Raven showed with me at one AMHR show back the first weekend in May. She won her open class under both judges and went on to win one reserve champion senior mare. From that show until July 6th, Raven hung out, eating bon bons, spent not one day with a neck sweat on and didn't roundpen even one time. She arrived at Ed and Val's place on July 6th and they spit-shined her and put her on the trailer to the San Antonio show this past weekend.
With Ed at the lead, she won her open class under all judges, took two Grands and one SUPREME! Folks, she's 28" tall on a tall day! This was the AMHA part of the show. She just walked in color class for AMHR since she just needed that to qualify for Nationals. She won that too btw.
I am just so proud of Raven. She is the epitome of what I want from my breeding...tiny, well-proportioned, pretty-headed and correct. She just continues to amaze me at how well she does with Ed. She has shown with Ed as a yearling, two-year-old and now as a three-year-old and she has won her open class under EVERY judge at EVERY local and regional show. The only time she hasn't been the unanimous first is at the world show. Well, this year she's going to both AMHA and AMHR nationals and showing in Senior Mares 28" & Under. Please keep your fingers crossed for her!
And I'm not at liberty to say just yet, but her first "boyfriend" has already been selected and Raven accepted. Should be an AMAZING cross!
Thanks for letting me share. And a HUGE thanks to Ed and Val of Blue Ribbon Training. And thanks to Monette Freeman for letting me purchase Ravey!
This is Ravey as a two-year-old with John Bennett. I believe he showed her in the futurity class if I remember correctly.
With Ed at the lead, she won her open class under all judges, took two Grands and one SUPREME! Folks, she's 28" tall on a tall day! This was the AMHA part of the show. She just walked in color class for AMHR since she just needed that to qualify for Nationals. She won that too btw.
I am just so proud of Raven. She is the epitome of what I want from my breeding...tiny, well-proportioned, pretty-headed and correct. She just continues to amaze me at how well she does with Ed. She has shown with Ed as a yearling, two-year-old and now as a three-year-old and she has won her open class under EVERY judge at EVERY local and regional show. The only time she hasn't been the unanimous first is at the world show. Well, this year she's going to both AMHA and AMHR nationals and showing in Senior Mares 28" & Under. Please keep your fingers crossed for her!
And I'm not at liberty to say just yet, but her first "boyfriend" has already been selected and Raven accepted. Should be an AMAZING cross!
Thanks for letting me share. And a HUGE thanks to Ed and Val of Blue Ribbon Training. And thanks to Monette Freeman for letting me purchase Ravey!

This is Ravey as a two-year-old with John Bennett. I believe he showed her in the futurity class if I remember correctly.