well i have TWO and i tell these stories as often as i can, even though i still can't do it without crying... but i figure, if someone else is saved from losing their animals because they heard our story, so much the better.
first is, one fence between boys and girls is NOT ENOUGH. our small standard jack got to our yearling jennet through the fence - obviously she had to be cooperating or it wouldn't have happened, but we never saw any indication and by the time we realized she was pregnant there was nothing we could do to stop it. well the baby was turned wrong, besides being too big, and long story short we lost both of them. needless to say our boys are now penned all the way across the property!!!
second is, having shade available is not always enough. our mini pens have lots and lots of shady areas... a few years ago we had a tiny filly, i was so amazed how small she was i wrote to everyone i knew and gave them her stats, sent pictures, and all i heard back was how cute etc... no one ever mentioned anything about keeping her out of the sun... at 10 days old she laid down next to mama to nap. mama was standing in the sun. by the time we found her she was in severe heat stroke and within the hour she was dead. ironically, the reason we didn't check on her for several hours was that we were putting up more shades on the other pens, around the other side of the barn out of sight. a month later a friend of ours had a very small mule foal and her vet told her not to let him in the sun UNSUPERVISED until he was SIX MONTHS OLD. we had 2 other mini foals and a big horse foal before this filly, the first one born the end of June when it's REALLY hot here, and never had an issue before. our foaling pen is now totally covered and i won't be letting any future babies out in the sun without being right there. :no: :no:
Dandelion (aka Dandie)
too bad i didn't know about this forum back then, i'd be willing to bet if i'd posted her info here when she was born, someone would have mentioned this and i'd still have my blue-eyed girl!!
and thank you so much for starting this thread, i am learning a LOT!!