Peanut Blessed me with a

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Oh, she just looks loving on camera..her ears are pinned right back w/a "just gimmie one clean shot so I can send ya fly'in" attitude, if, god forbid, you touch her the wrong way. Had to go out and clip off her mohawk..Ive been looking at it on the screen for days and it was driving me Im started raining so its cooling things down
if there wasnt any lightning I'd put her right out side...Im sure she would love the rain...she usually does.
so what is happening tonight Heidi, have you booked the filly fairy
I hope I am still awake
I will be up by about 1.00am your time but I will leave the barn alarm on just in case
so what is happening tonight Heidi, have you booked the filly fairy
I hope I am still awake
I will be up by about 1.00am your time but I will leave the barn alarm on just in case
UMM..1:00 a.m. you say....maybe they can come back...i'll see what I can do...there might even be 2 visitors...

But I think 1:30 might be a lovely time to tell em' to come!
Maybe you should take a nap now Diane, thats what I would love to be doing..I love napping on rainy days..Im afraid i'll sleep thru horses dinner hour
WOW!! That was absolutely amazing!!

How can she just walk around so calmly with a baby's legs hanging out of her? Bet her keeper was dying to go help her, and I bet the new baby would have appreciated a bit of jungle undergrowth to drop down on, bless it! But what a fantstic video.

Dont think you should show it to Peanut through - she might get ideas of wandering about during the birth and taking her time!

Cant believe both girls have gone another night - would Diane like to give us another date?

Diane, how are your furkids. Are they all ok - what about the little mare that was 'ill' while you were away, and when exactly is your mare due to foal, think you said very soon?

Omg , Peanut don't you dare foal standing up and good lord what about a bit of straw . That was wonderful but it had me a bag of nerves.
LOL!! Diane, that will teach me to do my normal thing and read through to catch up with the posts BEFORE I type mine!

That was a great attempt at a poem, but the story of your filly's willie was even better. Still I can go one better than that - in all the excitement of successfully foaling a maiden mare one day, I quickly lifted its tail to have a look at it's botty and gave a whoop of delight - a filly, just what we wanted - off to make a quick cuppa to bring back to the barn, watched the little girl scramble to her see that SHE had a willie!

Nowadays I always look under their tummies as well as under their tails. LOL!!

Glad to hear all your kids are ok.

So can we have a new date for these two girls to foal please?

Hot spicy food for dinner followed by a nice long walk for Miss Peanut
Or a short trailer ride? I know it can affect humans (with a car, not with a trailer!) and a vet once told me off for having my pregnant bitch with me in the car not long before she was due - she whelped 36 hours later with no problem!

Personally I think Marestare automically adds one month to the gestation period of these girls. Does Marestare get paid by how long it is used????

That's my theory anyway.
Ok so I was just getting ready to switch everything off and head to bed and I see you have now resorted to wicka to get that baby out

So what magical charms have you used and if it works we will want them for next yr
Posts: 13424

Re: Peanut (6/20) @ Never Too Mini Farm

« Reply #1327 on: Today at 06:38:43 pm » Quote Modify


Here are a few snaps of witch Heidi and Peanut.


witch.PNG (49.59 KB, 159x244 - viewed 8 times.)

witch6.PNG (35.5 KB, 188x109 - viewed 14 times.)

witch7.PNG (40.02 KB, 191x112 - viewed 9 times.)

witch5.PNG (32.39 KB, 159x121 - viewed
I would get off that computer diane!! Not worth losing your laptop over it lol boring right now in all areas anyway lol heidi the pics ofyou are hilarious lol

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