Professionalism in Medical Doctors...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Morson, Ontario, Canada
My husband had been diagnosed in March or April '08 with gout, that was diagnosed by blood test only. He was prescribed Allipurinol and was to take it daily, which he did, and continued to have "flare-ups" anyway. After reading a ,lot about Gout, I decided to go to an appointment with him, and ask for the 24 hour urine test in order to have a proper diagnosis made to ensure it was Gout, or to try and narrow it down to something else, if not. He went off the Allipurinol November 15, made an appointment for December 16 so his system would be clear of the Allipurinol for the testing. The doctor did not care for the fact that I mentioned I had been reading up on it, and that I felt a 24 hour urine test should be done. He took blood, and tested for Rheumatoid. We went back today for those results.

When we went in to the appointment, the doctor read from the chart, the previous problems, but never even mentioned the blood results until I asked. He then said it was negative for Rheumatoid, and that it still showed he had the higher than normal uric acid levels. He basically dismissed it and said on the next flare-up when the joint was very swollen, to come in and they would tap for the uric acid crystals from the joint fluid. He also did mention putting him in contact with an arthritis specialist.

Then I asked if he would run the 24 hour urine test, so we could in the meantime, rule the Gout in or out, one way or the other, he insisted that the blood says he has goute, and when I mentioned that blood alone is not an accurate means of diagnosis, he became quite defensive. He said he will NOT run the test, and when I asked him "why not?" (seeking a medical explanation) all I got was a very CHILDISH "Because I don't want to". I asked why I was so wrong in trying to help my husband by trying to alleviate some unnecessary pain by doing the test, and he said "session over", and got up and excused himself and left the room!!

Needless to say, I we were both very unimpressed with the childlike response we got from out so-called "professional" doctor! He also told us to find another doctor. WOW, was he having a bad day, or was I really that out of line asking for a simple test to be done?
Unless you have had Gout you cannot believe the pain. When you don't move it just hurts but when you move it really really hurts. Look at the microscopic pictures of the Uric Acid crystals. They look like icicles. Long sharp pointed crystals that gather in the lower joints; most notably in the big toes.

I have taken Allopurinol for several years and have not had an attack since I started. It is cheap and effective. However, I see my Dr. every 6 months for a checkup and blood and urine tests (I also have other issues). He strictly maintains my Uric Acid levels.

Find another Dr.. Mine is an Internal Medicine Specialist.

NOT UNCOMMON! Right now what we are going through with ONCOLOGISTS is very less than professional. Because my diagnosis is stage IV and I really don't want to hear their "doom and gloom" attitude and diagnosis they walk past me like I don't exist. We have had to TWICE remind them that I have had a CT scan and would like to know the results and his answer is about as clear as mud. No the lymph nodes are still clean, it hasn't grown but I see two new spots [tiny] on the lungs so the chemo isn't working. Yet I had three kids home the past three weeks with bronchitis and I didn't feel well so I asked if that could be the new spots [a cold and I have had spots on my lungs in the past] and his answer was no because the spots were clearly defined. Yet when Paul asked how big the tumor in the pancreas was he said he couldn't give an accurate measurement because its blurry! I know that the veternarians I work with are by far more COMPASSIONATE than the drs I have seen. Yes I am still doing the chemo but I truly believe its the alternative stuff and all the prayer that are the only things working. Linda
Mona, I'm not trying to scare you but I wanted to share my dad's experience with "gout". His doctor diagnosed him with gout as well but to be honest I have no idea how they came to that diagnosis but long story short, my dad didn't have gout. He actually had gangrene. He just had his second surgery to get rid of it on Monday. If I was you I'd get another doctor. In my opinion, he was way out of line.
Hah, the medical profession!!! I could go on and on about this subject!! I went to Dr after Dr for 20 years and had so many MRI's, Cat scans, ultra sounds, blood test, stress tests, etc that I was ready to give up. Yes, they did find health problems but not one of them found the problem that at times I did not think I would wake up in the morning and at times prayed I would not, because of the pain and feeling so sick all the time.. well, I finally told my last Dr where he could go when he just looked at me like I was crazy because he had no idea what would cause all the symptoms I had.. I figured it out about one month after- It was the preservatives and crap they put in food!!!!! I now for 2 years eat and drink only organic and I have no more pain nor do I feel tired, run down and unable to even move at times, I can now breath easily and so many more other things the food did to my system. I better stop writing as my blood pressure is rising more and more everytime I think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless you have had Gout you cannot believe the pain. When you don't move it just hurts but when you move it really really hurts. Look at the microscopic pictures of the Uric Acid crystals. They look like icicles. Long sharp pointed crystals that gather in the lower joints; most notably in the big toes.

I have taken Allopurinol for several years and have not had an attack since I started. It is cheap and effective. However, I see my Dr. every 6 months for a checkup and blood and urine tests (I also have other issues). He strictly maintains my Uric Acid levels.

Find another Dr.. Mine is an Internal Medicine Specialist.


