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  1. mistyrose

    Want to ...

    I will add yours mine is
  2. mistyrose

    Cameras over one half mile away!

    I don't think you can do it without at least electric in the barn and I think the $1000.00 is to low even if you had electric without a phone line.
  3. mistyrose

    Cameras over one half mile away!

    Do you have phone or Electric in the Barn?
  4. mistyrose

    This is friend of Frankie's, Teresa

    Teresa Could you please email the Hospital and city to [email protected] Mid America would like to send her something.
  5. mistyrose

    AMHR problem

    Sending the AMHA papers to show she had their prefix in her name doesn't help. AMHR will only use the prefix of the breeder if you have a signed consent from them. It seems A** backwards to me that you need to have permission to use the breeders prefix. I think you should need permission not to...
  6. mistyrose

    AMHA Gelding Incentive...

    There are now two incentive programs in AMHA. At the World; The AMHA Gelding Incentive Fund (GIF) provides a unique opportunity for Youth and Amateur exhibitors to increase the value of their geldings through competition. This distinctive program offers cash awards to the Top Ten placements in...
  7. mistyrose

    Is AMHA that much more expensive than AMHR?

    The incentive coupon for new and lapsed memberships ($20 off) will remain in effect until 12/31/07.
  8. mistyrose

    Looking for Other AMHA Convention News

    The halter futurity has been changed to a yearling futurity. There will be 3 Open classes in each division, 1 Amateur class in each division and 1 AOTE class in each division. The Stallion fee will be $200.00 instead of $100. Any mare nominated is $50.00 so if you nominate more mares bred to...
  9. mistyrose

    AMHA National Meeting

    The new gelding program is set up to reward geldings that don't necessarily go to the world. These points are earned at the local shows and regionals. They are also geared to the advantage of the amateur and youth. I say that because if you show your gelding in AOTE and Amateur halter, driving...
  10. mistyrose

    AMHA National Meeting

    Starting in 2008 Amateur Level 1 will be split into heights just like Level 2 is this year. It is up to the show to decide if they will have the size splits or not. AOTE is split into Jr and Sr classes. It is up to the show to decide if they will have the size splits or not. 3 yr old Country...
  11. mistyrose

    Tell me about the Convention/Annual Meeting!

    Most of the time you can comment to the committee about items they are discussing. You will probably need to wait for the committee members to finish. This is not true in LOC, but you can sit and listen. During the General membership mtg, you are able to address the board and membership on the...
  12. mistyrose

    Non-breeding mares, those that have any, how would you feel about...

    I am all for it for colts and fillies. I sold a horse at auction once with a verbal and written statement that she would not bred. She had been checked and found to have adhesions from a surgical birth that rendered her sterile. The people who bought her called about trying to breed her. The...
  13. mistyrose

    Mid America Meeting,,,,,,did anyone go?

    The meeting was Feb 10th before the bad weather. We had a great turn out. Faith Kutnicki gave a wonderful talk on color genetics. The Youth had a bake sale to raise money and also auctioned off two homemade Valentine Cakes. The youth also made stall decorations during their mtg. These will be...
  14. mistyrose

    Just introducing myself...

    :aktion033: Welcome to Nancy AZ and Lilmiracle Conn. Hope you enjoy the forum
  15. mistyrose

    Jumping: AMHR vs. AMHA

    Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words Photo by Hoof n Paw Photography
  16. mistyrose

    virus everytime i log on LB

    I haven't gotten a virus warning but just started Norton just in case.
  17. mistyrose

    The Winter Storm has arrived

    I started here in Ohio about 3 am. We are supposed to get 8" of snow. We are close to the line for ice. I'm hoping it stays south. Ice is the worst.
  18. mistyrose

    Jumping: AMHR vs. AMHA

    If you aren't going to raise the heights and base everything on speed you make it more about the fitness of the handler. Yeah you can do tighter turns etc but it still comes down to the fitness of the handler. It also gives the person showing 1 horse an advantage over the one showing 4. Our club...
  19. mistyrose


    How do you as a farm/individual support geldings? I really want to hear concrete - this is what we do, not what should be done (we all know what should be done!). We geld before we sell most colts.   Buyers/Show people: Do you show geldings? Yes Do you participate in the local or...
  20. mistyrose

    Color Genetics Speaker

    I see I forgot to add the time! It will start at 1:pm and refreshments will be served. Please try to come if you can!!!! We want to meet as many of you as we can. :bgrin