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  1. J

    MHCO photo contest....

    I voted already and all the pictures were winners in my minds. I really had a hard time voting but I finally pushed the button and did. Joyce
  2. J

    New Pictures of our filly

    She's a little sweetheart and congratulations. Joyce L
  3. J

    Mini Horse Sale

    I went to a sale there years ago and prices were really cheap. Wonder what they will bring in today's market. Joyce
  4. J

    DESTINY is on Equusite TODAY (Tuesday)

    Double dimes from me and I sent the alert on to several mini friends. Handsome fella !! Joyce
  5. J

    "Am I a real cowboy now?"

    You are a REAL COWBOY now and just the cutest pictures I've seen in a long time. Joyce L
  6. J

    First foal of the Year!

    Congratulations and he's as adorable as adorable can be !! Joyce
  7. J


    I would get him off his shavings as soon as possible and not wait until tomorrow. It may not be the shavings themselves but something in the shavings but get them out and see if that helps. I had something similar years ago from shavings and as soon as I removed them, the horse started to get...
  8. J

    Update on Monty....and me

    Your baby is georgeous Dona. And I' m so sorry to hear about your Mom. My Dad had that for several years before he passed away and I know what you are going thru. It's not easy for the family around the person who has it. Very tiring and very sad. In the end my Dad didn't die from it but...
  9. J

    DunIT is on Equusite TODAY (Saturday)

    Got my double tens this afternoon. Joyce L
  10. J

    Trubite to Barbaro

    Beautifully done but ever so sad.
  11. J

    Willie's professional pictures came in from the Wild N Wooly show!

    Great pictures and congratulations to you. Joyce L
  12. J

    Question for those who have Experience with Maidens

    Sometimes the maidens who don't like to be touched turn out to be the best Moms so I would worry if I were you unless you find you have a problem. Good luck. Joyce L
  13. J

    MHCO Photo Contes Ready for Voting

    I will vote later this evening when I have the time to really study them. I just glanced at them now and there are some faboulous pictures there and will be hard to choose. Quite a collection of minis and such a good idea. Joyce L
  14. J

    It's a Girl

    What a little darling!!!! Congratulations big time !!! Joyce L
  15. J

    Training To Drive

    There is a great book out on Teaching your horse to drive by Doris Ganton, I think the name is. Try to get it and a lot of your questions will be answered. I'm a new driver myself and found this book very helpful and it sounds like you are off to a good start. Good luck. Joyce L
  16. J

    Prayers need for Frankie and Sophie

    They have them, prayers for the mare and the family. Joyce L
  17. J

    Is it inappropriate to contact someone......

    Do ask. I would feel delighted to know someone admired my horse and would give them first chance if I was ever to sell the horse they called about. That's my thoughts. Joyce
  18. J

    Foal Resuscitators

    We always keep oxygen in the barn at foaling time and have had to use it a few times. Has saved some foals. Joyce
  19. J

    Remember YOUR first mini?

    Where are you in Maine? I have some minis with a friend of mine in Blue Hill Maine and she might be able to give you the prices of things in Maine. Email me at: [email protected] and I can give you her email address if that would help. Joyce
  20. J

    Top Cat's home

    That is wonderful news to have TopCat home with you again. I wonder if you couldn't somehow train his forelock to cover the ear to keep it warm etc. Or maybe he could have a little knitted sock made for him and figure a way to fasten it there. He sure looks good for all he's been through and...