Prayers are needed for my unborn grandchild

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
Just got a call from my step son his wife is in the hospital, she is only 22 weeks ( 5.5 months) into her pregnancy dilated 6 cm, they gave her steroids to help the baby's lungs develop, and waiting till noon to give another steroid shot.

They say the baby is kicking and alive, just do not know why she is going into labour.

I do know that there might be something wrong with the baby and if she does have the baby, they do not resuscitate they have been told.

Our son is in tears and his wife is upset.

Please send prayers to help this young couple in their time of need.

[SIZE=12pt]Lots of prayers coming your way for you, your family and that innocent unborn baby!![/SIZE]

Oh i am praying. Please keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!
How horribly scarey this is for you all. Praying that the baby will wait longer and that everything goes well.
Oh that is so difficult to deal with. Hope everything goes ok.

Our son just called. Our daughter in law, had another steroid and demerol shot.

He has been told, that if the baby is under 23 weeks and is not formed right will not resuscitate.

If the baby looks formed and OK will resuscitate.

She is staying around 6cm no change but still having contractions. Baby has a good heart beat.

Steroid shots can only be given every 12 hours. Next shot is at midnight unless somthing changes.

Keep the
: coming....

We are on stand by if our son needs us.

Right now he wants to be in the room with his wife, only him, her sister and mom are the only ones aloud to see her.

We do understand. Just wanted him to know if he needs our support we can be there within the hour.

Thanks for listening to me, hard to see your children go through something like this.
Anyone had this experience in going into labour this early. :no:

Would like to hear the good and bad experiences being around 22 weeks, if you do not mind sharing.....
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I am so sorry for what you're going through...

I wish I had anything to offer in the form of experience, but I don't. I have read of and/or heard of other cases similar that turned out alright though it often involves lengthy hospital stay for mom. It will be worth it and I hope the little one will stay in there and cook for many more weeks.

Good thoughts are with you all.

Liz M.
Has anyone had this experience in going into labour this early and have had a healthy baby :no:
I had my son at 25 weeks. He was REALLY small (2 lbs) and was on a ventilator for about 4 weeks... He does have mild cerebral palsy in his right side but it's not real bad. With babies born this early the docs tell you that they MAY end up with some mental disabilities and/or physical disabilities.... they don't necessarily end up with problems but there is a GOOD chance that they will. Those steroid shots will do the baby good though! I'm going to PM you with my number if your DIL/son/you want to know some more info about my experience with having a premie and stay in the NICU.

Here's a picture of Robbie a couple hours after he was born...


Here he is now at 3 1/2 yrs old.... He'll be 4 on Sept 26th.


ETA: I should add to this that I am now almost 29 weeks pregnant with my second son and there are absolutely no problems with this pregnancy.... Like I told Mary on the phone, I wouldn't change my Robbie for anything!
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Thanks Tiffani

Sorry we got cut off, but just called my son and left a message, to tell him what you have told me.

Bless your heart and Robbie is a perfect boy in my eyes.

Thanks so much for the encouragement
[SIZE=12pt]I have a cousin who was born at 6 1/2 mos - this was 40 years ago. He weighed 2 lbs 14 oz when born and had no long lasting problems. Back then, he stayed in the hospital for a couple of months, then came home to our house as his dad was in the Air Force (his mom had come home for our grandfather's funeral and it caused her to go into labor). I remember him sleeping in his portacrib at the foot of my bed. What wonderful memories! Now he just became a dad himself.[/SIZE]

My prayers are continuing for all of you - it's got to be so hard. Please keep us posted as you can.


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