Thanks Al. Yes, he gets so bad he cannot walk...but his is not in the big toe as it most often (but not always) in others. It is his knee, his ankle, his moves all around, that that is rare for Gout. And from what I read and have been told, the Allipurinol WILL stop the attacks if it is in fact Gout, and if in it's proper dosage. So I wanted them to do the 24 hour urine test now, before another attack comes, and if it proves to be Gout, then he can resume his Allipurinol at an increased dosage. They say if you are on the Allipurinol at the proper dosage, that if it is in fact gout, it will NOT reoccur. So for my husband to have been taking it daily for months and months, and still have these "attacks", something is not adding up, and that is why we asked for the additional testing to be run. What testing did they do for you? Just blood, or ??? Blood alone is not accurate enough to give a diagnosis. The 24 hour urine test and the joint fluid tap are best methods. Many are misdiagnosed by blood tests alone, and then it is a "hit and miss" situation.

Thanks also to the others that have replied.

Debbie, I am glad they finally found out what your Dad's problem was, and hope they can now get it all cleared up for him!

Linda, my prayers are still with you. You are one very strong and courageous woman, and I truely admire you for your strength through all of this you have been facing for so many months already.

Lisa, I am so glad you were finally able to pinpoint your source of pain, and that now you can live a more painfree life on the organic foods!!
Definitely find another doctor! Doctors should be willing to address all their patients' concerns and answer their questions--PERIOD! Unfortunately, there are too many out there who think they're superior and shouldn't be bothered with "silly questions."

My husband has a severe chronic medical condition & was being treated by a decent doctor. That doctor left the practice & the new guy was horrible. Dr. wanted to change one of my husband's meds that was working the best of any others that had been tried. When I asked why, he said because he thinks it's best. Okay, but why?? He refused to give me a medical reason. I also asked where he went to medical school and he told me that really wasn't my business! Huge red flag! Needless to say, we quickly found another doctor we like and respect and my husband has been with him for several years now.

Good luck finding a doctor who will listen to your concerns and that can successfully treat (and diagnose) your husband.
I can't stand the God like attitude so many drs have. My family dr is fantastic. Always asks and listens, and follows up.

My friends husband started having seizures, and it took them a year to figure it out. The only way they did is my friend did research herself. Margaret is pretty much a genius, and very assertive, and made them listen to her.

My dad's Dr was beat up on a golf course one time, and my only regret is that they didn't kill him. I tried like anything to get dad to go to a facility that knew something, but like many older folks, he "Trusted" him. Man was a a**hole. I truly believe dad would still be with us if he went to someone who knew what they were doing. We questioned him one time and he was VERY offended. Bite me.

Run - do not walk - to another dr.

Good Luck!!
In my decade long search for a diagnosis, I saw dozens of top notch Drs and have had nearly that many diagnosis. Not to mention the thousands ( mroe like hundred thousand) of dollars in tests. Only one Dr, literally, only one, actually sat and listened with her mouth shut. And she is the one that got my diagnosis correct.

Drs that will not listen need to be reported to the insurance board ( or your states equilvalent) and you need to find another. Drs forget that they are in OUR employ, not the other way around. That all being said, yes, you do need to be polite and respectfull. But that only goes so far. If they start to talk down to me or be rude, my inner beyatch comes right out. There is NO reason that a Dr should refuse a test IF it is in keeping with the diagnosis and not frivolous. Yours wasnt.

Go find another Dr. THen remind this one that he is an employee and isnt above reproach.

I have worked in doctors offices and/or labs for many years. A 24 hour urine test costs absolutely nothing. It is peanuts compared to other tests. There is absolutely no reason why a doctor cannot run that test just for peace of mind from you and your husband. I have worked for some really nice doctors who have done it just for that reason, others who would not. Your doctor is not being compassionate at all. You need to either yell really loudly or find a new doctor.

I just had this discussion with Linda. We have patients who call and are very polite and ask nicely for tests etc and they get put on the back burner. Then we get patients who are crying hysterically and they get very prompt attention. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Speak up and say what you want whether it is your health or someone's you love. Do not be polite when it comes to your health!

I am lucky to have a wonderful family Dr. who is always polite and compassionate. Mona, check out and see if you can find out if other people have had the same kind of experience with your Dr. I found mine on there and she is top rated. You can certainly go on and warn others of your bad experience with him. It is a great site if you are looking for a new Dr. or going to be seeing a new specialist. A friend of mine told me about the site.

That is horrible that a doctor did that to you. Some doctors should not be in the medical field, they have NO people skills. Hope your husband feels better!
I agree -- find another doctor. How you were treated was disgusting. I'd also be making it NO SECRET about how that person with an "m.d." tacked onto his name behaved.
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That is unexcusable and horrid behavior!

What a butthead! <--being polite!

Why was he so p!ssy? I would report him!

I hope you find a better Dr. that can help your hubby.

Poor guy
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I am so sorry you have to deal with this on top of your worries.....I just do not understand why people become doctors if they are not compassionate. I would really let him have it, and definately find a new doctor.

