Hmmmmm -Simply put, until the Republican party can actually stand someone up that I can get behind and really believe in, I refuse to vote for them! That's not saying that I am happy with the way things are going now on a National level, and there are a great many things I don't agree with. But I am happier with my Democratic President right now than I am with our Republican Governor here in the great state of Ohio. And, I'm sorry, but if Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin are the best my party can come up with, then it is a sad state of affairs. (And I like Sarah Palin as a person - I enjoyed watching her reality show and I think she is great, I just don't want her running our country).
You have hit on a critical point that I've been tracking for many years now. The reason these are the "best" candidates is because the "machine" will will only back and promote like minded folk. Our rep machine here is a perfect example. It puts up only critically flawed candidates and does so at the expense of good candidates. When I ran for the house, the machine wanted no part of me and would have preferred the democrat to me. Had I been running to win, I guess I would have been bummed. The demographics clearly indicated that a true Constitutional conservative (as opposed to a common sense conservative?) stood no chance in that district. (Actually the results were pretty amazing given the circumstances).
Every election "cycle" trots out the same tired and completely failed rhetoric of "If you vote for that candidate your voting in the evil democrat." or "That candidate can't win." "or yes this candidate has baggage but gives us much of what we want, therefore we must compromise.", or the like. It blows up in their face EVERY time because said failed candidate turns out to be worse than they thought they would be. Now this happens in both parties YET seems to "catch" both parties by "surprise" EVERY time. A true Constitutional "conservative" will not compromise because they know that it is the compromise that has brought destruction to our country and people. Compromise can only lead to more compromise. The way I look at it, is that if the machine continues to put up failed candidates, only to loose every time, then the loss is on them and shows the continued insanity of this failed approach. Those of us who refuse to vote for the wrong guy/gal will continue to knock out your "common sense conservative" flawed candidate. We have told the machine this for years, yet they continue with this failed approach. We specifically have told them, "Put up the right candidate and we will vote for them. Keep giving us dirt and you will loose."
Said (common sense conservative) talk show host says he can't agree with this specific presidential candidate because he disagrees with said candidates stand on certain items. To wit begs the as yet unanswered question, "What part of the Constitution do you disagree with? Also stated by this change agent is the phrase "He can't win!" Hmmm tell ya what skippy, ifn you got behind him and supported him like you do all the failed candidates, he might have a fighting chance. However skippy's job is to make sure that the right Constitutional candidate never see's the light of day.
Last supportive point, After other candidates quit the race in MUCH better position, the rep machine gives us McCain. The guy was drowning a natural death and they have to send divers down to get him, bring him up and resuscitate him put lipstick on him and trot him out for the "masses" to reluctantly fawn over. If that isn't the clearest indication that your machine is broken and not even close to being under your control then nothing will be. We had another guy that was a whole lot more popular and would have been WILDLY popular if his message had been allowed to get out. But the machine did not want that.
Good point Barbara and thank you,