Those that suffer chronic pain?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2002
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I've tried several over the counter meds to try to relieve some nagging pain I live with. I'd like to get off the "controlled substance" I've been on forever but nothing else seems to help. I've tried Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve, Doans........just about anything that is supposed to "help".

What have any of you tried that works? I know a Whiskey Sour helps sometimes too!
Shawna, some of it depends on the type of pain. I suffer from several types of chronic pain and different things help each one. I get cluster migraines and find that potassium helps me combat that. But it has to be potassium over time to keep control of that. I also get some other pains and take Prednisone and Vicodin and Ibuprofin depending which pain I am having.

And I am not a person who takes pills easily. I am trying now to get off of all the pills. I just do not want to be on them for the rest of my life. If I find anything that works well i will share the info with you.
its hard to say suggestions without nowing what is sore, but over here we have something that is called a magnasleep it go's on ya bed under ya bottom sheet it has magnets all over it, it TOTALLY works if you have back pain, muscle pain, sore joints etc it eliveates if not stops the pain I no people that rave about it and even will take it with them if they have to sleep somwhere else, its totally drug free and easy to use ya just sleep on it, they even make ones for ya dogs and cats beds and I have seen them as dog and horse covers for greyhounds competion horses and race horses, I have one for my old dog (she is 17) and she had bad arthritis now she runs around like a pup since I got her one, If we have this here you are bound to have a similar product over where you are, I hope this helps.
Some times those prescribtion pain meds can make your pain worse. Getting off them can be hard but that is your first step. Until you do... none of the over counter pain meds will work. Believe me I know.

I use a Rare earth mag... make sure it is bought from someone who knows what they are doing because it makes a big difference on wither the Pos or Neg side is next to your skin.

This is the brand I use...with very good results over the last 4 years. Even though it is for the neck.. I used it on my leg the last couple of years... or put it under my shirt on my shoulders. Very good quality product.

I also use Chinese herbal plasters,,, of all the stuff on the market, this is the only one that takes the pain away and doesn't give me an allergic reaction. PM.. will tell you where you can buy them if interested.

Also have a special memory foam ..matt if you will.. on my bed,, got it at Costco and it is about 5" thick... only way I can sleep.

With the above items.. the most I have taken is an Advil. Got off the over Prescription pain pills as fast as I could and well before the Doc's thought it was a good idea. Of course,, with me becoming allergic to things ...was much safer to get off those pain meds.

Over time your body can adjust to having pain all the time and at most it will be a back ground noise.

<<hugs>> I know how hard it is.
Well at least I have some things to look into.

The pain is lower back. I ruptured a disc and they had to put in an appliance to keep the bones from squishing the nerve. That was 1 year ago last Dec. Took them over a year to find out the original problem.

Now, I wake up with this irritating feeling in that spot and it's to the point I'm nauseous. By the time I get home from work, I just about can't stand it again. I only take the scripts when I absolutely can't stand it anymore and sometimes even those don't help. I'll do some research on the suggestions. Thanks!
How about going to a pain management clinic? I may be heading that way myself for my knee.

Another thought would be physical therapy. They can give you exercises that strengthen certain muscles and give your back better support.
I have 4 bad discs -2 lower back and 2 in neck. And migraines from getting hit by a drunk driver . I live in constant pain. Being a nurse I have seen too many good nurses go bad on narcotics so I won't use them. Not even after surgery. I know that sounds stupid but I don't want the option there. So I always use 800 mg Ibuprogen with 2 Tylenol arthritis tablets together. It works for me and others I have told about it.

But not always. Recently heard about concentrated Cherry juice. Expensive but I used it and it really helped. I know of two other nurses using it with good results. In fact the one has been reducing her Vicodin dosage because of it. (Her back is toast along with her hips). So that is a good option also.

The problem with pain clinics and trust me I tried it after the accident was they promote drugs and injections. They are NOT open to ideas or suggestions and if you don't get better it was your fault not theirs. I was told I would have to LIVE with IT. I went to a Chiropractor and after 6 months was migraine free. After living 24 hours a day/7 days a week for that many months you can image my relief. It was a horrible experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. And I never used anything but the tylenol/ibuprofen combo and alot of crying. Wish I would have known about the Cherry juice then.

