First, sign up with several temp agencies...some of the jobs aren't terribly desirable, but they're short-term so easier to stand for a short while. They have both office and unskilled labor positions, some for just a day or so.
As for saving money:
Write up a budget. First, write down everything you are currently spending. Ask yourself what is really important and what you could do without. Cut out the fat. Then look at each item and see how and where you could cut back a bit.
Write down everything you much money can slip through your hands on little things that you don't think about. For example, one Big Gulp drink by itself doesn't cost much, but if you buy them every day, they start to add up, and you don't even realize where that money is going. If you like to buy cold drinks while you're out and about, compare the cost with keeping a case of soda pop in your car...better yet, compare the cost with buying in larger quantities at a big box store.
The savings on any individual item may be pennies, but look at the overall percentage you are saving, and consider what this would mean if you could cut your entire budget by this percentage. Suddenly those little savings take on a new importance.
Deposit your "land money" in an account that is difficult to get at. Make it a real pain to aithdraw, so that is not as tempting to get to when money is tight.
Make menus for the entire week, planning meals that stretch meats and such into several meals. Then buying only according to your menu. Plan some treats in there so that they are part of your budget, rather than a splurge.
Eat before you shop
Cook in larger quantities on the weekend, divide up into serving sizes, then freeze. Your meals will be waiting for you, and it's easier and more economical this way.
I don't like hopping around all the stores to buy individual loss leader items, but some stores have screaming deals on certain items. Around here, it pays to get milk at convenience stores...almost a dollar cheaper. Incorporate these known bargains into other trips so that you don't lose time and gas running all over.
Shop the "big box" and deep discount grocery stores, but only buy what you have planned into your meal plan. You're not saving a thing if you buy something you wouldn't ordinarily buy.
Give yourself one item that you will not cut out -- one luxury that is yours to keep. Mine is good, whole bean coffee. I can cut other expenses to the bone knowing that I'll always have my great cup of coffee. Otherwise you'll feel cheated and will be too tempted to blow your budget.
One of the biggest wastes of money is buying already prepared foods. Only buy these if they are on sale for less than you can prepare them, or if it is something you couldn't make.
If you have a Costco (or other membership store) card, buy the large sizes and spli expenses with friends or family -- or divide up and freeze what you can't use now.
When at the store, be sure to check out the store brands. These days they are often VERY good. Around here, Safeway has soups, cold drinks and almost everything at a great discount, and they are every bit as good.
A bargain is not a bargain if you don't like it. I'd rather do without -- a real savings -- than buy something that is inferior or just not as tasty. (For me, I'd die before drinking canned coffee, or buying a cheap margarine over butter or Brummel & Brown. Know your priorities.
Balance money savings with time savings -- if you have lots of time, you can probably save more money, but your time is worth money, too, to you have to weigh it all out.
Lower your thermostat 1 degree -- the savings will be significant.
Put in (or ask your landlord to put in)a digital thermostat that you can program to lower temperature at night and when you're gone.
There are so many little things that you can do that really add up ... these are just a start.