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  1. bluerogue

    CMHR Emergency Crescent City CA Area

    Where is Crescent City? I live near Sacramento.... I can't take anyone to keep for even a while right now, but I can certainly see if I can't get them out of where they are to somewhere safe.
  2. bluerogue

    Hey all you Marestarers

    It's a FILLY!!!!!
  3. bluerogue

    Smokey Black, what are the characteristics?

    Anything is possible, Lucky C, and I'm going to venture and say it is a very distinct possibility with his coloring, and background. My stallion is black (sort of) and I think he may be a smokey black. He's a funny looking brown color, very much like Charmed's stallion. It changes greatly...
  4. bluerogue

    My poor Bell has broken 3 of her teeth

    Yep, at 3 the front teeth are shed for the permanent teeth to come in. I have a 3 year old colt as well, and he is currently shedding his front teeth. Completely freaked my family out as he was playing with his 2 year old buddy, and Prince had all this blood on his neck. My sister thought they...
  5. bluerogue

    First Foal of the Year for Flyin' G Farm!

    Well, dorsal stripes don't always mean dun. I have a 4 year filly who has a BIG dorsal stripe... going through her mane, too. As far as I know, she's not dun. She shows nothing else that would suggest it. She's had the stripe since birth though. It's never gone away. I've asked multiple people...
  6. bluerogue

    First Foal of the Year for Flyin' G Farm!

    I'm going to say Rascal is going to end up a dark buckskin. His older brother Ivan is a dark buckskin like that, so I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility. Revelation himself was darker when he was down here before you bought him. I remember him as being almost smutty buckskin. He...
  7. bluerogue

    just wondering

    If she's due March 17, it is very possible she is getting ready to foal now. Keep an eye on her! Happy foaling! I hope you get your dream foal!
  8. bluerogue

    Your experience with purchasing

    I've done both as well, although the times (3) we bought bred mares they ended up open... through no fault of the sellers. They both tried to fix the situation. The first, they went on vacation, so we hauled the mare pretty soon after she was bred. Hauler truck broke down (for 2 days!), and yep...
  9. bluerogue

    Komoko's Dark Destroyer

    Thank you for letting me know. My Dark Destroyer daughter is my best broodmare, and the sweetest horse I own. It makes me sad to hear he has passed away.
  10. bluerogue

    Komoko's Dark Destroyer

    I have a daughter of Dark Destroyer, so when I saw him listed as a National Champion on another farm's site, I was naturally intrigued. Can anyone confirm or deny this for me? Thanks so much!
  11. bluerogue

    Furturity Questions....

    I don't think you can now. I think the stallion HAS to be nominated before the foal is born, and the foal must be under 3 months of age. However, I'm not entirely sure, so I would call the registry to find out for certain.
  12. bluerogue

    We all have different lingo,,,,,,,,,maybe I am

    I always understood it to mean a son (or offspring) of the famous parent that you own yourself (or your farm does, or whatever). At least that's how I've always taken it. It's not something I use myself, as it tends to be very confusing for people to understand what it means. So I guess by the...
  13. bluerogue

    What is your most anticipated foal for 2007

    My most anticipated is a Buckeroo/Rowdy cross. She was just confirmed in foal this afternoon. Sire is my Buckeroo grandson. This will be his first foal (unless one of the other 2 I bred him to foal first... but they aren't confirmed yet). Dam is my Rowdy granddaughter. I am hoping for a black...
  14. bluerogue

    Stouts lines

    Well, we have a Stouts bred mare, and her 2 year old son. The Stout bred horses in my opinion are generally nice (there are exceptions to every rule however!). The ones I've seen in person usually have nice heads (with big doe eyes), and good conformation. That said, like any farm, Stouts had...
  15. bluerogue

    If you could make any foal of your choice,

    Chamion Farms Nighthawk and Wittmacks Freckles.
  16. bluerogue

    Need Color HELP PLEASE

    She looks exactly like our smokey silver dapple colt. I'm going to hazard a guess she is one too. Or at least silver dapple. She's very pretty! Congrats on owning her sire, and to your friend for buying her!
  17. bluerogue

    Color question...

    His sire is a true roan with no white markings. His dam is a black tobiano, with no facial markings, but there is some smudging of some of her white markings. It looks roaned on one edge of the marking. Could this be a form of sabino? I've never seen this particular type before, so I'm not sure...
  18. bluerogue

    Color question...

    I noticed the other night my black stallion has some roaning on his butt. He is out of a black pinto (Samis Royal Diamond) and by a blue roan (Little Kings Bagheera Buckeroo). He has never had any white on him before. I have pics of both parents, and of the roaning on him. I don't see any...
  19. bluerogue

    Stifle Locking

    One of our fillies did this too. Ours did it after a stupid farrier trimmed her wrong though. She quit doing after 2 weeks or so. Watch your filly, and if she continues doing it for a long time (a month or so?), talk to your vet about it. I'm not really sure how long you should watch her for...
  20. bluerogue

    Talking of horses names....

    Well, I have a Unique Toy4Me (barn name Unique, and she certainly is). A Rowdy Little Rich Girl (barn name Princess, and she thinks she is!). And last, but certainly not least in the funny name department, Hangin Trees Liddle ChoCho Fleaka. We call her Cho, and she had this name when we got...