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  1. bluerogue

    I am extremely upset.......

    Lisa, I've seen what I would call mean horses in the show ring. In one class, the woman was walking up to get her colt's ribbon when he tried to take a chunk out of her butt. He was trying to hurt her. Pretty colt with a very bad attitude. I've seen other horses owned by this woman that weren't...
  2. bluerogue

    Well, I had my first mini scare.....

    Eye issues are always scary. We have a filly who only has one eye due to a pasture accident (before we bought her). I've had three of my horses scrape their eye lids on fences this year so far. Luckily none of mine have scratched their eyes. I think part of this is that it's been so windy, and...
  3. bluerogue

    Questions on Line Breeding

    I bred two Rowdy grandbabies, and got two of the sweetest, nicest little foals. I won't go any closer than that, though. And you do have to watch the conformation pretty close in line breeding. Breeding this close can bring out the less desireable traits. My filly that I got has more slope to...
  4. bluerogue

    Clipper problems

    Try pushing down on top of the blades. Occasionally they don't click into place. But to answer your question, yes that would be a problem with the lever. I have this problem every once in a while, and I push down on the blades and they click into place and start working. I love my double k's. I...
  5. bluerogue

    Another photo session . . .

    Susan, Monsoon is sired by Sunnyside Iben Spotted and out of a Buckeroo granddaughter. Monsoon is a sweety, he had just had enough of our clipping, and trying on halters, and other various picture taking tortures. He is a sorrel snowcap, with possibly silver, as he does have the real light...
  6. bluerogue


    Out of necessity, we board some of our horses. Currently, we have our 3 year old stallion, 3 broodmares (being bred to him), and 2 foals at a boarding facility. These foals are 6 weeks, and almost 1 month old. We were informed tonight that she will begin charging us for the foals. She wanted it...
  7. bluerogue


    Could she have gotten kicked and maybe broken her jaw? Maybe she has something stuck in there that is holding her jaw closed. Has the vet taken x-rays?
  8. bluerogue

    Question on entering a "Produce of Dam" class

    This would be one I wouldn't mind entering either. Would it matter that one is a yearling and the other a weanling? Otherwise, they look a lot alike!
  9. bluerogue

    Heritage Sale Live Auction Link

    Me too, crponies! He is absolutely stunning! Too bad the internet connection is so bad. It would have been nice to actually get to see what he truly looks like. I hope he comes to the west coast.
  10. bluerogue


    Do they really? Where can we buy them?
  11. bluerogue

    Breeding question...

    Not really new, Lisa, we bought her right after she was bred for the foal she had last year. I have come to the conclusion that she will not breed back if she has a foal at side, so this is my first time breeding her, as when we bought her from my friend she was being bred to one of her...
  12. bluerogue

    Breeding question...

    My mom's appy mare has been in a standing heat for the past 10 days. My colt has been happily breeding her every day. She is not showing signs of going out anytime soon, although she is starting to move around a bit more when he's finishing. Is this too long to be a normal heat cycle? This is a...
  13. bluerogue

    Breeding maiden mares.....

    Maybe I should have your stallions call mine up. King thinks any girl is his to have some fun with, no matter what they think. Luckily, I am hand breeding him, and since I can tell if/when the girls are willing, he's just going to have a long learning period. I don't think it would be safe to...
  14. bluerogue

    AMHA Headquarters ???

    Well, Michelle, from the sounds of Wanda's resignation email, I think the membership should be concerned, at the least. But I don't know anything more than you do, and probably less, since everything I do know you forwarded to me! Nice of AMHA itself to keep people apprised of the situation...
  15. bluerogue

    First 2006 foal for Total Eclipse Miniatures

    She's gorgeous, Sandy! I love her color! We have a colt born almost a month ago just about the same shade of bay. But ours is hopefully an appy. I can't really help you out with a name, the only ones I could think of were Painted Freedom, and Desert Freedom. Not very imaginative, I know. If I...
  16. bluerogue

    2006 Foals, A Picture Album

    Born on May 7, a gorgeous sorrel rabicano roan colt to PRC Destroyers Rowdy First Lady, by Grosshill Little Man's Anticipation. About 21" tall or so, healthy, feisty, and very independent! His name is Imperial Rowdy Little Houdini, due to his uncanny ability to squeaze under stall doors!
  17. bluerogue

    Hope in the next two months

    We only had two mares bred for this year. Bred 3 last year, but the one I bred to my 2 year old colt (only twice in one heat cycle) didn't catch. It's too bad, it was a very wanted foal. They are due to be bred now as soon as she comes into heat! My colt can't wait! The other two we bred are...
  18. bluerogue

    color help

    Oh, well, now I don't think the sire is sorrel either. Hard to tell from that pic, but he doesn't really look sorrel. In this case, I have no clue what color your new boy is. He's very pretty though, and whatever color he is, it is a very nice color. Kind of reminds me of a silver buckskin.
  19. bluerogue

    color help

    Genetically, he cannot be a cremello. Not with a sorrel sire. So my guess would be your first guess was right. Of course, you could always just check that box and let the registry decide. I can't really help you narrow it down much more (he is a rather hard to pin down color), but he does...
  20. bluerogue

    2006 Foals, A Picture Album

    22" Bay colt born this morning (4/21) to Sulphuras Apache Crystal, by Sunnyside Iben Spotted. This was to have been our appy foal this year, but he's just got characteristics. He's gorgeous though, so we can't complain too much! One down, one more to go!