Ways to save money?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Ok as of right now its about 95% sure I will be layed off. THey need 35 more people from my plant alone to take the lay off. Everybody who has signed up got it, and nobody else wants it. THey already took over 40 voulenters from my departmet. I am low seniority and my last name is at the end of the alphabet so I will be first to go.

This will start probably after next week. Thankfully I have profit shareing comeing up to help me get buy, but I do not want to use it unless I absolutly have to, that is my land money.

If I get laied off I will most likely be laid off until sometime in May.

So any suggestions on what, where, or how I can save some money let me have them.
You will be getting unemployment won't you? That is not that bad these days. I know when I went on for 2 weeks or even a month it was pretty close to what I was taking home at 320+ a week.
Now you've hit my specialty, if a penny can be stretched I do it, it's more of a challenge/hobby to me. Just do a search on frugality and you'll fine a TON of sights with information. There are even a few great forums with advice/support and challenges.

just a few: turn the heat down a bit, coupons, turn lights off, minimize trips to town/errands, monthly shopping, coupons, comparison shopping,hang luundry, etc.

I started searching out of interest since I get to stay home full time and run the farm, I now put the difference that I save into savings.

Good luck, hope they bypass you and if not hope your layoff is very short term.

Lay off is a minimum of 12 weeks, no choice. I do save pretty well. My heat is at 72 cant go below 70 for the critters in my house.

THe unemployment is less then what I take home now. HOwever I will have to pay taxs on that next tax time, I also go with out pay for a week(which isnt good considering it could be my paycheck I pay rent with). Also when I go back all my medical insurrance comes out of the first check, so might as well say that one is as good as gone as well.

I mainly want to try to save what little I will have left over to cover the 2 weeks with out a check. With work slow as well, we maybe forced to take all next week off as well.....
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You've already been given some basics.....

Turn down your heat. Watch the phone calls. Save your soda cans and pick up other people's. Buy larger pieces of meat when on sale and stretch out the meals. Clip the coupons!

At the end of each day, put aside your spare change for the day when you need to literally SCRAPE for money. Believe me, I've been there and done that.

Well my first round of bills for the month are here. I am gonna actually add up what I spend monthly and see how close I come.

I am paying off one bill this month so that will be taken care of. I do have a few other things, that if I am put on mandiory I can stop the paying on them until after I get back to work.

I have most of my bills split to fall on pay weeks.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish I had good advice to offer you, but though I'm trying to get better about it, I'm not great about this sort of thing.

My first thought, and the fastest way to immediately save money:

I know you like to have your place to yourself, but have you thought at all about getting a roommate to split the household expenses and the rent? If you consider that, be sure to be really picky about them and check references even if you've known them a long time.

I don't think you really go out all that much, but I know entertainment expenses really add up fast and if you are out for a drink or two with friends or even just dinner and a movie it is easy to spend more than you planned before you left the house. If you want to get together with friends, invite them over and tell them to BYOB and SNACKS (and enough to share with you, the hostess) and just hang out together.
First, sign up with several temp agencies...some of the jobs aren't terribly desirable, but they're short-term so easier to stand for a short while. They have both office and unskilled labor positions, some for just a day or so.

As for saving money:

Write up a budget. First, write down everything you are currently spending. Ask yourself what is really important and what you could do without. Cut out the fat. Then look at each item and see how and where you could cut back a bit.

Write down everything you spend...so much money can slip through your hands on little things that you don't think about. For example, one Big Gulp drink by itself doesn't cost much, but if you buy them every day, they start to add up, and you don't even realize where that money is going. If you like to buy cold drinks while you're out and about, compare the cost with keeping a case of soda pop in your car...better yet, compare the cost with buying in larger quantities at a big box store.

The savings on any individual item may be pennies, but look at the overall percentage you are saving, and consider what this would mean if you could cut your entire budget by this percentage. Suddenly those little savings take on a new importance.

Deposit your "land money" in an account that is difficult to get at. Make it a real pain to aithdraw, so that is not as tempting to get to when money is tight.

Make menus for the entire week, planning meals that stretch meats and such into several meals. Then buying only according to your menu. Plan some treats in there so that they are part of your budget, rather than a splurge.

Eat before you shop

Cook in larger quantities on the weekend, divide up into serving sizes, then freeze. Your meals will be waiting for you, and it's easier and more economical this way.

I don't like hopping around all the stores to buy individual loss leader items, but some stores have screaming deals on certain items. Around here, it pays to get milk at convenience stores...almost a dollar cheaper. Incorporate these known bargains into other trips so that you don't lose time and gas running all over.

Shop the "big box" and deep discount grocery stores, but only buy what you have planned into your meal plan. You're not saving a thing if you buy something you wouldn't ordinarily buy.

Give yourself one item that you will not cut out -- one luxury that is yours to keep. Mine is good, whole bean coffee. I can cut other expenses to the bone knowing that I'll always have my great cup of coffee. Otherwise you'll feel cheated and will be too tempted to blow your budget.