I ran into a Doctor if you can call him that in the ER of a local daughter who was 18 months at the time, and had just had her first round of chemotherapy, we where dismissed and went home with our antibiotic kit in hand....with instructions from her onocologist that if she did spike a fever go to the nearest ER and after they draw labs from her hickman cathedar to start cultures, to start the antibiotics.........this ER doctor took one look at us with our kit from Childrens Mercy, and threw it in the trash in front of me........and then instructed the nurse to get a rectal temp on my daughter, which is a BIG NO NO with a child with cancer, due to low platelets, etc. I REFUSED and threw a fit, finally we used our cell to call Childrens Mercy, and had the on call onocologist call the ER, I am not sure what all was said, but Childrens Mercy contacted LIFE FLIGHT out of Topeka(it was the closest helicopter) to come to the hospital in Salina for my daughter and to get her to K.C. ASAP.

The nurse in the ER, was freaking out, because apparantley the onocologist and this doctor had words, and the doctor told the nurse, that if anything happened to my little one it would be on their hands..

Can you believe someone could/would be so arrogant......this was my daughters life we where dealing with....I was so distraught......and when we flew via life flight to Childrens Mercy, the doctors and nurses where shocked at what had taken place.......Our daughter spent over a month in isolation after that.....We never went to that ER ever again.

I learned after that episode, to alway have a voice, and a big voice, I was glad I stood up for what I did that night...but NOBODY in the medical profession should ever treat anyone that way.

I know it gets frustrating, sometimes no matter how hard you try you cannot get the answers you want, or get them as fast as you want. It truly is sad.

But there are also very compassionate ones out there, and it is truly worth it to find someone who WILL listen....

Good luck to you and your husband on finding a good doctor.

I so feel for you. My hubby has been struggling with similiar symptoms for 8 months now. He was diagnosed as RA and then we went to a speciliast. She insists that even though his RA test came back positive that he does not have RA. Now hes having a lot of trouble with his lungs and no one knows why. We have been from dr to dr. No answers. I feel so helpless watching him in pain everyday and no one helps. OUr next appt with yet another specialist is March 26. They said thats the soonest they can get him in. Ughhh. Most days Im pulling my hair out

There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of behavior! Is there any way he could change to another doctor? I would also complain to the local medical board too. They take those complaints seriously here in the US, don't know about Canada though.

I guess I am lucky, stumbled on to the doctor I have and I just love her. Years ago there was an article in a local magazine where the docs rate the docs and choose who they personally would go to and it was her. That was good to know, and good I was an established patient since she got buried in new patients after that. She always listens intently and is very empathetic. I like going there because I can have all my checks done at once, don't need an ob/gyn for that stuff.

I would like to suggest a great book, I read it cover to cover and it is full of advice on how to get the best out of your doctors, and what kind of behavior you should expect from them. The book is "You, The Smart Patient". Very well written, and understandable.
Hi Mona

I think many younger doctors these days are quite arrogant and rude. Look at many people from my generation (30's) and younger and you'll find a whole heap of childish, immature adults with no people skills. I find, often, that specialists are less apt to "take advice". I'm not sure if it's all that extra training and a sense of God-like self importance or what. Now...that father is a Neurologist in Toronto and is the best doctor in the whole world (he's also a great professor)

I can completely sympathise and feel you need to find a differnt doctor as well. Being treated for lyme disease for the last 9 years i can tell you i've run into this problem many times. Last year I got a shot that i was allergic to. I went to the ER and the dr. working there asked if i was being treated for anything and of course i said "lyme disease". He asked how long and i said "8 years or so" ... he then promptly p[roceeded to tellme he'd never heard of anyone being treated for lyme for more than 30 days. he said it in a rather huffy rude way and i looked at him and said "a LOT of people are"..and kinda left it at that. Because i was having hives around my eyes he wanted to put me on steroids and steroids are a big No NO for lyme so i informed him that i didn't feel that i could have them because steroids are contaraindicative with lyme... he got really nasty adn was like "i've never heard that blah blah blah" i got angry and said "GO LOOK IT UP FOR GOD SAKES..IT'SL ISTED ON EVERY LYME WEB SITE"... he huffly said "well i'll go look" came back a half hour or so later..gave me some prescription bendidryl and sent me on my way..i'm assuming he may have learned more about lyme disease in that one day than he had in his whole career... real @$$hole!! I've learned recently that you have to be a b*tch to get anywhere with anyone... it's aweful to have to be that way!!

I had our shipping company try to put the screws to me lately and i finally had to break down and YELL AND SWEAR at them..that was the ONLY thing that would get them to put me through with a head manager or whatever she was.. guess was all straightend out.. I'm not one to yell or swear but i had had enough of calling 2 companies backa nd forth because they said i had to deal with each of them directly blah blah blah and was getting NOWHERE after about 8 calls to each!!
Unfortunately, not uncommon at all. I was NOT impressed with my father's anesthesiologist when he went in for prostate cancer surgery. One of the most arrogant drs I've ever met.

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