This is so true. In 2008 when they were starting and strong almost everyone I knew was ready to jump in and sign up. They had a direction, they had a cause (or two) they had a mission. They were attracting voters from all parties especially those precious Independent voters and those feeling they had become disenfranchised by their own parties of choice. Since then they have become a Venn diagram where the Republican Party had devoured them "all TP's are Republicans but not all Republicans are TP's!".
Now I don't know anyone wanting to vote TP 1) who wants to throw away a vote and 2) what and who are the TP?
Also very Good Ozy,
The tea party of today has ZERO in relation with what it started as. Again fragmentation and division is absolutely necessary. This is gorilla warfare 101 and step one. Always has been always will be. For without division you can't "create" change. The original and true tea party did not see this coming and were very naive. They let the wolves ( masquerading as republicans) into their shop and then found themselves literally locked out of their shop and their database stolen. Yes literally. But again being observant and being an "elephant", therefor possessing a great memory, insures that when you are handed a lie, you will readily identify it for what it is. In this case only casual observance is needed. They are not behind R.P. and do not hold the Constitution in its proper place. Rather, they throw it under the bus FAR more than the folk that they attack. Isn't that curious. Furthermore, when accused with historical fact of their vacuous position, they refuse to engage and logically defend their position(s).
Two reasons why,
1) They can't and know that they can't.
and more importantly to them
2) They don't need to. Because the "machine" controls everything and has chosen their "victor" already.
Remember the singular truth, "he who controls the debt, controls EVERYTHING" While not exclusive of everything else, for this discussion it does mean "parties", the media on both "sides" and the vote. By controlling those three factors there is no wiggle room EXCEPT that which resides between your ears You maintaining control of that final frontier is what scares the livin tick out of them and why they seek to control it to the degree that they do. Only the weak minded will willingly give up this, their greatest and most valuable possession.
I am hearing and meeting more and more people all the time that have decided to, quietly and humbly, just say no and refuse to comply
They are the true Americans and retain their birthright. Also they don't buy bridges, and have not been fitted with nose rings.
romney did have a slight desperate tone to his voice a couple of days ago when he was imploring every body else to get out of the race so that he could be crowned. I will continue to extend my feelers for more intell on this. I know what I would like to believe as why, but again must remained grounded in fact.
In any event, the only two outcomes will most likely be, ( IMO)
*)Romney wins and Constitutionally our destruction continues,
*)Romney is being set up to loose against Obama and Constitutionally our destruction continues .
This would be the replay of last time when they purposely set-up McCain to loose to Obama.
It really could go either way Romney's long time and very strong ties to Mossad and the money changers makes it difficult to know.
BUT lets try to find some joy today, anyway, eh?