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  1. maplegum

    A little togetherness

    LOL. That is a beautiful photo!
  2. maplegum

    Dashing through the snow.....

    You had that sleigh in storage all that time!!!!???? You have some sleigh time to make up! That looks like so much fun for all involved.
  3. maplegum


    I have my Canon SX10 IS and LOVE it. It's a step down from a DSLR so much more user friendly, although it is a larger type of camera but has most functions of an SLR
  4. maplegum

    My turn!!

    I just love his long white socks/stockings! What a gorgeous boy. And yes, all that snow looks cold!
  5. maplegum

    Winter Love

    I have to try to remember that Eli is a gelding as he is so 'pretty' that I keep thinking he is a she!
  6. maplegum

    The one that started it all...

    What a neat idea. I love photography, especially now that I have a nice camera and I have actually taken the time to learn how to use it out of the auto setting! Everyone around me teases me as I always have my camera wrapped around my neck, but I have managed to capture some fabulous photos...
  7. maplegum

    Little Church Minis photos!

    I'll reply to your post Karla! Those little horses look so adorable in their winter jammies. I have always loved the amount of fuzz the minis get during winter. Even Bailey and Willow get a huge thick coat and we don't even get snow! (well a couple of minor falls throughout winter that...
  8. maplegum

    Here is my artwork that I would liked to show..

    That's very well done. She is a doll isn't she!?
  9. maplegum

    Little 'golden' boy

    They have the 'good life'. I do wonder if they know how good they have it! Right now, the weather has been 'perfect'. Not too hot, not too cold, although the weather is going to heat right up for the weekend coming. Today for example the temperature is forecast to be 28 C. This weekend we...
  10. maplegum


    I'd also like to see something like this, it would be very helpful
  11. maplegum

    Little 'golden' boy

    I'm really thrilled with how Bailey's coat is getting more golden with each year. He seems to be slow to shed out his winter coat, but it is worth the wait. And Willow, always looks beautiful. And the start of the sunset 2 nights ago.
  12. maplegum

    Removing their whiskers

    No, see...I DON'T add what you are doing to the list of cruel owners. You are looking out for your horses best interests by making them more comfortable. I don't agree with the razoring of the muzzle, but it if stops at that, I can live with that. i think people are missing the point here...
  13. maplegum

    Removing their whiskers

    I guess not much will change in the show ring until people 'want' it to change. If more and more people began to show their horses in a more natural state, rather than looking like a plastic toy, things might change. We all believe our animals are naturally beautifully, so why are we not...
  14. maplegum

    Watson's "Tutoring" Looms...

    hahaha. Cowboy in chaps! Thanks for the laugh. He will be fine Jill.
  15. maplegum

    Removing their whiskers

    I have to agree with Krissy on lots of her points. That's why I am trying to make a difference in the show ring. I refused to clip off half of Willow's mane just to make her neck look thinner and longer, or whatever that is supposed to do. If the judge wants to see her neck, look at the other...
  16. maplegum

    Do you love the holidays or could you live with out them??

    I really enjoy this time of the year. As hectic as it can be doing last minute Christmas shopping and organising meals for Christmas Day. I just love catching up with my family and over the last couple of years we have made things even more low key by not racing from one family to the next...
  17. maplegum

    Show us your Christmas tree!

    Nice trees everyone. I have an artificial tree but didn't put it up this year as there is simply no room in the loungeroom. I have actually decorated my chimney for the firepalce with tinsel and decorations. Looks great! It's summer here so we aren't using our fire.
  18. maplegum

    Lets all share Critter Christmas Photos

    That's really beautiful.
  19. maplegum

    Joffa the magpie (bird)

    He gives the other animals a hard time LOL. He hangs from the horses and kangaroos tails. They really don't know what to think of him. He chases the cat too.
  20. maplegum

    Joffa the magpie (bird)

    When he is hungry he can be vocal. They still hand feed him so he lets you know when he wants to be fed!