I for one am AGAINST an AOTE program for AMHR. Why should we pattern ourselves after AMHA? If the Amateur committee should come up with some sort of program, do you think it will be implemented with the huge class list we have now that are MANDATORY for every show to include so everyone can get their points? I for one see this becoming a virtual nightmare trying to keep the points...the AMHRASPC staff is already stretched pretty thin on their "point keeping" with all the shows and the All Stars, Hall of Fame for both registries. I think it will be an impossibility to track these points ( and you ALL know that special year end awards will be the next step, as well as All Star points) without a show program from the Association that will automatically tally points and give the results for the local level shows as well as Nationally. Little do you all know about what goes into the point keeping for all the Amateur awards that are given out for each show, Congress and Nationals...it is a daunting task to say the least that Karen does...I for one stand up and applaud her efforts, as she has no computer program to do these with she does them all by hand...So here's to Karen
and all the hard work she does already for the the AMHR/ASPC Amateur program.
When I started showing, I studied the people in the Amateur and Open classes that were WINNING, and patterned my self after them....I asked tons of grooming, fitting, and conditioning, clipping, farrier work, had those people that were winning assess the horse I was leading. I wanted them to be honest, and not tell me just what they thought I would hear, I wanted to learn how to beat them at their own game....that folks is the name of the game....beating whomever you think is on the top of that perverbial hill...There are those that are serious about competing, and then there are those that it is easier for them to "cry foul" then to go out and really try to learn and work their horses, becoming one with them...Personally... if a person, new to the business really wants to compete, they will learn, ask questions, and apply what they have learned to their advantage...
Flame suit is in place...

When I started showing, I studied the people in the Amateur and Open classes that were WINNING, and patterned my self after them....I asked tons of grooming, fitting, and conditioning, clipping, farrier work, had those people that were winning assess the horse I was leading. I wanted them to be honest, and not tell me just what they thought I would hear, I wanted to learn how to beat them at their own game....that folks is the name of the game....beating whomever you think is on the top of that perverbial hill...There are those that are serious about competing, and then there are those that it is easier for them to "cry foul" then to go out and really try to learn and work their horses, becoming one with them...Personally... if a person, new to the business really wants to compete, they will learn, ask questions, and apply what they have learned to their advantage...
Flame suit is in place...