I realize this is a little on the late side. However I am cleaning house from top to bottom
as we are in the process of listing our home, and I came across this green box and remembered that Jessi had said it was a gift she got at Congress. I opened the box to find the most GORGEOUS picture frame that was engraved! There was no letter or mention of who the frame was from or if it was an award. When Jess came home I asked her and she said that every kid recieved one at Congress. I emailed the youth committee to find out that it was donated by [SIZE=36pt]Ray and Vicki Tobin of RayVak Miniatures in Arkansas! [/SIZE]
I want to take the time to personally thank these wonderful people for such a special gift as this donation to the kids! The frame is truly just beautiful! One that my daughter will use forever! We put Jessica's win picture in it with Michigans Hart of an Apache. She won the Youth Modern Country Pleasure Driving class. I wish I had known sooner that this was a donation by an individual! This truly is probably one of the nicest picture frames I have seen! Thank you so much Ray and Vicki!!!! And one of the most generous donators to the program this year!!!! Way to go RAYVIK!!!!
You may know them from the Waterin Hole at Nationals! She is the cute petite little blonde haired lady that is best friends with Erica's mom Linda!!

I want to take the time to personally thank these wonderful people for such a special gift as this donation to the kids! The frame is truly just beautiful! One that my daughter will use forever! We put Jessica's win picture in it with Michigans Hart of an Apache. She won the Youth Modern Country Pleasure Driving class. I wish I had known sooner that this was a donation by an individual! This truly is probably one of the nicest picture frames I have seen! Thank you so much Ray and Vicki!!!! And one of the most generous donators to the program this year!!!! Way to go RAYVIK!!!!

You may know them from the Waterin Hole at Nationals! She is the cute petite little blonde haired lady that is best friends with Erica's mom Linda!!