To Late to Show *pictures added*

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Major has never been shown but I'm wondering if at 10 he is too old to halter show. I have never shown either so what is step one? I'm assuming it's finding shows in my area but I'm not sure how to go about that. I'm in Northern Utah.
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Technically, there is no "age limit" for horses to show! You can show a 30 year old horse if you want to!

But if you are looking to be competitive, QUALITY is a lot more important than age. A well-conformed/well-trained 15 year old will do a lot better than a poorly-conformed/ill-mannered/poorly-trained horse in most classes.

Do you have pictures of your guy? This Forum is helpful if you are looking for critiques, grooming tips, conditioning advice, etc.

Utah is a great place to live if you want to show! Check out this Utah group, they put on some good AMHR shows...

Mountains West Miniature Horse Shows

There should be information available on this site as to when and where the shows in and around your state are.

I totally agree with Disney here.... and also agree there is NO age limit. My neighbors pulled their 19 year old stallion out of the pasture one year and took him to some shows and Nationals. He came home with a top ten! I showed my old guy driving at 18. I just took one of my mares to a show- she had not been shown since she was 3 and is now 9- she did great.

Good conditioning helps and a good healthy horse- and to have fun!

And P.S. Years ago when we had none here, I went to shows in No. Utah and they were SO fun. Great shows, nice people and it was well worth the two day drive.
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Okay here's Major. I don't know if he's ever been clipped but if he has it's been years. I am a dog groomer so the clipping shouldn't be too hard for me (as long as he doesn't mind). He had really good ground manners even around other stallions. He is 31.75 and AMHR/WCMHR


I would be showing for fun more than anything but still don't want to take a horse that has no business in a show arena.


He is in full winter wolly in these pictures and we get really cold here so I won't be clipping anything until late spring (unless we decided to show earlier). Any critique would be welcome. Oh and I've been thinking of wrapping his tail this winter...

and just 4 fun here is DH and Clementine

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There are shows in the Salt Lake City area a couple AMHR and I believe a AMHA within a hour or so of there as well!

Great clubs if you want the info PM me. It is never to late to show and always fun to get out and spend a weekend with other horses for both people and horses alike
Just this year I showed a 12 year old mare in 4-H and went to state with her and got 1st in mini mares then went to over all class and got grand champ. Went to regionals with her the first year minis could go and both of ours first 4-H shows. She had never been showed before.
If you just want to show for fun, what about training him to do halter obstacle, hunter, jumper, or showmanship? Or showing in color???

To me, there is no such thing as a horse with "no business in a show arena": it is a matter of finding the right classes and/or shows and having the right attitude. No one would ever question you taking a big horse in the show ring, would they?

Have fun!!!
If you just want to show for fun, what about training him to do halter obstacle, hunter, jumper, or showmanship? Or showing in color???
at the risk of sounding a little dumb
could you tell me where to find info on them? I'm especially curious about the showing in color thing. The others I can kind of figure out (I assume they are kind of the same as with big horses only with the rider on the ground) but this one I'm totally at a loss with.
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Most minis shows have some type of color class, but they are all judged a bit differently. In some (e.g. Pinto Association) it is 100% on color and others it is partly on color and partly on conformation. The rule books for AMHA, AMHR and the Pinto Association (PtHA) are on the respective websites and are a great place to find out about the classes. ALL of the have very similar hunter, halter obstacle (or trail) and showmanship classes with som variation in jumper and driving classes. And you are correct that they are similar to classes for big horses (especially showmanship) except from the ground. For example, hunter is judged on form and smoothness/consistency of gait while jumper is judged on faults.

I always Google AMHR, pinto is and AMHA is
My first stallion(and mini) I bought when he was 10. I trained him and in his first year of showing (at 12) He won the jumping class, got 5 firsts and 1 second in inhand trail and went Grand Champion in halter the next day. We showed for 3 years and he dominated the show ring so no, it is never too old.
Wow! You guys have got me really excited to look up all the events and start training for one or two. I think it's going to be a fun winter
You guys are awesome!
That is a great idea, there is so much you can do with Minis. Driving, obstacle driving, halter, obstacle halter, jumping, liberty, color.... Yes the rule book is on line. See if you can find someone local in your area that might be able to help you.

You train just like you would a big horse, starting with the basics. Lots of ground work, etc... Teaching them to whoa, stand- for halter obstacle you would need to teach side passing, backing, to ground tie, etc.... Lots of fun things!
Hi! Welcome! I'm the president of our Utah miniature horse club (also live in Northern Utah). I can help you get connected with people in your area as well as clinics so that you can start learning how to show and just have fun!
Our local club website is: Please email me if you would like to learn more.
Okay here's Major. I don't know if he's ever been clipped but if he has it's been years. I am a dog groomer so the clipping shouldn't be too hard for me (as long as he doesn't mind). He had really good ground manners even around other stallions. He is 31.75 and AMHR/WCMHR


I would be showing for fun more than anything but still don't want to take a horse that has no business in a show arena.


He is in full winter wolly in these pictures and we get really cold here so I won't be clipping anything until late spring (unless we decided to show earlier). Any critique would be welcome. Oh and I've been thinking of wrapping his tail this winter...

and just 4 fun here is DH and Clementine


WELCOME!!!! We are located in Norther Utah as well! Feel free to contact me anytime about our shows and mini events~! There are many other wonderful people here as well that can help you. Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!

This link will take you to the amhr rule book, there are also two supplements to it that you may want to look at.

We took an 18 year old stallion to nationals 3 years ago and he came in 3rd place in jumper, there was something

like .006 seconds between 1st and 3rd.

So no, they are never to old to show. For your local shows, if they offer a one price advance enter all the events you want,

then that is the way to go, you will get your feet really wet and find out just what your horse will excel in.

Welcome to the forum, where help and advise is always available...


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