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  1. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    We had a baby!

    Congratulations!! I've been watching Venus the last few days too (tickled that there's actually a web cam out there that I can actually see!)....right now it looks like she made a little poo in the middle of her stall and is standing over it as if to say "made you a little something...hehehe" :lol:
  2. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    New Colt 3/27/2006

    I just love : him Sharon !!!
  3. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    colostrum from your mare

    I do that too Fizz...I am a worry wart and it bugs the heck out of me when a baby is slow to nurse, I'm often almost too eager to 'help' them get the hang of it. So if it looks like it's going to be a slow start, I will milk the mare out and get as much of it in the foal's mouth as I can (if...
  4. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Prayers AND Determination Worked!

    WOW what a heartwrenching yet heartwarming story. I could feel your anxiety and I'm SO very glad things turned around - my throat was closing up reading it!!!! Congratulations to you, your incredible vet and the colt's owners....miracles like this are what it's all about!!!! Please post...
  5. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    I'm new here and so excited

    Welcome from the panhandle of FL!! Congrats on your upcoming foaling experience - nothing beats it when all goes well! Here's wishing you the best of luck - can't wait to see pictures !!!
  6. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    WARNING about homemade feeders..

    I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that whoever made this feeder left those long pieces sticking out on the ends??? Of course I don't know if they contributed to him losing his eye because it was said that his head got stuck IN the feeder (which isn't where those pieces are) but...
  7. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    UPDATE on Colt Born Sunday Night

    Good thoughts coming your way. "Goober" - what a CUTE name!!! He sure sounds like he's full of it, I love it !!!
  8. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    The angle could have been an issue, but the teats seem to point in toward one another, that and the loose-ish skin around the area...she's got a way to go in that department (unless she waits until she foals to let her milk down)....yep it could sure be as long as a month!!
  9. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    UPDATE on Little Meagan

    Ugh how'd I miss the post right after my last one...I'm so sorry Karin...Big hugs to you and your mamma mare....
  10. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Well...hmmm.... Her bag doesn't look significant at all, I was expecting more but that doesn't mean anything :bgrin Her vulva does look enlongated, but again, I don't know what it looked like before so it may not be abnormally enlongated....I know, I'm no help.... : Sorry I wish I could tell...
  11. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Just wondering?,.....

    I've got two girls due April 11th (or therebouts - that's IF they took on their last breeding date). One looks like she could drop it any second (sunken flanks and smooshy butt, small bag but teats are pointing down and she's been laying down a lot more the last day or so), the other mare is...
  12. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Yep Cow Pies are a good indicator, though still not foolproof. She's an experienced mare though, so if she's getting a bag (or there is enough of a difference that you can now see it kneeling beside her) I'd say get ready!!
  13. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Someone is hurting my son...

    Oh my GOSH Kim. I cannot even imagine how raw you feel right now. I know from my experience as a mother, MAD DOG and MOTHER BEAR barely touch the surface of the rage I'd be feeling!!! I too suggest you go and get law enforcement to go with you to get him. It was voluntary that you sent him...
  14. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Baby Oh BABY!

    WOW congratulations!! What a lovely girl indeed!! :
  15. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Here I am ,..bothering you guys again,.....

    How are things this morning Terri?? Hope you have a birth announcement for us !!! :lol:
  16. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    First Time Breeder

    yeah ok. If you say so. :
  17. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    First Time Breeder

    I think the major issue is that a lot of people are assuming that just because someone is 'new' that they have what you call a sway-backed, parrot mouthed, cow hocked horse.....and as for the papers, I've heard time and time again on here "Papers don't make the horse"....blah blah blah...well I...
  18. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Updated pics of Foxy's belly and butt?

    Well Terri, You're in the right place....I just say read all you can! Getting that first foal on the ground is always nerve wrecking...what am I saying, that part never changes :lol: The good news is that Foxy isn't a maiden, the bad news is that you don't have any notes on her previous...
  19. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    UPDATE on Little Meagan

    Karin, I'm so sorry, STILL praying hard here for Megan :
  20. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Congrats Kay, she's exactly what I would have ordered too !! :