I bought my favorite mare a few years ago and within a month after I got her, she litterally tore a chunk about the size of a silver dollar out of the side of her face, down close to her mouth (never could figure out what she tore it on). I took her to the vet and he could not sew it up, but just cut off the hanging flesh. He told me one of the worst things was dew poisoning and to keep her off pasture until the dew was gone. He gave (sold) me a spray can of "Granulex V" by Pfizer and told me to saturate the wound twice a day and then apply Scarlet Oil on top of that.
The Granulex would disolve the scab and boil away the crud every day. The Scarlet Oil would then keep it from drying out. I was so afraid she would be disfigured for life, but within a month, all she had was a small spot the size of a pencil eraser. Now, you have to know she was injured and look closely to ever tell it. (I have graphic pictures of her wound, but it makes me shudder to look at them.)
I cannot brag on this product enough. It costs $25-$35 per 4 ounce can, but worth every penny. I will ALWAYS keep it on hand.