOES have our lorry parked inside partner's huge barn, right across from the foaling stables. And she sits in there during the night, either working on her comuputer or taking the odd snooze sitting propped up on pillows, with her arm resting on one of the window edges, head on her arm with her eyes DIRECTLY looking at Mummy mare everytime she opens them! LOL!

So I have some questions for you guys - Chapella's filly is now just over three weeks old, she's gorgeous, cute and an absolute little monkey! But I'm not too sure about her. She has only just got her front teeth - I'm sure foals normally get them sooner than three weeks but cant remember? - she also rests/sleeps a lot. She is mostly a complete looney out in the field, rushing here and there, having mad turns, annoying everyone else, but as soon as she comes in, she immediately collapses and falls asleep and stays asleep for ages. We have organised a routine to keep both Chapella and baby happy - Chapella likes to be out grazing all day, but baby need to rest. So we fetch Chapella back in at lunchtime for a feed (she loves her feed so has no objection to coming back in) then they both stay in for a couple of 'baby resting' hours, before going out again for a few hours up to tea time. I cant find anything actually 'wrong' with the filly, she is fat, sassy and lively, it is just the fact that she sleeps the sleep of the dead when back in the stable and all our other foals over the years have enjoyed their sleep, but after a short rest, they are up and annoying momma/drinking/scampering round their stables etc.

I know Mary said that foals born at the 300 day mark are considered normal, but this filly was earlier than that - nearer 292 by our rechecking - and I consider that early, particularly as Chapella always carries to her full time or a bit later. So could being 'early' have affected her/her teeth/her energy as she should not even be born yet?

What do you all think?

Anna, I think it is possible that she is a little "behind" the others due to her early birth but nothing to worry about. If she is lively and playful when she is awake it could just be her character to be a little lazy. Just look at Suzie
When she is out in the field she is very "awake" but good lord once she feels that straw under her feet she can sleep for hours. I am sure your foal is just happy and safe once she is in. As long as you can see her teeth coming through that isn't a problem either. With humans Premature kids take ages to catch up, sometimes 3-4 years so I maybe horses are similar.

Shame on you anyway for talking about your baby without posting photos, you know that isn't aloud.

You asked earlier about the weather here and it is scorching, I am finding it hard to rotate all the boys as the daily hours are so short now it is so hot. Pat covered his first mare on Thursday and I will put them together again today. He was a real gentleman and a little afraid. lol Britt was screaming and kicking ( my mares have only been with Eagle for the last 5 years) and I it looked like he was thinking " hey chill out babe" in the end they settled down nicely and got the job done.

I have decided to cover Britt again as I have a new vet that has told me she can induce her and be there for the birth. I had decided to never cover her again but I really want a baby from her. I hope I haven't been selfish, what do you think? I have changed stallion cos her babies with Eagle always seem so big. Fingers crossed Pat will be better.

I also have just had Odette confirmed pregnant so roll on the 25th of May 2012.

What about you?
Renee, thanks for the reassurance - we do get a little over protective/worried about our kids dont we! LOL!! I will try for some pics next time I'm over there, though if they are outside she is so 'busy' and never still so that I keep getting 'after she's gone' pics. LOL!! Perhaps I'll aim for the sleeping ones when I can take my time!

Hope your Odette holds in foal, fingers crossed for next year. I dont blame you for trying again with Britt, particularly with your new vet being able to 'organise' things for her, Britt does so deserve to have her very own child at last, bless her! Good luck!!

My darn internet was acting up yesterday so I couldnt really watch but all seems ok today.

Peanut seems very quiet but I must say the first thing I noticed was she looks to have the V belly. Fingers crossed we wont have long now.
Oh and Anna my filly does the same. She is out for most of the day and will rest but once she goes in at night she is asleep on her feet and will go to sleep almost like she is in a coma. She is very lively and the cheekiest little thing but she must like to go into bed to have her deep sleep. She was a week early. She has been getting her teeth over the last few days (she is 3 wks old tomorrow)
night all have a fun day
seems so weird saying that!! Heidi... I think tomorrow/today might be the day for miss Peanut!! pity I won't be able to watch her much... gotta go play the good friend and go to a bridal expo... YIPPEE not really!!

Anna , glad to hear your daughter at least has a comfy spot to watch!! Wish I could help you with your baby thoughts but I have to think that is just "this" babies per sona....likeing long naps!! Maybe some Suzi blood running thru those veins.

huge prayers being sent daily for a beautiful baby on the 25th of so deserve it for all the support you have given us,thanks Renee!!
Ok i am off to hit the hay. I see peanut is resting quietly saving her energy for tonight. Her tummy really does look as if she is ready. Heidi can you take photos with your mobile phone? I really would love to see her close up.

Diane, i will see you when i get up, welcome home sweety.
She really has changed shape again in the past 24 hours - looks as though her tummy has moved well forward. So do we have a V Heidi, it's so difficult to see on the cam.

She cant go much longer - especially now Diane is back! LOL!!

Diane (flinging arms open) it is soooo good to have you back
I hope your journey was pleasant. As you see apart from Lillee the girls have been very good and respected your pact. You need to have a little chat with Heidi, sssshhhhhhhhhh she might hear me! she has been sitting up for hours and has got into the routine of doing late night room service, I am worried she is working too hard
remind her that Marestare is so that she can rest and WE watch her horse for her. ssshhhhhhhhhh she's coming.
Oh my gosh your home!!!
how was your flight?

Now before you left, I do hope you hid all the rock climbing ropes...please tell me you did!!

What do ya think of that dang girl of mine...holding out for you to come back... I told her Renee, Cassie, Anna, Marty, Equisize, Robin...all had her covered but NOOOOOOOshe had to DDDRRRRAAAGGGG this thing on til;l you got back

Have you been to your moms yet? hows your little girl doing? Is she looking

close. oh, Im sooo excited you get to see Peanut foal.

Renee is fibbing....I do rest alittle...but to be honest...its always when I know Renee is around...the girl doesnt miss a trick, but shes been busy with her girls this week so I cant impose. come on Renee tell her what you've been doing all week!!

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