Peanut Blessed me with a

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We hand breed too, although we used to run the boys with their various herds. We dont milk test either, I'm old fashioned enough to follow the thinking that it is not a good idea to break the natural seal on the ends of a mare's teats, in case infection gets in (from your hands/flies etc). Actually milk testing became 'the thing to do' not that many years ago just like temperature taking. Before that we just watched the girls for 'natural' signs, but of course the milk strips etc are making good money for the firms selling them and telling you that you need them to help you to know exactly when to expect your foal!!

Been watching Peanut lying down each time in her corner - she'd better not think about foaling quite so near to the wall when the time comes, not easy to give any help, plus we shall miss the 'action' coz we cant see!

Oooooo something is bothering Peanut behind the back wall of her stable - a strange animals or someone lurking spying on her??

Mind you it must be nearly food time, although this is not her normal reaction to food 'on the way'!

I think Peanut has xray vision LOL seeing through walls hehe...

well I'm off to bed night all, If peanut decides to be a good girl and have her foal anytime soon, can someone put the barn alarm on please? I can't miss Peanut having her foal not after watching her for so long.

Have a WONDERFUL day Heidi!! thinking of you and Peanut in this heat!!
May I just say that miss Peanut is looking as beautiful as ever this morning
She must be the cleanest grey horse EVER!
Don't worry Heidi, lillee has her own poem too:

There was a preg. mare named Lillee

Who I hoped was carrying a filly

I told her to foal

Cuz that was her goal

And she said it will be born with a willie

Your too cute Renee

There Once was a gal named Renee

Who did nothing but watch Mare Stare all day

Either Suzie,Peanut,Lillee or Moonlight

watching them foal would be a delight

The house is a wreck, the cupboards are bare

All she can do is sit here and stare.

The bags are all full, the ph says ready

Now lay down and push, real slow and steady

The High Alert is on

The owners been called

Nothing will happen that we cant reslove

She sees a white sack, 2 feet and a nose

It looks black and white but no body knows

Till Connie holds up a sign for all to see

look what Moonlight has given me

Its a black and white foal

and that was her goal

It looks just like Feather

Life cant get any better!!
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You ladies are not only good with horses but poets too!! They are awesome and made me smile!
The lyrics that rhyme

help to pass the time.

So thanks to the friends

who are upholding their ends.

Keeping entertained

those of us who have maintained,

continuous watch night by night

through the dark and the light.

But we can expect foals on Saturday

coz Diane returns from her holiday!

Anna that was great...these little limericks are so darn addicting...Im finding myself thinking up little ones all the time now. Sherrie :arg!

Renee :arg! Its all your fault!!

I just never have a pen and pencil to write them down and lately my brain/memory is only good for about 60 min. :arg!

Anna, I cant remember ( see, I told you )I asked about your horse trailer on your web site a few pages back... do you still have it? Its beautiful but you had it for sale.
I was waving, but I don't think you saw me.....

Ohhhh she says, those scrubs feelllllllllll soooooo good.

This is the 1st time M/S let me on today..

Was glad to see you and Marty re-adjusted Peanuts due date.

Although she is really looking big - it helped to learn she is

only 29 inches tall.

Still at my station watching ... for the just in cases.

PS: What's your GSD's name? Our's is Chevy, he's a good barn helper, too.
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hi Nancy, The GSD you saw I think was Quahog, my youngest.Ususally they are all out there w/me but lately Ribs finds it to hard going down the steps. I would love for you to post a picture of Chevy, I love that name BTW
Morning Heidi and all.

Of course you can pass my 'poem' on Heidi, although why anyone would be interested I cant think!

Do you mean the lorry on my website? As it's around 28' long and 11' in height, it is nothing like our UK trailers, and, I think, a lot taller than your US trailers! We dont really want to sell it as we had it built specially to our specifications, but it really is too large for the small lanes round here in Wales, and getting into the farm field gateways for some of our small local shows can be quite a problem - the back end can whip the gate posts off if we are not very careful. LOL!! We have been thinking that a small trailer plus a towing vehicle would be more sensible!

But it is so useful at the shows with the 12' of 'living/cooking/socialisation space. Lots of friends visit for a chat and a cuppa and the horses travel so happily in it. We do have grids for the doors when we take another two or three minis in the 'corridor' space (full removeable partitions are also available for this area) so everyone can see the others but not 'get' at them. Also all partitions are removeable to allow for some of our larger 'minis' to have double the space.

We love it and unless someone comes along who really wants it, then it will be staying - a smaller trailer may be the answer for the local shows, but nothing beats this lorry for comfort when going to the major shows miles away!

I see that Peanut is still hanging on to her baby - obviously waiting for Saturday when Diane gets home! LOL!! (only another day to go!)

Hey good morning Diane, I attemped photos the other day and needed batteries which I still dont have but I still can seem to load any photos on LB yet...Marty said she'll walk me thru it so maybe in the next couple of days. how are your babies doing...will you be going home to a new one in your pasture? At least you'll be there if not.

Now do not try to put your grandchildren in your carry on...we dont need to be taking up a collection to help w/your kidnapping defense!!

Im attempting to keep your room clean but you would have died,yesterday looking at the computer there was this big ole'humungus cob web dangling right over the cam lens...had to run right out and get rid of it before anyone else noticed.

Anna, I fugures that lorry would be pretty big for just little shows and perhaps a bit of over kill to just bring one of the kids to the vet but geeze it sure is nice to have. Especially like you said, big shows and just to have a place for your horsey friends to chat, or maybe a little trip to Florida. I keep expecting to see a post from you announcing a new wee one..or two. Well please tell your daughter we are thinking of her. Maybe you should park the lorry in the fields so that she could at least have a little "apartment" to live in while she is on her own Mare Stare!
Thats sooo funny!! You mean he doesnt want to even look at a perky little set of ****ies...what a nut.

O.K. now rock climbing in El Capitan...Diane, I dont know about that...he has a family now...he better be careful. I cant believe poor katy will be deployed for 6 mos..that must be breaking her heart. Its nice that she does have a little time to spend at home but 6 mos....geeze. Hows little Joshua doing, is he still loving his new baby. Well cant wait for you to get back and maybe after these foals are born we can get together for a visit.

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