Peanut Blessed me with a

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There once was a little white mini

Who no longer fit into a bikini

She ate all day

And munched the night away

Instead of showing us her BABY!

Jodi from hhranch on Mare Stare wrote this for Peanut..I thought it was rather fitting!!
Renee is fibbing....I do rest alittle...but to be honest...its always when I know Renee is around...the girl doesnt miss a trick, but shes been busy with her girls this week so I cant impose. come on Renee tell her what you've been doing all week!!

Pony Porn
This morning hubby came with me to put them out so I gave him Pat (knowing that when he sees Britt he kicks) out of the barn comes hubby looking all cool smoking a cigarette and horse on a far too long lead ( well, it is only a tiny silly pony) well, Pat sees Britt, gets mega horny and kicks out a nice double barrel getting hubby on both knees. He drops he cigarette as shouting "holy cow man Chill out she ain't that hot"

Men sure are cheap entertainment, I was bent over laughing. That will teach him to be smart about my "tiny ponies"
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I pressed send but I hadn't finished sorry, you will have to go back up
This girl is going to drag this thing out till Christmas I tell ya!!

Help me with this..I mentioned earlier that she is dripping milk..and a few people emailed and said that I should be concerned. Well I may have misled you consider looking at her teat and seeing a drop....not dropping or dripping...just a drop on 1 teat...that would not really be considered dripping would it.

I just reread what I wrote...what the heck am I trying to me I making sense.
Thank you...all this drippin an a droppin kinda got me confused LOL

O.K., oh no spraying here...I would have flipped if i saw that
I guess i would have thought wax would be harder...just like wax...this is more like a liquid. perhaps she is just on to me and gives me one drop when she sees me grab that little yellow strip...shes tired of me poking at her.
o.K. hubby just woke up...he's going to watch for me for a while. Diane you go get under the covers've been traveling all day and you have feet to do in the AM...we know how you felt the last time you were on feet. Remind me to ask later about a rasp!

good night

glad to have ya home!!
now don't you go worrying Heidi, you know that your friends are interfering old gals and we will soon SHOUT if anything looks strange
Shimmer was dripping milk and I mean it was just like a leaky tap - drip drip drip drip, She foaled at 10pm that night so I really hope you dont have much longer to go.

Also Tilly got plenty of colostrum and milk so I wouldnt worry.

My internet is acting up again and its driving me nuts but I have the ladies up. For some reason the cams seem to work without any problem but dare I go on the forum then it gets in a mood and keeps timing out.
I am so shocked that Peanut hasn't had her foal!! but I'll be watching her tomorrow/ tonight... right now I'm off to catch some zzzzzzzzzzzz see you in the morning ladies!
Thanks Karina, hopefully Peanut will also have plenty of colostrum...cripes shes had plenty of time to make some!!

Pretty darn hot out here today...sure hope Diane has someplace cool to be doing feet.

Looks like Lady Astor has decided to move into Peanuts stall again.I cant believe how much time she wants to spend in her stall.

Renee,thanks souch for rubbing it in...cant tell you how much I appreciate it...Peanut IS so dirty but she hates when I put the scrapper to her these days and I dont want to have the water baking her.She does need a little more than just her daily rinses but its such a chore lately w/her :arg! I also need to get the clippers on her darn mohawk!

I do plan on washing a couple others today so we'll see how I feel ..then maybe tackle Peanut. Well you all have a wonderful afternoon and evening. I'll catch up w/you all later for cocktails.
Gee. I guess I'm out of it! I thought Renee was saying she was "dirty" because Lady Astor was standing in her stall -- and of course with HER coloring...well, you get it!

Hey Anna. I've got one for you!! Thought I had another colt to sell -- this explains it...

My last little "filly"

has got a willy,

What a sad surprise.


I saw it there

hanging bare,

And couldn't believe my eyes!!!!

I'm not much of a poet, but when I saw "it" the words just jumped into my mind. I had to go get momma and "baby" from the back pasture to be sure. NOPE -- A FILLY !!! She just had some kind of matted very dirty fur hanging from her belly in a clump! Brushed that out and YEAH! Two little teats and NO willy! So again, a "keeper!"

In from the heat for the day. Trying to work into this working in the heat over the next few days so I don't over-do and wind up taking off several days because I'm too impatient to be slow and easy. So, I'm back, with cams up for the day (and night).

Oh my, you must have just about died..I can picture you stomping out to the pasture for a second look at your filly's willy

now that I look I think your right...Renee was probablly speaking of Lady Astor! Although Peanut is very dirty!

P.S. Expect a little show in the barn tonight....I think Im having company!! ssssshhhhh
Renee, did you by chance see Peanut laying down earlier...someone on MS said they just saw her...i must have been at the other barn and missed it...wondering how long she might have been down

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