One of the biggest wastes of money is buying already prepared foods. Only buy these if they are on sale for less than you can prepare them, or if it is something you couldn't make.

If you have a Costco (or other membership store) card, buy the large sizes and spli expenses with friends or family -- or divide up and freeze what you can't use now.

When at the store, be sure to check out the store brands. These days they are often VERY good. Around here, Safeway has soups, cold drinks and almost everything at a great discount, and they are every bit as good.

A bargain is not a bargain if you don't like it. I'd rather do without -- a real savings -- than buy something that is inferior or just not as tasty. (For me, I'd die before drinking canned coffee, or buying a cheap margarine over butter or Brummel & Brown. Know your priorities.

Balance money savings with time savings -- if you have lots of time, you can probably save more money, but your time is worth money, too, to you have to weigh it all out.

Lower your thermostat 1 degree -- the savings will be significant.

Put in (or ask your landlord to put in)a digital thermostat that you can program to lower temperature at night and when you're gone.

There are so many little things that you can do that really add up ... these are just a start.
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I'm not sure I have much good advice for you on saving money, but sometimes I get by in the "tough times" by selling some of my "hoarded items (such as Breyer horses, old Mini magazines, misc. collectibles I bought when I was "flush")" on Ebay or here at LB if they're mini stuff.

That helps some, though there are the auction costs and shipping to consider.

I wish you didn't have to get laid off, it stinks that people who want to work have to live that way. Is there some other form of employment in your area?

My best wishes to you,

Liz M.
I did tonight turn my heat down to 70. IF the wind is from the right direction I may at the most turn it up to 73. I freeze but my dogs keep me warm...........thankley for that. My other critters are normally supposed to being is 78-85 degree weather, and below 70 you are takeing a chance of freezeing them. Two of them are also due to have babies at the end of the month so I defently cant go any cooler.

The only thing I really spen on myself is tanning. That is only in the winter as it helps a world with depression and moods(which if I am stuck in my house for 3 months I might drive myself insane)


Your right, I very rarely go out. My verson of going out would be to my aunts or to my moms.

My "land money" I was hopeing to by some this spring and beable to live on it with in 2 years. The fund is also if I needed emergancy money for my horses. Other wise it sits dorment most of the time. If I need to pay a bill and am tight I will go there. But in the last 4 months I have taken $100 out of it. I just kind forget it even exists.

I dont do much food shopping. Dont cook much. If I do its normally soup I can freeze. If I get really hungery I go to moms on the weekend :bgrin

If this does happen it puts in perspective what and how many shows I will do this summer.

The only good thing about it, is I would get to be around for foaling season. Bad thing......after 3 months I might not want to go back. THere are also a few rumors around the plant that kinda have me stressing........like the manditory lay off people might not get called back. This would not suprise me as they are trying to cut people, and did admit to hireing to many people in 03(the year I was hired). There ideal way to run work is run mostly temps, and mostly different nationalitys as they cost less.
We too, are in a money crunch time, with doctor bills & such. Here are a few things that I have done to cut our monthly expenses:

I cut off our cable, it's saving us $50.00 per month.

I dropped my cell phone to the most absolute lowest plan that I could live with. It went from $75.00 a month, to $24.00 per month (and I still have an adequate amount of minutes).

I don't leave the house much (I didn't much before anyway, but it's to an extreme now). That way, I'm not spending fuel $$, I don't stop in for a drink at the Sonic, I don't drop in the dollar store, etc...

Since it gets up to 80 or over during the day (and below 30 at night), I don't run the AC, just open windows, and at night, we just get some good old fashioned snuggling & blankets! Since the house warms up so much during the day, it really doesn't get cold at night in the house.

With all the windows open during the day, I don't have to turn on the lights, just use natural sunlight.

We have sworn off eating out. My husband was famous for spending 30+ dollars per week on sodas, hamburgers, etc while he was out in town with his buddies. Now, he takes a can of coke (Sam's Choice brand!) and I make him a sandwich.