TENS units may be another option. Electrical stimuli over the area. Physical therapy may help but I doubt it.

Hope you find something soon. A life of pain is not alot of fun.
Lots of good ideas coming. I did try physical therapy and all it did was hurt worse. I won't do injections again....didn't help at all. I am riding again hoping that will help strengthen those muscles again.
Treating chronic pain is soooooooo hard! I think back pain/injuries are some of the hardest to deal with. I'm an ER RN and we see a lot of chronic pain patients. Chronic pain is so hard because measuring it is subjective and people have different pain tolerances. I broke my ankle and heel in 2001 and have had multiple surgeries. I have chronic pain in it......some from arthritis and some neuropathy. Luckily the neuropathy has settle down because I used to get horrible nerve jolts.....nothing helped that! I don't like to take pain meds....I've seen too many people addicted to them. I take 2 extra strength tylenol and 600mg Ibuprofen when it gets bad.....usually when the barometer drops and the heel throbs like a toothache! I haven't been impressed with the "pain specialists" in our area, it seems their drug of choice is methadone......hello heroin addicts! All they really seem to do is "gate keep" how much narcs their clients are allowed to have.....doesn't seem to matter if it's helping their pain or not. I don't know if there is a good solution to your problem. Alot probably depends on whether it's muscle(spasms/tenderness) or if it's the bone. The problem with back fusions is that your back is supposed to be flexible to a certain degree and if you remove the "flex" from one part it strains another. I think physical therapy is good. A good mattress is essential(I have a temperpedic and love it), and exploring alternative medicine is always an idea. Our conventional docs don't always have the best approach. Stay away from narcotics as much as possible. Heck, I don't even like to use the anti-inflams that much because they say overusage damages the joints....hmmmmm. darned if you do, darned if you don't.

I just wanted to add that one thing that has helped all my aches and pains is swimming! I do "aqua jogging" at my local YMCA and it is amazing how much better I feel afterwards.
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My husband had chronic backpain...all his life since he was in his teens. A few years ago he went to physical therapy and he said too that it hurt first. After many sessions, it started feeling better and now he has no pain at's been about 4-5 years since he went to physical therapy. He still does the excercises they showed him...not every day, but proabably at least 3 times a week. I'd say try the physical therapy again.
Bad thing about physio is it hurts SO much more during and after, and for many trips that people just dont continue it. Good thing is that once you can get through that pain, it HELPS so much, that it was worth the pain. Yoga can really help, especially if you record it so you can do it at your pace when you want to. Another thing that can help is riding, you use so many more core muscles and strengthening them, can help. Just please make sure that riding wont worsen your injury. Someone suggested a pain clinic, these can be wonderfull! Hope you find relief!
Glad I saw this thread. Seems like I'm always dealing w/ pain from several things.

I've been seeing a doctor for over a year w/ chronic sinus (every month). They put me on antibiotics (too short of time) and tell me to follow up in 10 days. Junk is not gone...more antibiotics. Every month for over a year I've been on 1-3 courses of back to back antibiotics, then a couple weeks later its all back (ear pain, sinus pain, mucous). I'm now seeing a ENT specialist and after this 3 weeks of Levaquin they may schedule surgery.

Sinus pain and pressure cause terrible migraine headaches. Sometimes 3-4 days and nights of uncontrollable pain. Most of the meds just quiet it down and it comes right back.

I also have times w/ all over pain (muscles and joints)...especially back, neck, knee, shoulders. I think it is Fibromyalgia.

Wish I had some answers. All the OTC pain relievers and Rx pain relievers tear my stomach up. I take Pepcid way more than I should. When that stops working I have to get some Prilosec (OTC) or Prevacid (Rx).

I feel like a walking train wreck. I'd like to be pain free and not take any meds.

I'm thinking of going to a Chiropractor (maybe some acupuncture, too).

I sympathize w/ all who suffer from chronic pain. People who have never had to deal w/ this just do not understand what it is like. They acuse you of whining and do not think it is real.

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