Ribbons for Linda raffles off a yearling colt!

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Cape Neddick, Maine
[SIZE=12pt]Hi All,[/SIZE]

Tracy (Yankee Minis) of Bit-O-Blue Miniature Horses, has generously donated a colt, Bit-O-Blue TC Time Bandit, for us to raffle off at the Ribbons for Linda Benefit Show. Bandit is an AMHR yearling colt. He foaled in June of 2008. He should mature around 35" and is a buckskin/dun with dorsal stripe and leg and shoulder barring. He is very friendly and has a beautiful trot. He would make a great driving horse. He also has a very impressive pedigree. His vaccinations and coggins will be up to date at the time of the show. Here's his link at Bit-O-Blue's website: http://bitoblue.com/bandit.html

To participate in this raffle you must be 18 years of age or older. A raffle ticket costs $20. Winner is responsible for transportation of Bandit. If you do not plan to attend the Ribbons for Linda Benefit Show but would like to enter the raffle, please mail me your name, phone number, e-mail address, home address, and $20 for your raffle ticket.

Please mail your information to my home address, not the Ribbons for Linda bank account so I can document it. Please do not send your money for the raffle to Pay Pal either. All checks to made out to "Ribbons for Linda" and send to:

Makayla Carpenter

64 Ogunquit Road

Cape Neddick, ME 03902

When I get your information, I will send you a confirmation e-mail. Your ticket will be placed in the raffle with the others who are attending the show. The deadline for non-attending participants is May 24th.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me via e-mail, RibbonsForLinda@dsmnc.com

Thank you Tracy for your wonderful generousity!

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Wow! what a nice thing to do!! I saw him born on Marestare last year!!! I think I have a few pics of him right afer he was born!

So nice of you Tracy!! And of course it's so nice of Fancy to do this too!!!! I will sure buy a raffle ticket! come on everybody, it's for an EXCELLENT cause!!!!!
Yankee Minis, you offering your colt is just so admirable. It will be a huge help in our fundraising. He is a gorgeous little guy. Thank you so much!

What a very generous thing to do Yankee Minis!!!!! I will buy a ticket for sure...Thank both of you so much for doing this!!!!
Thanks Tracy for donating Brandit!!! He was a gentleman to have in the Fair tent last fall and someone is going to be very lucky to get him


Bandit is a nice boy Thank you for doing this donation I will take a ticket on him but only if you guys PROMISE I dont have to take him. With 7 boys here the last thing we need is another boy. lol Seriously though this boy is a nice boy and Im sure quite well mannered come on people help Linda and get a chance on a very nce boy at the same time.
[SIZE=12pt]We received some disappointing news today. I called the Maine State Police Gaming Department to find out about the rules and regulations regarding holding raffles. Evidently for a non-profit organization to have a raffle they need to be in existence for 2 years. RFL has only been in existence for 1 year. Also, in the state of Maine live stock (which includes horses) cannot be raffled no matter what, per the department of agriculture. [/SIZE]

Any organization in Maine that wants to do a raffle needs to fill out an application and get a license or they can be fined. So much for trying to help others!!!

This is so disappointing. Raffles were the biggest way we could raise money for RFL. But we need to adhere by these laws as we could get fined and defeat the purpose of our cause. I also do not want our venue to get hit with a fine.

Thank you so much Tracy for your generous offer and all those other people who have offered raffle items. Looks like we need to count on exhibitor attendance to raise money.

Bring on those horses everyone!!!!

I do not know what the laws are in NH. Honestly, I never thought about it. I thought we were doing a good thing for a great cause. We held raffles at the RFL show last fall in Massachusetts. Most of the money raised were through raffles. It never crossed my mind to check the legality of it. The show was also held at a private residence so I highly doubt anyone would have come by to check anyway.

We were planning on doing the same thing here in Maine but another forum member brought to my attention that they thought it was illegal in this state. After some research and phone calls we learned they were correct. Nobody can just hold a raffle without going through a certain process legally. Nor can livestock be raffled. Which I completely understand. We cannot guarantee that the animal would go to a great home even though we were limiting the tickets to LB members and horse show attendees only. We were not going to advertise to the general public.

So we have to go to plan B, which is to bring trailer loads of horses in! If the drive seems too far, don't forget there are stalls available and tent/trailer sites. Several people are coming up on Saturday. It will make for a great weekend with some awesome people!

I planned to send you a PM askin gif you had checked into the legality of holding a raffle. They are illegal in many states. Even when you apply for the permit, many states (if not all) frown heavily on raffling an animal.

We have to apply for a raffle permit every year for our charity events. The fines are hefty if you don't and get caught.
Can we donate items? I could donate Arbonne skincare items, I am a consultant. Then you could auction or raffle the items to raise money for Linda??

Let me know. I will be glad to do so if you want...

How about hold a silent auction for all the donated items? Could even include Bandit in that.


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