I now buy the cheap toilet paper & paper towels. I also used to buy paper plates & plastic cups to save dishes, but I have quit buying those. I also no longer buy my Glade refills for my smelly-goodies in my house. I bought the cheap detergent (and SUPRISE, it works very well). I quit using fabric softener & dryer sheets. I bought the Suave brand shampoo and it too works just fine. I bought the off-brand dishsoap. I bought the $.99 cent toothpaste instead of the 3 dollar Crest. There are SO many ways to save money without denying yourself anything, just be frugral (sp?)
Ashley, check out Angel Food Ministries and see if there's a host site close to you. There's good food buys and no limit on how much you order, or no qualifying.
Many people have offered some really good tips. My tip will only help you with the next lay off not this one. When it comes to managing money its very easy. Well lets say its easy to manage when you have it. Managing a lack of money is much more difficult. Over the years we went from dirt poor to "comfortable". One of the ways we managed to get by was to establish a firm difference between wants and needs. We took care of the needs then with what was left after saving found there were actually times we had money for the wants. Good luck with your pending ordeal.
Use ground Turkey instead of beef. Turn down the heat but use heating pads for the critters or at least fluffy beds. Coupons, and see if there are any stores offering double/triple. Drive only when needed. Keep curtains closed if wondows are drafty, only open shades when the sun is coming in. Go basic on your phone/cable/cell. Make sure vehicles tires are properly inflated, sounds petty, but that can add up to a few gallons lost per tank. Buy meat that has been lowered for quick sale, either use it that day or freeze it. Buy in bulk, but ONLY if you will actually use it. Hamburger helper is good , ramen noodles , anything that you make my hand so no mixes. And thats just what I can think off the top of my head
I make menus and grocery shop monthly. You said you don't cook? Well start :bgrin Trust me eating out costs a LOT even just fast food. For more long term savings check around on auto insurance, have a higher insurance deductable, set up online bill pay to save on buying checks and stamps, cheaper shampoos do work just as well, only do full loads of laundry, I don't buy air fresheners but just simmer a bit of cinnamon in water occasionally, find a bread thrift store (3 loaves for a dollar BLOWS AWAY the grocery store price). Stock up your pantry now on loss leaders from the grocery for the lean times.

One of the biggies for me was learning to look at commercials and laugh at them, the way they can brain wash us is unbelievable, that ad for the dodge magnums aimed at men recently actually had my hubby saying that the station wagon they make is cool, I BUSTED up laughing!

And yes, hoarde that change, it DOES add up :bgrin

And, once you get through this layoff continue the frugalness and save the money in a high interest savings account and you'd be amazed how quickly it grows. I have an ING online account that pays 3.8%, thats 10 TIMES what my local bank pays). You'll get through this and have your land in no time :bgrin

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Ashley I wish you lived in Texas! I'd put you to work as farm help!

On the subject of cooking, there are MANY things that are much cheaper if you DONT cook.

For instance, you can open a can of soup for little cost, or you can spend $100 on ingredients to make that same soup.

When cooking for just one, it can be economical NOT to cook. Too much is wasted if you're preparing full blown meals. There's just no way to keep it all and eat it all.

My .02 from a NON COOKER!!!!!
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To help keep you warm (some days I can't get warm no matter how high the temp in the house), like at night when you go to bed, you can fill a couple hot water bottles and put them in the bed with you. I love to put one by my feet and if your feet are warm, you feel so much warmer all over.

Would you be able to find odd jobs like pet sitting, etc.?
Just to clarify even canned soup and bologna sandwiches are considered "cooking" in my house
Have to make myself sound busy don't I?

How ya doing Ashley, have you heard any more about the layoffs yet?

Wrap your water heater, they have insulated blankets especially for that.

Turn the temp down on the water heater too.

Close off the heat ducts to unused rooms.

Buy the low energy light bulbs.

Do your laundry on the weekend when your home to enjoy the heat the dryer puts out.

Car pool

Drive the speed limit and use your cruise control.

Buy the plugs for electrical outlets to stop air leaks.

Can you tell I went through an energy audit by Consumers Power.

Think of this as a game, it makes if FUN to find new ways to keep your money.
:no: Instead of tanning buy a grow light for plants [they come in light bulbs] replace a couple of bulbs with these and you'll get the same results as a tanning session. Also if they're really downsizing ake this time to start to come up with a plan for rejobing yourself. researsh jobs you have always wanted to do and see what is required to get ino the field.

I did tonight turn my heat down to 70. IF the wind is from the right direction I may at the most turn it up to 73. I freeze but my dogs keep me warm...........thankley for that. My other critters are normally supposed to being is 78-85 degree weather, and below 70 you are takeing a chance of freezeing them. Two of them are also due to have babies at the end of the month so I defently cant go any cooler.

The only thing I really spen on myself is tanning. That is only in the winter as it helps a world with depression and moods(which if I am stuck in my house for 3 months I might drive myself insane)


Your right, I very rarely go out. My verson of going out would be to my aunts or to my moms.

My "land money" I was hopeing to by some this spring and beable to live on it with in 2 years. The fund is also if I needed emergancy money for my horses. Other wise it sits dorment most of the time. If I need to pay a bill and am tight I will go there. But in the last 4 months I have taken $100 out of it. I just kind forget it even exists.

I dont do much food shopping. Dont cook much. If I do its normally soup I can freeze. If I get really hungery I go to moms on the weekend :bgrin

If this does happen it puts in perspective what and how many shows I will do this summer.

The only good thing about it, is I would get to be around for foaling season. Bad thing......after 3 months I might not want to go back. THere are also a few rumors around the plant that kinda have me stressing........like the manditory lay off people might not get called back. This would not suprise me as they are trying to cut people, and did admit to hireing to many people in 03(the year I was hired). There ideal way to run work is run mostly temps, and mostly different nationalitys as they cost less.

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