Well-Known Member
I wrote to all of the directors prior to the phone vote...heard back from 2 of them. 1 is "my" director and I'm pleased to say that I do know how "my" director voted--the other is a director from another area and from her reply I can guess how she voted. From the others--dead silence.
There is to be discussion in March about the OSF show, and I believe there are other people putting together proposals for funding for other shows...I think some are going to be very surprised at just how many AMHR/ASPC state fair shows there actually are, and how many funding requests there are going to be... if some of you think that limiting the funding to only those state fairs that offer Shetland classes as well as AMHR classes is going to mean that almost no shows outside of the OSF will get money, I think you'll be in for a surprise. There are more than you think...I very much doubt that each show is going to get $8000 or $10000, because that would probably empty the coffers in one season.
I'm tired of hearing about what a wonderful promotional opportunity this show is--with all the other breeds, and all the spectators, not to mention the wonderful facility... At our Provincial Exhibition show in 2008 the show area was packed with people...people from other breeds, general public including many non-horse people....we had kids galore, I had parents taking photos of my horses with their kids in front of the horse...people asking about buying (though I had none for sale)--I've actually never seen so many people come through the barns at any other show I've been to, and I've been to a few....well before this OSF issue came to light there was interest in adding ASPC classes to our show in 2009, and as this is an area that has very few American Shetlands I think there's going to be a lot of interest in the breed...and even though there are few American Shetlands in the immediate area there are owners from elsewhere that are expressing an interest in showing here...the promotional opportunity is huge here...since a Provincial Exhibition is the Canadian equivalent of a State Fair...and our show facility is as good as you'll find anywhere....yeah, we count too!
No, I don't expect our Provincial Exhibition to get an $8000 handout, but I do hope that if the BOD is going to discuss funding for one & all that the OSF will get cut back to match whatever amount is given to the other state fair shows...
There is to be discussion in March about the OSF show, and I believe there are other people putting together proposals for funding for other shows...I think some are going to be very surprised at just how many AMHR/ASPC state fair shows there actually are, and how many funding requests there are going to be... if some of you think that limiting the funding to only those state fairs that offer Shetland classes as well as AMHR classes is going to mean that almost no shows outside of the OSF will get money, I think you'll be in for a surprise. There are more than you think...I very much doubt that each show is going to get $8000 or $10000, because that would probably empty the coffers in one season.
I'm tired of hearing about what a wonderful promotional opportunity this show is--with all the other breeds, and all the spectators, not to mention the wonderful facility... At our Provincial Exhibition show in 2008 the show area was packed with people...people from other breeds, general public including many non-horse people....we had kids galore, I had parents taking photos of my horses with their kids in front of the horse...people asking about buying (though I had none for sale)--I've actually never seen so many people come through the barns at any other show I've been to, and I've been to a few....well before this OSF issue came to light there was interest in adding ASPC classes to our show in 2009, and as this is an area that has very few American Shetlands I think there's going to be a lot of interest in the breed...and even though there are few American Shetlands in the immediate area there are owners from elsewhere that are expressing an interest in showing here...the promotional opportunity is huge here...since a Provincial Exhibition is the Canadian equivalent of a State Fair...and our show facility is as good as you'll find anywhere....yeah, we count too!
No, I don't expect our Provincial Exhibition to get an $8000 handout, but I do hope that if the BOD is going to discuss funding for one & all that the OSF will get cut back to match whatever amount is given to the other state fair shows...