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  1. bluerogue

    Bond AToy4U C - bloodline

    My Toy great-granddaughter is in my avatar. Kind of far off, I know, but she shows her breeding. She's a granddaughter of Candy Dipper on the bottom side. She has awesome movement too, but since I don't have a website yet, I can't post pics of her.
  2. bluerogue

    Who all has sick horses!!

    Well, nobody's really sick here... but we did notice our two year old colt has some light clear drainage from his nose. Almost didn't see it. We did have goopy eyes on everyone when it was so windy last week during all those darn storms. Since it's still windy on occasion, I'm assuming Danny's...
  3. bluerogue

    Sales gone bad... opinions needed please

    Where are the horses supposed to be located now? Maybe someone from the forum is near them and can at least check on them for you. I would not send her the papers unless she sends the rest of the money for the horses first.
  4. bluerogue

    Who's that horse?

    I'm fairly certain mine is Wesco Farms Unique Toy 4 Me. I just changed it, so hopefully that's who it is. Unique is a 3 year old silver chestnut pintaloosa, who is really getting the appy roaning going on on her hips, back, and up her shoulders. I have pics of her when she was just a few days...
  5. bluerogue

    Floods update too

    We're not floating away yet. Almost had to evacuate my stallions from their boarding facility, but the rain gave a well timed break that allowed the creeks that surround the facility to go down a bit. We are soggy, and waterlogged, but doing okay. I'm just glad that with all those homes they...
  6. bluerogue


    I haven't done any color testing on anyone yet. I am still trying to get my mom to see why it is necessary. I have a feeling my Buckeroo grandson is homozygous for black, but she doesn't see the need to have him tested. I will eventually get everybody involved tested at some point. Lady (my...
  7. bluerogue


    Well, sabino is definitely a possibility, as these horses are Rowdy bred. But they don't have ANY white markings at all. The only white on any of the three of them is the very small snip the stallion has between his nostrils. Except for the roaning on the girls. Other than that, solid all the...
  8. bluerogue

    can you give me your opinion please

    The only thing I would have to nitpick on about your boy is his neck appears to be a tad short. But he's got it pulled back in both photos, so it may not be. As the owner of a somewhat short necked horse myself, I am very aware of how short they can make their necks look! Was he younger in the...
  9. bluerogue


    I have two rabicano's. Both what I would term to be maximum rabicano's, as their roaning is body wide, including heads and legs. No true roan in background either. Mine are a mare, and her 2005 filly. The mare is a sorrel sired by a black (Komokos Dark Destroyer), and out of a sorrel (a Rowdy...
  10. bluerogue

    What does this term mean "Primitaves" ? in minis

    Marty, the only way I have ever heard primitive in regards to horses used was when they were talking about a primitive dun, with zebra markings, and the cross, and cobwebbing. I've never heard it used any other way, but I guess it could be used in the way you describe.
  11. bluerogue

    Would you breed to a stallion?

    Thanks, Sue. I was kind of worried I had upset you. I just wanted to point out that all dwarves are not the result of genetic mutation, or a "dwarf" gene. There are several different types of dwarves, and as such, there are probably several different types of "dwarf" genes. With all of these...
  12. bluerogue

    Would you breed to a stallion?

    I was in NO WAY whatsoever saying anything to you in particular, Sue C. I was just talking in generalities. I don't know your history with dwarves, have you had several? It sounds from your post as if you have (and this is not an accusation in any way... I am just curious). If you have, did you...
  13. bluerogue

    Would you breed to a stallion?

    I have to agree with Annette. Not only that, but there can be other reasons a horse produces a dwarf. Many insecticides have been proven to adversely affect pregnancies, as well as fertility. Some plants can do the same thing (but most horse people remove dangerous plants from the reach of their...
  14. bluerogue

    did u dream of a horse for christmas?

    Yes... but mine were not a Christmas gift. Our first horse was my mare, Lady. I bought her shortly after my Grandfather passed away. The money I bought her with was my inheritance from him. So she is my Grandfather's legacy here. It is fitting that she currently lives at his place, with my...
  15. bluerogue

    Would you breed to a stallion?

    Where are you located? Maybe someone here on the forum can help you out. I am with the others... I would not knowingly breed to a stallion who had sired dwarves previously. I couldn't take knowing I would only have the foal for a short time before it's pain got to be too much for it. I want to...
  16. bluerogue

    New to the forum

    Welcome from California, Josh! I would say sunny California, but it's not exactly been sunny lately. One of my friends that lives out here has one of your colts (she's minimama on the forum). I haven't seen him in person yet, but I am not looking forward to competing against him in the ring...
  17. bluerogue

    I chased a shoplifter today

    It must have been one of those days... I went out to clean stalls where I board my boys, and one of the facilities owners had just got back from chasing down a theif that she caught burgluring the next door neighbors garage. The kid had stolen a bunch of stuff from several homes in the immediate...
  18. bluerogue

    Anyone wearing blankets in your barn?

    Well, I'm with most of the others here Marty... mine only get blankets if they are shivering or sick (or they're clipped for showing, but I don't clip any where near cold weather- learned that lesson already). I did have my coming two year old colt in a blanket most of last winter because the...
  19. bluerogue

    So Cal Folks - Are You Clipping Your Horses?

    I am so jealous! I'm in Nor Cal, but it hasn't been anywhere near that warm in a good month or two! It's not fair that you can clip now! I want to clip my babies, but there's no way I will until at least late March, and probably not until after that.
  20. bluerogue

    discharge from vulva

    Yes, that is a possibility. Can you call your vet and ask? Mine doesn't have a problem if I call and ask questions. They are pretty cool about it. This would be one I would be calling over! That would freak me out! And then my vet would probably hang up the phone and laugh at me. But that's...