question for those who have been pregnant

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I am 17w2days today. The last few weeks I have been having some numbness and tingling. I get this in my fingers when I talk on the phone and sometimes type, which makes it hard as I have a lot of homework which requires a lot of computer work. Also if I sit my toes will get this as well. I do get up and move and not just stay sitting but with homework to do I do need to sit at times.

Is this normal or do I need to consult the doc?

Oh and if you have any advice about killing smells that would help. All I smell is stinky feet, I’m pretty sure it’s from the 13 year olds shoes, since he finally brought them out of his room which was smelling like feet. They are in a closet with a odor killing thing and it’s not killing the odor.
I think its pretty normal but it never hurts to call and talk to the dr or nurse.

You just have to be sure you move a lot while you are working and do not sit in one position too long. I know once we took a 6 hour drive when I was about 5 months and I had a lot of numbness and tingling. Called the DR when we got there and he told hubby he would have to stop more often and let me get out and walk around more.

The smell thing drove me nuts but the good thing is it usually gets better at the 5th and 6th months.

I know months 5,6 & 7 were always when I felt great.
Probably baby sitting a certain way that has affected the nerves in the back. I know I had sciatic bad with my son. And the smells
and it was the smell of ground beef for me or for that matter any meat. If you are nervous call your doctor. I assume this is the first pregnancy, my sister is pregnant with her first at 39 and has had all sorts of weird things that I didn't have so each of us is different. Good luck to you and your new one. Remember it is a condition!! I have to keep telling my sister that!
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I dont do the smell or even the taste of red meat either. Make somebody else cook it as I cant. I went out to feed the calf this morning and one of the barn cats was puking on the driveway, once I seen that I lost it as well. That stuff never bothered me before. I was the one that cleaned up kennel messes and puke (child and animal) cant do that these days. Cant say I mind that tho.
I would venture a guess that the extremity numbness is due to lack of circulation... and circulation is important since your body is increasing it's blood supply while you're pregnant... so you have a lot more blood to move around. Staying active/stretching will help you a lot I'm sure. I worked full time, five days a week at my horse-barn-job up until 34 weeks pregnant (with twins!!!)and I think it really really helped a lot to keep moving. I was walking all day, cleaning stalls, picking feet, lifting shavings bales and throwing hay... it kept me as active as I could be (I have worked the job for twelve years and my body knows how to do it, not too strenuous)...

As to the smells... just hang in there, it will ease up... I had a TERRIBLE time with smells... particularly my prenatal vitamins. I could not STAND the smell. Eventually, I'd throw up just opening the cabinet that had the vitamin jar. And then eventually I'd throw up THINKING about the vitamins, even if I wasn't even in the house. I was afraid I'd developed vitamin-ophobia or something. I had to take them with milk or orange juice quickly (six a day, because I couldn't swallow one giant one, and I'm vegetarian so I wanted to take something pretty loaded) and a lot of those pill just came back up.

However, it got better gradually and now I can take them without a care in the world.

The smell of wet cat food also made me throw up... at the time one of my cats developed IBD and was on prescription wet food... that didn't last long and I made my husband do all of the wet-cat-food feeding.

I had bad morning sickness for about three solid weeks, and I was sick morning and night. But it DID ease up and I was fine after!

I tried eating saltine crackers and ginger and all that... didn't work. Just had to endure it.

I would talk to your doctor, that's why you see them every month or more, right? The circulation could be a sign of diabetes or something, but I think it's just a normal reaction to not moving around enough.

Good luck,

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Ah, the increased ability to smell when pregnant. I remember it well. I once swore when a jet went overhead leaving a vapor trail that I could smell fuel.
LOL, those baby hormones do the funniest things to you. I couldn't stand foods I used to eat daily and I ate weird stuff i lothed when not pregnant. It was all about smells. I couldn't stand the smell of turkey or bananas. I ate salsa which to this day I hate.

I would check in with your doctor about anything you think might not be quite right or if anything feels funny.
They don't mind a bit and that is what they are there for. Never take any chances or be tough and wait it out until an appointment. I have had times where things were just a tad off and the doctor said... "come right in", everything was ok every time, but it was great to feel supported and to stay on top. There are so many things they can tell you to do to make you more comfortable.

With one of my babies I had numbness in my fingers and toes and I had to get up and move around. When sitting you can prop up your feet and put a pillow behind the small of your back, get one of those lap desks or something where you can sit back slightly and you are not hunched over your stomach. When laying down at night, lay on your side and prop with pillows around you. (I think when you start to get bigger they doctor will tell you to lay on your left side) Double check that for me... but I am pretty sure I remember left.... A skinny pillow placed between your knees when you are laying on your side will help keep your legs feeling better when you get up. Best wishes to you and your growing baby.

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