I've always voted Republican at the National and local level. Their fiscal policies, Nat. Security policies, illegal immigration policies all align with my own. The next election will be the first time in my life that I will not be voting for whoever gets the Republican nomination for one reason only - religion. Like many American's, I'm disgusted by the current front running candidates allowing not only the flaunting of their extreme Christianity but allowing it to cross the line between separation of church and state when it comes to politics. This election is like no other I can remember when it comes to the religious right.
I wholeheartedly support your right to believe anything you want to believe in the privacy of your home or the privacy of a community building on Saturday or Sunday mornings. But, IMO, that's where it should end. Don't bring it into the policy making public forum.
I'll go one step further because I wholeheartedly align myself with the Four Horsemen, Richard Dawkins , (the now passed) Christopher Hitchins et al. of this world. Very brilliant, educated fellows. I find religion to be a dangerous pursuit and the thought of someone believing in a book that says the world is 7000 years old with no more evidence than "faith" to me is so ludicrous that it scares me that they could have their finger on a nuclear launch button if they are this easily duped!
It scares me as a fiscal Republican that Obama more than likely will be reelected. But it scares me more to have such radical right wing Christians take us back generations of progress with their beliefs. After all it was Christianity (not the Visigoths) that caused the Dark Ages. I think it's time we crossed into the light
So to answer your question weebiscuit. The Republican part I see today is not the Republican part I have grown up aligning myself with and I see many of todays candidates putting their "faith" above the Constitution and Law.